Let's be honest ¡PLEASE! ¿Can we? (Chapter Two)

in #sciencelast year

¿Is the FUTURE just a fallacy? apparently some "physical" evidences hints that it is. And today in the year 2023 on a six of June, we will try one more time to revisit and take a closer look to such evidences. More than anything, because lately here in the Hive blockchain, I've stumbled upon an increasing amount of posts and content that curiously talk about the future.

¡Howdy my dear readers!

Today I bring you a topic of #discussion that for these times of uncertainty and turmoil that are running, seems more than appropriate to debate. ¡The Future! yes the "future". ¿Is there such a thing as the future? Some free thinkers out there begin to question it. As also did a great number of scientists, astronomers, researchers and philosophers centuries ago.

Apparently more and more "physical" evidences have emerged every day that suggests that we have long been living in an intimate mirage of perpetual fantasy that only resides in our own minds exclusively. Our own inner bubble in space-time continuum.

Alright! let's expand the concept just a little bit.

I think that on several occasions before, I have mentioned that I am a scientist. A research scientist indeed. But I also believe that I never made it clear to you what science specialty I graduated from. Well, I studied and graduated from physics. So, I suspect I must be a physicist. Or at least that's what my college title says. :)

But yeah, to tell the truth, let's say that I never practiced physics as a profession for a long time. Basically due to the scarce field of work that my country offered me in that specialty of scientific research. So, after a couple of years practicing it in the academic area of the university environment and some of the few research institutions on the matter in my country. Due to strictly financial and economic reasons, I suddenly decided to switch and immerse myself in the HiTech field as soon as the opportunity pop up.

And it has been precisely in the area of high technology that I have developed my career professionally since then. But without ever forgetting my first great love in the world of scientific research. Despite the fact that it was no longer able to reward me financially. Therefore, I never stop being up to date on the matter of this first love.

And well, you may wonder if all this that I have told you above is going to have any relevance with what I will develop next. Uhm, ok, let's let that you decide and you conclude that by yourself according to your own criteria. But for me, I think it was necessary to include that brief prelude in the discussion. And in few seconds you will see why.

So, The Future eh? Ok, here's the thing:

“How long is forever?” - asks Alice.
“Sometimes, just one second” - replies the White Rabbit.

  • ¿How do we know that the usual perception is right and any other is wrong?

  • "When we wake from a vivid dream we are usually dimly aware that the sense of time we have just experienced is illusory"

  • “Quantum mechanics cannot deal with the curvature of spacetime. And general relativity cannot account for quanta”

So, as an attentive and keen observer in space-time from your own perspective and from the specific point of reference where you are standing. Between Loop Theory and String Theory it is easy to catch that Reality is not what it seems and at this level there is no evidence of time. Let alone direction ...or existence. Isn't it?

  • The difference between past and future, between cause and effect, between memory and hope, between regret and intention in the elementary laws that describe the mechanism of the world, there is no such difference. In a quantum world, with neither what we understand as substance or order, there are only events, which crowd around chaotically. At the deepest level of mathematical physics, time does not exist at all.

Well, in fact I don't have the intention to eat your brain too much with this subject. It's just that lately, through the Hive blockchain, I have been reading perhaps too many posts talking now about the future or that refer to the future in some way.

Yeah, I suppose that due to the recent and current circumstances where we've been going thru imposed confinements, isolation, quarantines, lock downs and social distancing which still are going on worldwide. That all these unusual situations probably are awakening in people more often than ever feelings of anxiety, agitation, watchfulness, uncertainty, confusion, depression and hopes in the future.

All this new unprecedented situation from an economic, financial, labor, human and social point of view that not only affects the usual markets and structures of the offline world but also the technological digital world online including ours over here in the blockchain. Seems to inspire and lead people to generate once again an increasing amount of content talking and speculating about the "virtual" future. Yeah! ..."Tha Future"

Expectations, expectations, expectations and then hopes.

If you really believe in the future, it is not that this is going to hurt you. Nope, not in the least. But just to conclude this post and reflection. From now on, let me just add one last audiovisual scientific evidence to better illustrate what I wanted to convey and mean in this article. From my extravagant "scientist" point of view.

