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RE: Update on winter berthing

in #sailing4 months ago

How was the house?

The house was amazing. The one drawback, and probably the reason why it has remained on the market for as long as it has, is that it has a very busy road running in front of it. This would likely make it unattractive for those with a young family to be so close to a busy artery.

The rear of the house has a great deck though and one is sheltered from the traffic noise and such. Planning on leaving this choice up to my Daughter and Son-In-Common-Law to decide (and they are very taken with the place) as my motivation is that it is also lower in price than most places in the city. This bodes well for the boat kitty as there is a good gap between its asking price and our selling price of our current property; so shall try not to bias their decision. 😉