Plank - a static exercise for all muscle groups

Plank is an exercise for those who want to be in good shape but do not have enough time for sports. In addition, it is so effective that it will complement any type of training. The essence of the exercise is to keep the body in a straight position for the maximum amount of time by tensing the muscles. The barbell involves the lower back, biceps, triceps, deltoids, back, buttocks, legs, and abdomen. Particularly heavy load - it is on the press.


In the case of beginners, the bar for beginners is needed to develop the ability to involve the internal muscles of the abdomen. This allows you to consciously strain the press when performing normal dynamic exercises - which has a positive effect on their effectiveness. The most common options for the plank:

rack on equal hands - to attract all muscle groups, bodyweight should be distributed between the two supporting sides (arms and legs). In this version, it is necessary to strain the abdominal press as much as possible, and the body from head to toe to pull in a straight line. This version of the bar trains the lumbar region especially well.

elbow stand - here it is also important not to dump the weight of the body on the upper or lower part - the concentration should be on two supporting sides. The bar with an emphasis on the forearms trains the lumbar and pectoral muscles, as well as the arms, legs and abdomen.

side plank - effectively fights extra inches in the waist, abdomen and sides. To do it properly, you need to lie on your side. The emphasis should be on the elbow (or on the straight arm), and the other arm can be extended up or fixed at the waist. This exercise trains the deltoid muscles, lateral press, and thighs.

plank with raised hand - able to strengthen muscles even more. It should be performed on bent elbows, extending one arm, continuing the straight line of the body (ie not too high and not too low). This type of bar is more involved in the work of shoulder joints, muscles of the arms, chest, abdomen, buttocks, and legs.

raised leg - helps focus on the muscles of the buttocks. To perform correctly, stand on the bar at the elbow and, without turning the body, raise your leg parallel to the floor.

plank on the hands fastened together - one of the easiest options for bar exercises, which is suitable for beginners to learn proper technique. Elbows are straight under the shoulders, legs straight. When performing, do not lift the pelvis too high and make sure that the coccyx looks sternly back. Try not to shake your head (this can provoke neck pain) and look only down or forward.

side plank on the elbow - complicated version of the exercise. Lying on your side, feet either on top of each other or one in front of the other. Lean on your left elbow, lifting your body, keeping your right hand on your right side. While tensing the abdominal muscles, gently lift the pelvis up, pulling the body in a straight line. Make sure that the buttocks do not take the body back, upsetting the balance.

side plank on the straight arm - the most difficult version of the bar for the development of oblique muscles of the abdomen. The body is extended in a line, the legs are either on top of each other or one in front of the other. Lean on your elbow, then slowly straighten, placing the weight of the body not on the wrist, but evenly on the open palm. The other arm can also be straightened up for exercise.

The most effective type of bar is considered to be the "side plank". It is during this type of exercise that most muscles are involved.


What gives the plank?

The main advantage of the bar is that this exercise develops the internal muscles of the abdomen and body, thus strengthening the muscular corset. In addition, the correctly performed bar improves the neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles, allowing in the future, for example, when performing other strength exercises, to strain the press solely by force of will.

What is a useful plank:

  • The muscles of the back from the neck to the waist are strengthened
  • The muscles of the abdomen and the entire cortex, buttocks and thighs are worked out at the same time

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