Pat a cake, pat a cake...

I had a few more eggs left yesterday after cooking dinner and I decided to make a cake for Little Man to have a snack to munch on. I always make two cakes and save the second in the freezer.


I cut it in slices as soon as it cools down completely and I store it in zip lock freezer bags with pieces of baking paper in between so that that the slices won't stick together. Then, it's easy to pick as many slices as I like and microwave them for a little while (30 seconds are enough for one slice).


It's almost like having freshly baked cake anytime you crave for it. Even Little Man knows that when he wants cake, he can go to the freezer, open the door and start saying "Kik" (his word for cake). Mum will open the freezer drawer, she'll give him a slice to put in the microwave and he'll be enjoying one of his favorite snacks in less than a minute.

Want the recipe?

  • 5 eggs
  • 1 and 1/2 cup sugar (a little more a little less, always depends on what else I'm adding)
  • 2 vanillas
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 glass milk or yogurt
  • 500 gr self raising flour
  • Cocoa powder

That is the basic recipe I usually follow. This time I added a ripe banana that no one wanted to eat and the juice and zest from one medium orange. I mixed the eggs with the sugar first, then added the rest of the ingredients and left the flour last to add in batches. I poured the batter in my baking trays (which I always protect with some baking paper) and saved some to mix the cocoa powder. Finally, I poured the chocolate batter on top of the white one and baked for less than an hour in a preheated oven at 190 °C (that always depends on the oven).


Basic, simple and tasty, not too sweet as Little Man will have some of it too, homemade cake!!

Original content by @ruth-girl - All images taken by @ruth-girl with smartphone Moto G22 - All rights reserved


ooh, great looking loafs.. 🤠

Very nice. Banana orange, interesting combo.