Dr. Michael Nehls on the Mel K Show

in #science5 months ago (edited)


The above image was made using stable diffusion with the prompt 'covid mask woman reading a newspaper colorful.'

I just published my latest Substack, titled 'The Hidden Dangers of Reading the News.' It puts together posts from this blog with some new material. Below you'll find the stuff you haven't seen yet, about the idea that the COVID program was biological warfare to make us all forgetful and confused.

Michael Nehls MD PhD recently appeared on the Mel K Show. Dr. Nehls talked about how the COVID vaccine impaired hippocampal neurogenesis which interfered with autobiographical memory. This memory-damaging impact of the vaccine appears intentional to Dr. Nehls. He sees it as the biological component of a larger plan, carried out largely by popular media, to make our population more confused and forgetful.

I'm not sure I completely buy his version of events. But I do know that the toxic foods many of us consume also contribute to confusion and forgetfulness. And I'm pretty sure that the powers that be don't want us clear and competent. So Dr. Nehls' theory may not be as crazy as it first sounds.

Dr. Nehls' new book on the subject is titled 'The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom.' It'll be available for purchase in a few days. I plan on ordering a copy. Although I haven't yet done the research to corroborate Dr. Nehls' claims, he seemed very clear and rational on camera. And his basic argument is straightforward enough:

  1. COVID vaccines cause harmful inflammation in the body including in the brain.
  2. This inflammation in the hippocampus impairs regular brain function, specifically the function of something called index neurons.
  3. This impairing of brain function was intentionally part of the vaccine program.

Personally I don't question the harm, but I wonder how intentional it really is. Lots of unnatural stuff causes inflammation, so of course a mass produced experimental vaccine would do that too. Then again, the control regime has been using every means at its disposal to dumb us down for decades. It would be unsurprising to discover that the vaccines were a part of this much broader effort.

On the show, Dr. Nehls message alluded to mass media being weaponized against us. He says that identity itself is being attacked. The rampant censorship and the tenor of the propaganda throughout our media landscape kind of make his case for him. The control regime's endgame is less clear. The regime obviously wants us stupid and obedient, but maybe there's more to it than that.

Many people see a mass mind control program with a biological component and they immediately think global domination conspiracy. But the control regime could have other reasons for carrying out the program. Maybe it wants to replace our natural identities with lower quality synthetic identities that are easier to manipulate. Or maybe the regime merely wants most people sidelined, unable to meaningfully participate in public life due to cognitive impairment or chronic illness.

This last prospect strikes me as extremely plausible. And this sidelining might be easier to accomplish if many of us are so confused about our identities that we must continually argue about them. If we're arguing with impaired cognition due to a manipulated biological environment, even better. As long as we're focusing exclusively on dimensions of identity like race and gender, we're not talking about how the control regime has stolen our power and ruined the world.

Most of us are aware of this, if only intuitively. Mainstream media prescribes public discourse and keeps the conversation away from real questions about power and the people who wield it. To people like Dr. Nehls, the whole COVID program looks like a delivery system for a biological weapon which makes us more vulnerable to such manipulation. I'll admit that the virus itself and the experimental vaccines do appear perfectly designed to mess up our brains and memories. Even so, I'm not quite ready to see COVID as primarily a biowarfare operation against the people of Earth. We'll see how I feel after reading Dr. Nehls' new book.

Read my novels:

See my NFTs:

  • Small Gods of Time Travel is a 41 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt that goes with my book by the same name.
  • History and the Machine is a 20 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on my series of oil paintings of interesting people from history.
  • Artifacts of Mind Control is a 15 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on declassified CIA documents from the MKULTRA program.

"COVID vaccines cause harmful inflammation in the body including in the brain"

Wow I am still in shock of this

Yes I'm still thinking this over.

Wow! For the intensity and shock value of the topic, you bring nuance and clear thinking to the table. Thanks for this. I also wonder what this manufactured COVID virus does to our bodies, given that it escaped from a lab and wasn't even a natural virus.

I wonder how our opinions will change after reading Kennedy's new book about the Wuhan cover up and the bioweapons arms race :)

Yes Kennedy's new book should be revealing. Looking forward to reading it!

Covid vaccines are very harmful
I’m just glad that I didn’t take it…

Good for you. I regret taking it.