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RE: Hive as Parasitic SEO?

in #seolast year

beware of being seen as spammy as the 'Hive police' could get on your case

Those folks already drove a ton of people away, I think if they take offense at useful content that happens to link out once to an on-topic property I own then this place deserves all the hate it gets.


I believe their intentions are good, but their methods are lacking. It is not in their interest to trash Hive. They deal with a lot of crap most of us never see. Plagiarism and other fraud would be out of control without someone taking action. Some people who get caught out go on the attack and spread bad vibes that deter others. That said, I do believe there are some innocent victims. Hive has a lot going for it and we need to find the right balance of freedom and control.

Yeah I don't mean the legit anti-spam folks, I mean the more vocal ones who hound people off the platform for breaking unwritten rules. I had various people pile on me just for posting more than once during a 24 hour period, and for making a WordPress plugin that helps with reusing your Hive content on other sites

There are no 'official' rules really, but some people have opinions anyway. I've seen it all over the years and had people attack me for taking a stand.