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RE: 2020-09-18

in #ruth4 years ago

The leaders talk about a lottery and they hate that. They say they know how to operate the farming machines and the grounders do not and therefore deserve more spots which is true and the leaders disagree.

What should they use as "money"??


Whatever you can barter and trade with. For the most part in this show, they don't really have a lot of choices at being purely and directly independent enough due to the nature of the problems and disasters which they can't get away from meaning limited leverage which can be a mechanism for free market trading and exchanging. Well, in some ways, they do appear to make some trade, that is services they do for each other. But they appear to make an emphasis on trying to share the load equally as if all humans are the same. But sometimes, they do go and offer both as the different characters do have different perspectives on the matter and some of them point out at times that some people appear to have more value and should be kept alive as they can do a lot more than other people can. But there is so much reliance on centralized government, not saying that is totally or always avoidable in a science fiction future such as in the 100. But then again, Murphy has been pretty independent at times.