Hi The Teenagers, Remember Smoking Is Not The Cool Thing!

in #science6 years ago (edited)


It is important for us to maintain the health of our own family, one of them by keeping cigarettes from the environment of children and adolescents.

Currently the phenomenon of children who smoke since early is quite alarming. As happened in Payakumbuh, a 2-year-old child can spend 36 cigarettes in a single day.

"Smoking is not only caused by trends or lifestyle alone, but the effects of nicotine addiction is what makes pandemic always want to smoke, including children who smoke in school, permission to the toilet was used as an excuse to just smoke because it was feeling sour in his mouth," said Fuad Baradja, anti-smoking activist and administrator of the National Committee for Tobacco Control.

It is important for us to maintain the health of our own family, one of them by keeping cigarettes from the environment of children and adolescents. The reason, the children of course do not understand the substances contained in cigarettes.

According to the Director of Family Education Development, Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Sukiman MPd, people who are aware of health must understand if the cigarette is a negative impact on the body.

Kemendikbud also appealed if there are events and events sponsored by cigarette products or tobacco companies, is entitled to be reported because it should not support school use of cigarettes in schools. This is also contained in the Law regulating the prohibition of smoking for students and teachers, namely Permendikbud number 64 of 2015 on the prohibition of smoking in the school area.

In the same rules are also set sanctions firmly both schools and teachers who smoke in the school environment.

In order to prevent children from quitting smoking, we can motivate them that smoking is no longer a trend or lifestyle because it interferes with their own health.

This awareness can be tricked by providing information at school and in the family environment. Children and the young generation it's time to be part of anti-smoking breakthrough in order to become a healthy young generation and achievers.


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It would be great to see the research on how stress and socio-economic status affects the rate of smoking.

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