First NFT token of a digital fragrance/Primer token NFT de una fragancia digital

in #science3 years ago


A few days ago we commented on this blog about the celebration of a wedding in which the engagement rings consisted of an NFT token, which I confess was quite shocking by the way, but it seems that the issue of NFTs has not yet begun to amaze us with its versatility and its opportunities especially for artists of all kinds.

Hace unos días comentábamos en este blog la celebración de una boda en la que los anillos de compromiso consistían en un token NFT, cosa que confieso que me resultó bastante chocante por cierto, pero parece que el tema de los NFT aun no ha empezado a asombrarnos con su versatilidad y sus oportunidades sobre todo para los artistas de todo tipo.

Personally, I can fit well the subject of NFTs with purely digital art, photographs either from nature or tuned with photoshop, mp3, videos and ultimately any piece of code with data that we can think of and give it a unique identity in blockchain for launch it on the NFT auction market.

Personalmente puedo encajar bien el tema de los NFT con el arte puramente digital, fotografías ya sean del natural o tuneadas con photoshop, mp3, vídeos y en definitiva cualquier trozo de código con datos que se nos pueda ocurrir y darle una identidad única en blockchain para lanzarlo al mercado de subastas de NFT.


What I still do not quite fit in very well is how to convert purely physical art such as painting or sculpture into something that can be converted into an NFT token, although I have seen some proposals such as filming the creation process, scanning the work and then filming the process of destruction of said work to guarantee its exclusivity.

Lo que todavía no acabo de encajar muy bien es como convertir el arte puramente físico como la pintura o la escultura en algo susceptible de convertir en un token NFT, aunque he visto algunas propuestas como filmar el proceso de creación, escanear la obra y filmar después el proceso de destrucción de dicha obra para garantizar su exclusividad.

But what I could never have imagined is that someone would convert a fragrance into an NFT token and it seems that they have already created the first one, it is the Berlin-based company Look Labs that have been able to encode a fragrance using near-infrared spectroscopy and make it a non-fungible token.

Pero lo que nunca hubiera podido imaginar es que alguien convertiría una fragancia en un token NFT y parece ser que ya han creado el primero, se trata de la compañía Look Labs con sede en Berlín que han sido capaces de codificar una fragancia utilizando espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano y convertirla en un token no fungible.


Spectroscopy is a technology that allows to recognize the compounds that form a substance or material by decomposing and analyzing the light they emit, to create a digital pattern identifying each component, this technology is commonly used, for example, to deduce the chemical composition of stars.

La espectroscopía en una tecnología que permite reconocer los compuestos que forman una sustancia o material descomponiendo y analizando la luz que emiten, para crear un patrón digital identificativo de cada componente, esta tecnología se usa comúnmente por ejemplo para deducir la composición química de las estrellas.

Look labs used this near infrared spectroscopy to identify and record the wavelengths of each of the perfume's components, creating a kind of digital reflection of its fragrance that could later be converted into a non-expendable token and put on sale on platforms of NFT auctions.
--What's next?

Look labs utilizó esta espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano para identificar y registrar las longitudes de onda de cada uno de los componentes el perfume creando una especie de reflejo digital de su fragancia que posteriormente pudo convertirse en un token no fungible y ponerse a la venta en plataformas de subastas de NFT,
--¿qué será lo próximo?.

More information/Más información


Hola @mauromar ;-( no entendí nada…
Sera que si compro un token lo puedo oler.

Well... this consumes one correct...see these rich, people can gamble and introduce NFT and auction it for fortune, its all hype.

THe real use case is actually to record a iteam on blockchain, and trace it's ownership...its great.

USeful to prove ownership of stuff such as real estate, art, music etc...but beyond that this is ridiculous.

MArried with exchanging NFT with like 538$ paid in fees...they say love is recorded on Blockchain, it cannot be currupted...hmmm...its provably a publicity gimmick to promote that coin base.

Love cannot be imprinted in Blockchain...ofcourse that ring cannot be thrown away, its aways there for life but well...its like...anyway.

I don't get it... can sell my cute pictures of my cat, making it into an NFT and action it... if I could contact James Bowel, I will give him this idea...that's the famous author of the Street cat named Bob...

Let's see...ts confusing, coz makes no sense.

Will a perfume fragnance be in NFT or just a signature of if its a copyright.

And they keep making money. While I work hard studying cryptos, writing and doing analysis, so ...anyway.

Maybe you can then sell your wife in rarible (at any price ;-D)

i don't have any wife or husband...ha!! Ha!! Only cats...which I don't think anyway will buy in NFT form.