The director of the documentary “Super Size Me” dies at 53/Muere a los 53 años el director del documental “Super Size Me”

in #science2 months ago (edited)


As you already know, I don't normally deal with the obituary section, but this specific case has attracted my attention since I especially remember that documentary "Super size Me" that became famous two decades ago, at a time when there was already a lot of questioning the quality of what we normally call junk food.

Como ya sabréis, normalmente no me ocupo de la sección necrológica, pero este caso en concreto ha atraído mi atención ya que recuerdo especialmente aquel documental "Super size Me" que se hizo famoso hace dos décadas, en una época en que ya se cuestionaba mucho la calidad de lo que llamamos normalmente comida basura.

During the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, Morgan Spurlock presented a documentary starring and directed by himself, in which for a month he ate exclusively McDonald's hamburgers and chicken nuggets, accompanied by liters of soda to prove it in his flesh what effects it produced.

Durante la edición del Festival de Cine de Sundance de 2004 Morgan Spurlock presentó un documental protagonizado y dirigido por él mismo, en el que durante un mes se alimentó exclusivamente a base de hamburguesas y nuggets de pollo de McDonald's, acompañados por litros de gaseosas para comprobar en sus carnes que efectos producía.


During the month of the documentary, Spurlock gained up to eleven kilos, his fat levels had skyrocketed and his cholesterol was through the roof, his doctor even said that his liver was like pate, comparable to that of an alcoholic, which took his doctor to order him to end the documentary.

Durante el mes del documental Spurlock engordó hasta once kilos, sus niveles de grasa se habían disparado y tenía el colesterol por las nubes, su medico incluso llegó a decir que tenía el hígado como paté, comparable al de un alcohólico lo que llevó a su médico a ordenarle terminar con el documental.

After all this journey, the only thing that Spurlock could achieve was for McDonald's to withdraw its Super Size menu, which had been the reason why the filmmaker had developed the documentary, but it is clear that he was not able to raise awareness among the population of the low quality of this type of food.

Después de todo este periplo lo único que Spurlock pudo conseguir es que McDonald's retirase su menú Super Size que había sido el motivo por el que el cineasta había desarrollado el documental, pero salta a la vista que no fue capaz de concienciar a la población de la baja calidad de este tipo de alimentación.


At least for him, the documentary earned him an Oscar nomination in the category of Best Documentary, which helped him continue his career as a filmmaker and allowed him to shoot more than twenty films and documentaries, although unfortunately his career has been quite short, since he has died a few days at only 53 years old due to cancer.

Al menos pare él el documental le valió una nominación al Oscar en la categoría de Mejor Documental, que le ayudó a seguir su carrera como cineasta y le permitió rodar más de veinte películas y documentales, aunque lamentable su carrera ha sido bastante corta pues ha fallecido unos días con tan solo 53 años a causa de un cáncer.

We are not going to attribute his death solely to the ingestion of McDonald's products, not only because the documentation that I have looked at does not say anything but because it seems that this boy was not exactly Saint John of the Cross and that he led a somewhat dissolute life, but there is no doubt that we have to be very cautious with the things we put in our mouths (all of them).

No vamos a achacar su muerte únicamente a la ingesta de productos de McDonald's, no solo porque la documentación que he ojeado no dice nada sino porque parece que este muchacho no era precisamente San Juan de la Cruz y que llevaba una vida un tanto disoluta, pero no cabe duda de que hemos de ser muy prudentes con las cosas que nos llevamos a la boca (todas).

More information/Más información


That's so sad my good friend, I'm saddened to hear about the director's passing. "Super Size Me" was eye-opening, showing the impact of fast food on health. I'm Happy you shared this... Didn't even know

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