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RE: On Mastership And New Pathways | Noone Knows Anything Worth Copying 1:1

in #self-development3 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't worry so much about being right, I would worry about learning. If one can learn it is easy to stop being wrong.

Maybe you are right and they are wrong. Maybe they are right and you are wrong. Maybe neither of you are right. Is it possible that both of you are right?

But after all, all roads lead to Rome.


It comes down to most saying it can't be done when I fully believe it can be done. Now I just have to do it to see who had the right idea and who didn't :)
learning is all that drives this to this point.

as always i feel grateful for your fucssing my thoughts. you seem to have that quality about ya, mind distiller ;)

I'm glad. Thanks!