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RE: What is U2F? If You Use Text Messaging As Your Two Factor Authentication For Coinbase/Gmail, You Need To Read This Now

in #security7 years ago

Upvoted and resteemed, then closed window to go to Trezor's site.

Now waiting by mailbox. Security cameras are installed, but currently have no authentication method to confirm identity of mailperson.

But once that key's setup and in my hands, I'll never let go Jack, I'll never let go, 'cause people going to this much trouble over $8,000 seemed crazy to me until about 17 minutes ago.

Thanks much for the post!


lol i know isnt it crazy how you have to be THIS cautious now? If somene at the the trazor factory tampers with your trezor, u can still reset it yourself,
but yeah its best to have paper wallets, download bitcoin armory, then download bitcoin core and rul your full node, u gtta have 100GB of space and a fast cimputer

then have a paper bitcoin wallet private key that u can have backed up on paper

but yeah trezor will be good too

just get multiple treszors, also nano ledger, get MULTIPLE hardware wallets, split up all your bitcoin between them all!

Yup! Gotta cover all the angles...

your response made my day. And it was by far the best answer of the day. Congratulations. You've just won 5 Steem dollars in the form of my upvotes.


Your article and its resultant commentary really was an eye-opener. No more assuming, on my part, that any neerdowells would probably go after the big fish instead of me.

Better safe than sorry!