New material that absorbs CO2 faster than trees/Nuevo material que absorbe el CO2 más rápido que los árboles

in #science2 months ago


According to a study carried out by MIT scientists, it is estimated that humans produce about 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year and that the Earth is only capable of absorbing approximately half of it naturally, which is why we will have to take a hand to the planet to absorb that other half that affects us.

Según un estudio llevado a cabo por científicos del MIT, se calcula que los seres humanos producimos unos 35.000 millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono al año y que la Tierra solo es capaz de absorber aproximadamente la mitad de forma natural, por eso tendremos que echar una mano al planeta para absorber esa otra mitad que es la que nos afecta.

Reforesting forests could be a solution but it is very slow, which is why new carbon capture methods are continually being developed that use different techniques, including the design of new materials such as the one designed by Heriot-Watt University of Scotland in collaboration with others. universities in the United Kingdom and the Chinese University of Science and Technology.

Reforestar los bosques podría ser una solución pero es muy lenta, por eso continuamente se desarrollan nuevos métodos de captura de carbono que utilizan diferentes técnicas, entre ellas el diseño de nuevos materiales como el diseñado por la Universidad Heriot-Watt de Escocia en colaboración con otras universidades del Reino Unido y la Universidad China de Ciencia y Tecnología.


This new material they have created, the researchers describe as a porous "cage of cages" created from oxygen, nitrogen and fluorine, which has been specially designed to capture both carbon dioxide and sulfur hexafluoride, which is a greenhouse gas even more powerful than carbon dioxide.

A este nuevo material que han creado, los investigadores lo describen como una "jaula de jaulas" porosa creada a partir de oxígeno, nitrógeno y flúor, que ha sido especialmente diseñada para capturar tanto el dióxido de carbono como el hexafluoruro de azufre que es un gas de efecto invernadero aún más potente que el dióxido de carbono.

All this has been possible thanks to the combination of computational studies with new artificial intelligence technologies that are capable of designing metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), promising materials for gas separation with low cost and less energy expenditure even in the presence of impurities like the water.

Todo esto ha sido posible gracias a la combinación de estudios computacionales con nuevas tecnologías de inteligencia artificial que son capaces de diseñar marcos metalorgánicos (MOF), materiales prometedores para la separación de gases con un bajo costo y menos gasto de energía incluso en presencia de impurezas como el agua.


According to studies by the Argonne National Laboratory of the US Department of Energy, an artificial intelligence model designed for this purpose could propose 120,000 different metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) in just 30 minutes, a job for which mortal scientists without the help of AI would take many years.

Según estudios del Laboratorio Nacional Argonne del Departamento de Energía de EE.UU. un modelo de de inteligencia artificial diseñado al efecto podía proponer 120.000 marcos metalorgánicos (MOF) diferentes en sólo 30 minutos, un trabajo para el que los científicos mortales sin la ayuda de la IA necesitarían emplear montones de años.

Personally, I believe that the solution to environmental problems is not to tear our clothes and prohibit or limit the use of a certain type of energy or industrial process, but to look for solutions of this type that allow us to continue moving forward, you contaminate everything you need then I'll go and clean everything.

Personalmente creo que la solución a los problemas medioambientales no está en rasgarse las vestiduras y prohibir o limitar el uso de determinado tipo de energía o proceso industrial, sino en buscar soluciones de este tipo que nos permitan seguir avanzando, tú contamina todo lo que necesites que luego ya voy yo y lo limpio todo.

More information/Más información


I agree, it is better if you can clean up than to put the economy in crisis;
I would be curious to know in practice how this porous material is supposed to work......
sure that with the help of AI today it is possible to make a big step forward in many areas.....

This is only the beginning.

Yes even though we are only at the beginning this is very comforting

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Very interesting solution. I agree with you. We can't go back in time and pretend cars, airplanes, air conditioning, etc. doesn't exist. It's much more difficult for us humans to take away something we were used it than to never have had it. This looks promising and I hope it can turn into something that can be applied to real life!