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RE: The dangerous delusion: "Russia is a gas station with nukes"

in #russia2 years ago (edited)

There's a new field empires are built on today. The world isn't a static rock. The biosphere coats it's surface, and the organisms comprising ecosystems cooperate to increase the volume of the ecosystems and increase the availability and fecundity of niches, while also competing for the resources. ~1mya the nature of Earth's ecosystems dramatically changed, beginning an enormous decline in large animals with simple stomachs and the rise of ruminants, with more efficient food processing stomachs.

This changed people. If you compare the landscape today with that a million years ago, the first thing you'll note is the dominance of people that control how the niches are doled out, and the absence of large herbivores that used to control the biosphere. Control of the field of battle, literally the fields on which battle was conducted and from which wealth in terms of ecosystem niches was created, has formerly been the contest that created empire. Today that is again changing, however.

Today the battle is waged psychologically. A paradigm has been developed in which covert agencies advance NGOs that push specific derangements, and capital management firms (Larry Fink, et al.) take advantage of financial opportunities created by NGOs and political derangement to dominate financial niches. This is why the WEF is advanced by ESG, why fiat is being hyperinflated and will be deprecated in favor of Unicoin CBDC.

The human mind has become the primary field of battle today, because that controls the actual fields of the biosphere that create fecundity. The war ongoing for control of our hearts and minds is necessarily covert, because if we're aware of the contest we are absolutely able to rationally determine our mental landscape, which disables covert influence. People that are nudged and deranged into beliefs that are insuperable rationally are ongoing battles for profit.

Knowing who and what we are is the meaningful victory we can achieve in our personal lives. If we want to be victorious on the global scale, we will have to promote rational ideologies that prevent derangement on which corporate capital management companies (Larry Fink et al.) today dominate the field of battle.
