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RE: I sent drogin1 1 hive and will send the artist more as an apology transaction to prove i will change my posting behaviour

in #russia2 years ago (edited)

HERE , here is your 1 HIVE


I edited my original hotheadded clmment. Sorry for being overly passionate about these political topics. Heres the 1 hive i promised and mayhe ill send more
yeah so youre saying the nazi art is your favorite art? Lol whatever i guess you have a right to favorite ww2 propaganda posters whatever




so were you the one who got my reddit banned? are you part the ukrainian reddit nazi brigade?

whatever i removed your art

and heres your 1 hive, more than the 10-20 cents i made after curation etc

enjoy your free hive token . If i was trying to re sell your art as an nft thay would have been wrong but i was actually posting it here because platforms like twitter or ig would remove it and i just needed a place to show people and didnt know it was on deviant art. I found it on a russian telegram group called chat for people from "the right people z" that i was added to and read to monitor and blend in with extremists to keep an eye on them


I sent you the 1 hive more than was made off the orginal post in question and will send you more if you can just maybe accept my apology and understand i was being a hot head with tourettes and struggle with online arguments and misdirect my anger


What the actual hell even is this post?

I am just being overly active and paranoid and mentally ill probably.

I apologize and edit all my posts calling you a nazi. Ok?

Check your hive wallet and youll have hive tokens from me as a show of good faith as you are an artist and i have an obligation to help you now . But my intention was not to sell your art and there was no sale . I just posted it so i could have a place to host and link it to others and not have it taken down or censored...and i didnt know you were a deviant artist user . I assumed it was just anonymous art from a russian telegram and thought i was helping but like i said i was just being paranoid and mentally ill

So i hope you can accept ny apology