Taking care of Little Man

Our boy has been sick the past two days...


With a fever of almost 38,5 degrees C yesterday he's been cranky and whiny.


And to add to the whole situation he's teething as well!


Poor thing... I had to take two days off to stay with him and tomorrow I'm going back to work as he's already getting better.


In other news, he's learnt how to pull himself up and stand on his feet while holding onto the furniture, he can now crawl on his knees and not his belly and he's turning into a curious little fellow thirsty to explore the world around him (and especially every socket, plug and charger cable around the house).

Original content by @ruth-girl - All rights reserved


I am so sorry. Sleepless nights for Mom. I never really slept when my kids had a fever. Always kept a wet cloth handy to hold the temperature down. So glad the little one is getting better. He is very, very cute.

Too bad he doesn't have any toys 😊

Thank you! The first night was a little difficult, hopefully the fever started to drop yesterday, he spent the day with a temperature of 37-37,3 C, today I think he'll be better. He was sleeping when I left for work.

His toys are all scattered at the other side of the room, he's getting some sunshine by the window here 🤣🤣

That sucks, glad he’s feeling better.
It won’t be long before he’s all over the place. A suggestion, get a toilet lid lock. Kids throw anything and everything in there. It will save you lots on plumber bills.

Toilet lid lock? God, that never occurred to me!! 🤦

αντε περαστικα του, ταλαιπωρηθηκε νωρις το πουλακι μου

Ευχαριστούμε, ακόμα δεν συνήλθε εντελώς, ρίχνει ακόμα κάτι ύπνους για ώρες το καημένο...

ξερεις τι.... οταν ειναι καλα βριζεις φωναζεις- τουλαχιστον εγω- και μολις αρρωσταινουν τα κανεις πανω σου και λες, θεε μου ας ειναι καλα και ας γυριζει το σπιτι αναποδα...τελοςπαντων αισθανομαι οτι μιλαω σαν τους γονεις μου...μεγαλωσαμε και εμεις

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Stupid baby

Stupid father, stupid son 😘

Try an amber neckless , but good luck to find a real one ...to know if it is real amber you burn the tip of a needle and plant it in , if it burns , not amber .
But really amazing for baby teeth .