Guided by God to overcome the challenges of life.

in #sc-v4 years ago


Greetings and blessings to the friends and brothers of the blockchain.

To the truth that we all know that we are children of God and that the Spirit of God guides us to all truth and all justice. Being led by the Spirit of God implies that God allows us to face and overcome life's challenges.

The word of the Lord teaches us:

"Because all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God." Romans 8:14 (NIV).

We have been created to face challenges; We have the mental capacity, the physical capacity, the psychological capacity and even the capacity of reaction, given by God to assume and overcome the challenges of living in this world.

It is the daily challenges that shape our character; if life did not have them, we would be weak, well-off and stagnant people; but “when we take on challenges, we are stimulating ourselves to reach beyond what we believe our limits are; although this inevitably implies overcoming some of our fears, be they failures, humiliations, mockery, fear of the unknown, dare to enter places or capacities that were not previously achieved ... etc. "

We can say that there are two ways of living, on the one hand wanting to be without problems, comfortable, safe and boring; Or, being at the forefront of action, overcoming obstacles, creating spaces, solving problems, forcing ourselves to think, so that in the end we can obtain new achievements and experiences.

What path should we take? I leave this reflection ... "who does not assume new challenges does not get new victories" ... Taking risks is something that requires faith, listening carefully to the voice of the Holy Spirit that whispers to you "you can do it ... that's why you were born."

There is a job waiting for you, a new invention, a ministry ... all with a great challenge, but also with the opportunity to do something significant, that breaks your plans and forces you to do your best ... even what still You have not discovered, but it is there inside you waiting for the right moment to shine.

God has worked on you ... has prepared you for the new that is to come, therefore, activate your faith in him. Because in the end, faith is like a muscle that grows when you exercise, your decisions to face challenges will make you grow and strengthen, even if you don't see the results at the beginning.

Grow in the personal trust that God gives you according to the power that acts in you, the power of the Holy Spirit that guides you, advises and motivates you to move forward in your life.

I pray to thank the Lord for the faith he has given us to try something new, to face challenges that make us people for the purpose of existence.

Remember that life's challenges are opportunities in which God helps us develop our character and our trust in Him, through His Holy Spirit that dwells in us.