Shrimp linguini!!

A good wife has to spoil her husband every once in a while...

And what's a better way to spoil a man than make a delicious lunch for him?


My man brought some fresh shrimps yesterday afternoon and I made an amazing dish with linguini pasta and a sauce with fresh tomatoes from dad's garden, garlic, mustard, smoked paprika, sweet paprika and curry.


It was so good we licked the plates clean in the end 😂

What did you have for lunch today?

Original content by @ruth-girl - 2020 - All rights reserved
Originally posted on HIVE, also shared on my Whaleshares and Steemit blogs


Yogurt. Plain, fat free!! OMG you have made me hungry. Have to go make something tasty :))

Reading your post made me go and make pasta immediately. Yours looks so good. Yummy

it looks really delicious

Pasta is still a favourite dish with my family