Ruth cooks: potato patties

I had some potatoes that I didn't want to let go bad so I thought I could make some potato patties. I had never tried to make any before, but I had read a few recipes and of course... I improvised. For some reason I simply don't want to follow the exact steps of a recipe and even though I can find a lot of tested recipes on the internet, I always want to follow my instincts (basically my stomach) and try to combine ingredients that seem to go well together.


The process was easy but it took some time, mainly because I was cooking other dishes at the same time. I peeled, cut in small cubes and boiled 4 medium potatoes in water with lemon juice and rosemary. Then, I strained them and mashed them. I added a little grated gruyere cheese, pepper, salt, dry garlic, dill, peppermint, two eggs and bread crumbs. I shaped into small balls and rolled in a bowl of bread crumbs.


I fried on hot sunflower oil long enough for them to get this nice golden color.


While hot they were simply delicious, almost as good as those we eat at tavernas. They make the perfect side dish for barbecues although I could have them as a main course with a nice cold yogurt dip and some fried zucchini sticks.


I saved a bunch in the freezer and I'm curious to see whether they'll taste as good, since the leftover ones we had the next day were not as yummy as when they were freshly fried.

Original content by @ruth-girl - Photos taken by @ruth-girl with smartphone Moto G22 - All rights reserved


Looking like very tasty. I have eaten the same recipe that my mom had made in Ramazan.
The Recipe's name is Potato cutlets. Very easy recipe you can try to make it at home and eat with tomato catchup or Green yogurt.

Food like this should be eaten on first day of the making. Otherwise taste will not be the same. Have you used bread crumps for the upper layer ?

They look yummy. I’ve learned over the years that fried foods no matter what it is never tastes the same when reheated. Unlike stews and soups that always improve the next day.

Hey, nothing against you/the post but the rewards seem a bit high for it.

They look so tasty...