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RE: Effects of a Vegetable/Fruit Juice Based Diet On The Human Microbiome: Is It Actually Healthy?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

A large part of success here is perseverance and marketing yourself. Interacting with people (I mean like you are doing here). It honestly takes a long time to build up enough followers to gain more traction get more people reading stuff. (people do seem to like checking out stuff that a lot of other people vote on)

I think the secret is just to write stuff you care about if you do that and stick with it at a regular rate (not overwhelming followers with a million posts) you will find more and more people interested. At least that's been my philosophy for the past year. My writing itself is still a huge work in progress, learning how to phrase things in ways that are both informative, and at least a bit entertaining is really tough!


Well i'm all about perseverance haha! It was the topic of my second post. Thanks for the advice though. I am still trying to figure who I am as a writer, but I am really enjoying this platform. My drive to succeed here, has facilitated an almost obsessive search for knowledge haha It's actually kind of cool. As far as your writing, I think your doing a great job! I really enjoyed reading your post, and I was able to digest everything you were talking about. I just followed you, so i'm looking forward to reading more of your work!

Thank you very much :)