Russian Trolls have taken over Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter and Tik- tok

in #russia2 years ago (edited)

Russian trolls have taken over Facebook, Google, YouTube, Tik-Tok, Twitter, and everywhere else to sow disinformation so that citizens do not trust their own Governments.

This is how Putin and the KGB operates.

From Pizza Gate to 911 to Covid vaccines and now their current war in the Ukraine.

Putin’s memes are anti Semitic and anti Democracy… he want Citizens of the West (USA, Canada, Europe) to hate their Governments … Putin pays people to Troll everywhere and stupid people pick up their memes and share them everywhere.

Facebook and Google don’t care since they are earning $$$$ from the Ads that get posted on their viral videos and memes.

People are mostly stupid and never research the source of anything and 99.9 % are Russian Trolls… blaming the New World Order, World Economic Forum, Reptiles, Rockefeller’s, Rothschilds, the Jews….

These Trolls will do Anything to confuse people and have them going down their ridiculous conspiracy Rabbit holes.

It’s pretty pathetic how gullible people are.



I’m definitely one of the gullible idiots. At this point of course, I can no longer tell up from down. I know I’ve seen KGB reports on the power of controlling information and narrative, but I’ve also seen FoIA documents about project mockingbird which imply we’ve done the same thing to our own citizens here in the US. I guess the big takeaway for me is that, when we turn our backs on truth, and on honorable behavior, things really devolve quickly.

Thanks again, I feel fortunate to have found you!

Many of us have been fooled along the way. We are all guilty of believing sensational memes… and disinformation…. how many Americans were fooled by Pizza Gate ? The more outlandish the meme the more readily people are to believe them. The idea that Putin is de-Nazifiying the Ukraine when the Ukrainian President Zelensky is Jewish. How absurd. This is exactly how Hitler manipulated his own citizens to murder millions of innocent people. Putin is doing the exact same thing with the whole world.

I’m going to have to start paying serious attention - it’s like you’ve grabbed me by my shirt and yanked me out of the rabbithole.


BG 2.58: One who is able to withdraw the senses from their objects, just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell, is established in divine wisdom.

…never before have I so desperately wished to withdraw from this world these senses of mine which are so easily mislead. It’s not losing belief in the rabbithole that bothers me, it’s that I also don’t trust that which lies above it. I think I’m going to need to spend a few months with my head in a hole the ground 🤣

Both sides of this excel at disinformation. The "official story" of 911 is a clear case in point. It was obvious from day one that the towers coming down was an inside job designed to incite America into supporting new wars.

Of COURSE Russia and other countries are using the same tactics.

We are totally fucked.

we are totally fucked.

Unfortunately, yeah that’s the best conclusion I’m able to come to as well. The entire fabric of our reality as we know it has been doctored and messed with to the point that I don’t know how we can advance as a species. I pray we figure it out, life has a will to continue and to be free, I just hope we as a species are able to learn how to let life expresses itself through us.

Sad Bro. This is why we can't have nice things. "Russian Trolls!" Ahhh

I have lots of nice things. It’s true that Communists have nothing though.

damn commie bastards