«-Doppler Effect-»

Yep! don't worry. The video will start playing from the minute 1:15:21 and the short segment of the video that I have selected to describe and illustrate the concept of what I am going to explain next does not last long either. I suggest you watch it in full. Yeah, only the one related to the Doppler Effect. Later on, if you wish, you can calmly watch the full documentary. I assure you that you are going to love it. :)

But what I really wanted to conclude in relation with the future, the potential and possible existence of the future or simply our perception of the future, is specifically the following:

Regardless of your perception of the light toward red-shifts or blue-shifts. Regardless of your perception of the sound toward high-pitch or low-pitch changes. You as an observer, you are perceiving everything only from the peculiar position and perspective of your own mind. And this peculiar position and perspective usually never matches anyone else's. Merely for three simple reasons:

  1. No one simultaneously occupies the same position at the same time in the same space-time. And much less in the "frequencies" of your own mind.

  2. There will never be such a thing as the future if you just remain static and not in constant motion. The future never comes to you, you have to move to find it.

  3. If you are unable to perceive light red-shifts or blue-shifts and sound changes in the frequency and tone between what is approaching or moving away, then my friend, there is no future for you no matter what you hope. ¡This is all pure physics!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf



I am not a physicist. Congenital foolishness has deprived me of mathematical competence. I have struggled to gain some understanding of physics nonetheless (perhaps an effect of the aforesaid foolishness), and have arrived at some level of comfort with the concept of spacetime.

Also, I am disturbed when I see gravity described as a force, as in the first video, showing gravity as one of four forces. Thereafter the narrator pointed out that gravity is just the shape of spacetime in the presence of mass, which means it isn't a force anymore than volume is a force. When I drop a stone into a pond the water rushes away from the stone, the volume of the pond changes shape to accommodate the volume of the stone. This is an energetic event, just as is an apple falling out of a tree and smiting my head, but just as the gravity flinging the apple at me isn't a force, neither is the volume of the stone pushing the water around a force either.

Forces result from mass moving in spacetime, but the geometric shape of spacetime isn't a force in the way electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear forces are, carried by specific particles. If spacetime consists of spacetimeons, then perhaps they are the particles carrying gravity - but that can't be the case, since gravity doesn't travel between massive objects anymore than the shape of the pond water travels to the water and the stone. Where the stone is, water isn't, immediately, and as mass exists in spacetime, spacetime has a shape, immediately. Because of the inverse square law, the effect of mass on a given region of spacetime diminishes the further in distance the mass is from the affected region, but this doesn't happen more slowly across increasing distance. Spacetime is shaped immediately no matter the distance, and the relative mass of the object governs the degree of warping, not adding or decreasing delay.

Particles and forces do take time to traverse spacetime, unlike gravity, which is the shape of the spacetime particles traverse.

I know there is a Planck length. That means that there is also a Planck time, since in my understanding there isn't any distance that can be traversed in the absence of time. I have before attempted to describe how our perceptions of the universe would be different if we perceived space as we do time, and time as we do space. We perceive space as an uninterrupted reach, an entirety from one limit of our perception to the other, but perceive time as a sequence of instants, a series of nows that follow one after the other, with those occurring before this moment and those that will occur after this moment as no longer existing.

This being a somewhat confusing imaginary excursion, and I being particularly incompetent at the moment due to unrelated issues, I won't try to describe that perception here, but will leave it for you to imagine yourself. Perceiving events that occur in spacetime as extending forward and back in time to limits of perception, but space as a sequence of singular points we traverse that thereafter do not exist, and have not come into existence until we reach them, is an interesting exercise (at least, for me), but most interesting about that exercise is that it doesn't alter my understanding of spacetime. Either way I envision perceiving it, it is still one thing, not two separate entities.

So I am quite baffled by your statement:

"At the deepest level of mathematical physics, time does not exist at all."

That seems to me to be the same thing as saying that space does not exist at all, since time and space do not exist at all in my understanding, but spacetime is what exists and we perceiving as we do causes us to consider spacetime as two different things, space and time.

Is that indeed what you mean, or, as I suspect, do you mean something else?


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