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RE: scotbot: huge speed boost

in #scotbot5 years ago (edited)

The problem with sending token is that broadcasting a custom_json needs around 1-2 seconds and when the same token should be send to two different accounts, the delay is 3 seconds (only one custom_json in a block).

Good news this can be improved with HF21 as it is raising the limit of custom_json per block.

During implementing this, I build in a bug, which allows it to claim the same amount of token several times (only for scot token which transfer token). The bug is fixed by now.

Can you tell how often this happened and for how much? This seems like a big issue. I know a few people have said they have been able to claim more than once.

The time delay between broadcasting votes and comments and showing them on a tribe website could be strongly reduced. It should be below 15 seconds right now.