Debate: Earth Flat vs Earth Spherical

in #science7 years ago (edited)

The debate over flat earth and round earth re-sticking out. A group of people who are members of the Flat Earth Society try to sue the established theory that the earth is round.

The arguments between two camps that have different beliefs on the shape of the earth can be summarized simply as follows.

1. Earth Photos

Earth (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Flat Earth Group said that the photographs of the spherical earth that has been scattered so far is the result of engineering Computer Generated Imaginary (CGI) computer-made alias. Because of data satellites launched by NASA, the location of satellites in the atmosphere is not far enough from Earth to be able to photograph the earth as a whole.

The analogy is like when someone is photographing a house building, but the person's position is only 1 meter away in front of the house. Can the person take a full picture of the house? Of course not.

While Round Earth Group explains that the photographs of the earth that is round is indeed a result of CGI made NASA.

Analogy, the person who was about to take pictures of the house can not back down and can only take pictures from a distance of 1 meter. How to get all the home pictures? Of course by going around take lots of photos and then combine them.

That's exactly what NASA does to photograph the earth through satellites circulating in the atmostfer. CGI results are considered valid because the photos captured by satellites show that the shape of the earth has an arch.

2.  Satellite

Satellites in space (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

The Earth Flat group doubts the existence of satellites airborne in the atmosphere. A total of 3,000 satellites that NASA says are orbiting the Earth in space, not believed to exist by them.

They say, satellite images in the sky that circulated so far is also the result of CGI engineering.

Their argument, if there are thousands of telescopes in the world that can see and photograph planets, stars, and other celestial objects, why can not anyone see and photograph the satellite?

While the Earth-Spheroid Group explains the cause of no telescope on earth that can capture the form of satellites in the sky is because the size of the satellite is very small when compared with planets, stars, and other celestial objects.

Thus, it is natural that planets, stars, and celestial bodies can be observed more clearly by telescopes, because of their large size.

The Round Earth also provides examples of videotapes of very small satellite displays recorded by telescopes, if flat earth group can believe that the video actually captures the actual satellite look.

3. Antarctica

Illustration of flat earth with south pole at edge. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Flat Earth Group put forward the fact that during this journey around the world only done from east to west, and vice versa. No one can travel the world from north to south, especially through Antarctica or the south pole.

They claim, Antarctica is a wall of ice that surrounds the flat earth.

The revelation was denied by the Round Earth Group. They say, actually there are already several flights that cross the south pole. For example, it can be seen in the writings that explain the polar route (route through the poles).

However, flights across the south pole can not be done at any time, but depending on weather factors. This is why airlines can not schedule regular flights across the South Pole.

Moreover, the weather in the south pole can be very extreme, with temperatures reaching -40 ° C which can freeze the jet engine so that endanger the lives of all passengers plane.

4. Eclipse Cycle

Total solar eclipse (Photo: Wikimedia Commons) 

Eclipse cycle occurs every 18 years 11 months and 8 hours. The cycle was derived from the Saros Cycle made by the ancient Babylonians thousands of years ago.

The Flat Earth group says that NASA can never properly calculate the eclipse cycle based on the theory of the globular earth and their heliocentric theory, but only picks the number of the Saros Cycle that has existed since time immemorial.

Circle of Earth Sphere refutes the notion that they can not calculate the exact cycle of the eclipse.

The round-earth followers then detailed how to calculate the eclipse cycle through three main elements, the synodistic month, the nodic month or the draconic month, and the anomalistic month.

Synodistic month is the period of circulation of the moon to return to the original phase, which is 29.9 days. Nodis month or draconic month is the time period when the moon goes back beyond the node point, which is 27.2 days. The anomalistic month is the period due to the distance between the earth and the different moon, which is 27.5 days.

Of the three periods of time, then sought the value of the smallest common alliance, which is 18 years and 11 1/3 days.

5. Horison

Horizon at sea (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

The Earth Flat group says that the horizon of the earth seen so far is in the form of lines, not curves. So the shape of the earth is flat, not round.

It is visible, for example, visible from the top of the plane that the horizon of the earth still looks at eye level, which means the shape of the earth is flat or flat.

They also show experiments that ships that drift into the oceans turn out to be visible all of its parts, not just the tops as it has been buzzed round earth believers.

Flat earthers prove it by using a powerful 83x optical zoom camera or binoculars. The result: all parts of the ship can still be seen, although it looks small because the perspective of a long distance.

