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RE: Stolen Ethereum: Damage Control Supersedes Accusation

in #safu4 years ago

Usually when a business or a project gets a hit from a cheap shot like these two things can happen.
You Die, or you Try.

If you try and you handle it well then you get out of the situation :

  • More experienced
  • The damaged name becomes a survivors name
  • You gain credibility for not being a quitter
  • Usually, some amazing idea comes by because of the "We are in Danger"brainstorm.

Leo got some very nice leadership and Hardcore members.
I see Leo survive and get stronger from this, and I am not saying this as a catchy phrase of pointless optimism but as a prediction.

Now about the dirtball who stole 100k+ well scammers and this kind of prics got a special place in space hell.