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RE: Is College A SCAM?

in #school8 years ago

I would like to see a return of Apprenticeship programs. Invest some of the capital that is being used for business for internal training so new employees will learn to do the job how the employer would like to see it performed.

The current standard is for those who hire employees to let taxpayers foot the bill through state-subsidized college education. This creates inefficiencies in both the employment and educational market as a "well-rounded" education is not a prerequisite for the completion of tasks required in most occupations. Also, a greater demand for education is created, without a commensurate benefit for those being educated having been shown, leading to an increase in the price of tuition.


that's an interesting thought! thanks for sharing damascus! ^_^

You can take it as a given that anytime the government get's involved it's going to cost more and not work as well. Eventually the government will keep fixing it until it doesn't work at all. Then the company will go OUT of business.