The Round Earth Group denies the argument. They say, the sighting of the horizon (the imaginary line between the earth and the sky), which seems to be the height of the eye just shows that the earth is round.

If the earth is flat, then from the plane one can see the flat edge of the earth with a sophisticated telescope.

But from a distance, at any location including at a location that is considered near the edge of the earth though, a person who boarded an airplane still can not see the expanse of the edge of the earth.

So after seeing the arguments of the two camps above, which one do you believe?


Source>: Read Here 

Suorce image :



Great job @nasrud..:)

your post is very interesting, I like your post, because it can add insight for me, hopefully the future can provide better posts again, so that I can know many things in my life, thank you..😀😀😀

you r welcome

  1. It's not CGI it's a composite image.
  2. You can see satellites, I've seen the ISS with my own eyes. Other satellites are tini and moving fast but if you could figure out their position you could see them with a telescope.
  3. You can fly from North to South, but why would you? Antarctica is not a wall of ice, you can even visit it.
  4. What? What kind of person thinks we can not calculate when an eclipse will be? That's just dumb. Of course we can, it's modeled.
  5. Except the flat earth argument here doesn't even work. The terrain plays too big a role on a small scale. Curvature can be masked by underlying topology of the land. Needs to be a much bigger scale then one could see with some binoculars.

Flat earthers want people to believe there's an argument here. There isn't one.

Let me pose a question for anyone. What does it matter? Who gains anything from the shape of the planet? Space is still real in either mindframe so don't say NASA, satellites are still above us in both. Nobody gains anything from either side of this argument. Why would all available scientific data support a spherical planet be fake? Scientists can't even agree on very common things, everyone loves to argue and refute. People make their careers on proving things we once thought were wrong. Yet there isn't anyone trying to disprove this? Why is that? Because some boogeyman telling them not to? No. It's because there isn't anything to refute.

My older kids (now 24 and 16) learned in school that it is an oblate sphere. Both of them asked the teacher why then all of the pictures show them a round ball. The teacher's answer was something like "Everybody is so used to this image, it would confuse them to show an oblate sphere now". This was not only confusing but rather irritation for my kids.... even more so, because me and my husband had no satisfiying answers for them either - when we went to school it was still supposed to be a ball-round-sphere...

yes friends added good information I personally believe the theory of the earth round why? globally we will find a tip or a wall covered by the earth's surface. thank you for sharing Maybe they just read it from some sunber that cover the north was all covered by ice. but they did not go there. I just painted it from the arguments of those who argue this. human brain is getting smarter :)

My older kids (now 24 and 16) learned in school that it is an oblate sphere. Both of them asked the teacher why then all of the pictures show them a round ball. The teacher's answer was something like "Everybody is so used to this image, it would confuse them to show an oblate sphere now". This was not only confusing but rather irritation for my kids.... even more so, because me and my husband had no satisfiying answers for them either - when we went to school it was still supposed to be a ball-round-sphere...

Well it's not even all that significantly oblate, it is 0.3% off from a perfect spherical ball. Now that difference DOES make it oblate, but if you were to make a realistic model it wouldn't look all that much different.

I made some photos :-) what could this be.... Cheers from the Seven Mountains in Germany!

very nice photos i love it

So, what do you think it is? Round, flat, shperical? :-)

I am more confident the earth is not flat. if it is flat someone will find the wall barrier :)

I was rather referring to my photograph - tell me, what do you see in it?

I see it look like a solar eclipse. orange-like rim of light that is being covered :)

;-) it's a game I play with my children to show them how easily our eyes are tricked and how important it is to train the brain to be as open as possibel for any surprise the eyes can see :-) On the picture you see our (worn) kitchen table viewed through the paper roll (you mentioned in your other comment). I tipped the roll for a millimeter so the flash of the camera creates the light you see... you can even move the paperroll over a survace and trick your eyes - try it out!

Edit: ignore this. accidentally posted at top level

toilet paper tube looking into a rusty pipe?

very good - toilet paper tube is exactly what I was using here while looking at our (worn) kitchen table. I already mentioned it in a comment further below, but just to make sure you can read it as well: It's a game I play with my kids to show them how easily our eyes can be tricked - or rather the brain/thinking which connects the "schooled" in-formation to the picture the eyes transmit... :-) you can even move the papertube over the table - try it out! Cheers from the Seven Mountains in Germany

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