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RE: Sam-saturday--Something About.Me

in #sam-saturday5 years ago

It sounds as thought you had a very close family @melinda010100 and because of that Illinois will always hold a special place in your heart. I haven't seen a Girl Guide cookie for a very long time. They were a lot like shortbread and I used to like them.

Your high school classmate did a wonderful job of that painting. Does she know you still have it on your wall?


No. It was a guy and I have tried to look him up, but no one knows what happened to him.

My granddaughter sold cookies for a few years and they have about six different flavors to choose from. But they still have the shortbread cookies and they are good!

What a pity you can't track him down Melinda. He would no doubt be very flattered to know you still have it on your wall.

Girl Scout cookies have advanced with their range if there are six more flavours available.