United Kingdom, first European country to authorize the sale of cultured meat/Reino Unido, primer país europeo en autorizar la venta de carne cultivada

in #science2 months ago


Singapore was the first country to regulate and authorize the sale of cultured meat in 2020, authorizing the company Eat Just to sell its cultured chicken product called "JUST Egg", in the same year the American company Upside Foods received approval from the FDA to sell its cultured chicken meat and now it seems that it is the turn of the Europeans.

Singapur fue el primer país en regular y autorizar la venta de carne cultivada en 2020, autorizando a la empresa Eat Just a vender su producto de pollo cultivado llamado "JUST Egg", en el mismo año la empresa estadounidense Upside Foods recibió la aprobación de la FDA para vender su de carne de pollo cultivada y ahora parece que le toca el turno a los europeos.

Now the sale of meat grown in the United Kingdom has also been approved, although in this case it is pet food from the Meatly brand, which has been authorized by the competent authorities of the UK, its product called Mealty Pet, is a kind of 100% lab-grown meat pasta made from chicken cells.

Ahora también ha sido aprobada la venta de carne cultivada en Reino Unido, aunque en este caso se trata de comida para mascotas de la marca Meatly, que ha sido autorizada por las autoridades competentes de UK, su producto llamado Melty Pet, es una especie de pasta de carne 100% cultivada en laboratorio a base de células de pollo.


Unlike the aforementioned countries, the UK authorization does not apply to humans but I suppose it is a matter of time, Israel is about to achieve it and in the European Union they are creating a regulatory framework for the production and consumption of meat cultivated, other countries like Australia follow the same path.

A diferencia de los países antes mencionados, la autorización de UK no se aplica a los humanos pero supongo que es cuestión de tiempo, Israel está a punto de conseguirlo y en la Unión Europea están creando un marco regulatorio para la producción y el consumo de carne cultivada, otros países como Australia siguen el mismo camino.

In reality, it is real meat, chicken cells are extracted from a live animal through a biopsy, of course with local anesthesia to minimize discomfort to the animal, muscle stem cells that have the ability to differentiate and multiply are selected and placed in a bioreactor containing a nutrient-rich culture medium.

En realidad, se trata de auténtica carne, se extraen células de pollo de un animal vivo mediante una biopsia, por supuesto con anestesia local para minimizar las molestias al animal, se seleccionan células madre musculares que tienen la capacidad de diferenciarse y multiplicarse y se colocan en un bioreactor que contiene un medio de cultivo rico en nutrientes.


The cells are fed and maintained under controlled conditions of temperature, pH and oxygen, during this process the cells multiply and differentiate into muscle, fat and connective tissue cells, just like real meat. The cells are organized into three-dimensional structures similar to real meat, using tissue engineering techniques.

Las células se alimentan y se mantienen en condiciones controladas de temperatura, pH y oxígeno, durante este proceso, las células se multiplican y se diferencian en células musculares, de grasa y de tejido conjuntivo, como en la carne real. Las células se organizan en estructuras tridimensionales similares a la carne real, utilizando técnicas de ingeniería de tejidos.

I don't want to think badly, but perhaps the harassment and demolition that ranchers and farmers in Europe and other Western countries are suffering has something to do with the fact that they are more interested in this type of livestock farming than traditional farming because it gives more income, it is more easy to control and causes fewer environmental and health problems.
Bon appetit!

No quiero se mal pensado pero, tal vez el acoso y derribo que están sufriendo los ganaderos y agricultores en Europa y otros países occidentales, tenga algo que ver con que les interesa más este tipo de ganadería que la tradicional porque da más ingresos, es más fácil de controlar y da menos problemas tanto ambientales como sanitarios.
Bon appetit!

More information/Más información



well, I agree....I think I'd have to taste it for the flavor, but for everything else I'm of the opinion that when an innovation is approved, it's only a matter of time and it will become an integral part of our society, thanks for the information

My biggest fear is hope the culture meat is free from any chemical danger to our health

In principle it should be, but you can never trust this people.

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Interesting development in the UK with lab-grown pet food. I believe it's a step forward in sustainable alternatives to traditional meat. Great blog as always brother