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RE: The Scam Artists and Blackmailers Are Killing The Steemit Baby, Softly, Slowly......What We All Can Do

in #scam9 years ago

When someone creates a system that adds value to society, naturally there will always be those few who will try to take advantage of it. This specific scam artist thought what is $5 when I can make $3000? Just as you said, greed was definitely a driving force here. I am definitely a proponent of karma, and even though this may have seemed like a win in the short term to this particular person. Exerting force in one direction causes equal and opposite force in the other. The system has a way of catching up with these scums of the Earth. One way or another I would like to believe that someday this person will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Thanks for the great post!
~ Np


Lol, I agree with that karma catching up. Unfortunately we will never get rid of scammers. I hope that someone comes up with a way to post them on here. They can even have their own "special box" We need a love it button on here. (sorry, am a long time facebooker until getting hooked on Steem)