How to Optimize SEO for Apps and Improve Your ASO

in #seolast year (edited)

How to Optimize SEO for Apps and Improve Your ASO

Like any website, mobile apps need optimization to be more visible on the SERP and to rank higher in their mobile app stores. There are millions of applications in both Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Every year that number grows, increasing the amount of competition. And more than ever, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is becoming crucial for any app marketing strategy marketers want to implement.

Along with SEO, people should remember the ASO (App Store Optimization), which also determines how high your app is ranked in the app store search results. You need to combine both to have a better chance of ranking high on search engines and being visible to a wider portion of the market.

In this article, you will learn how to optimize SEO for apps, improve your ASO strategy, and the best way to update your marketing strategy and gain more app visibility in the markets.

Table of contents:

  • How to Optimize SEO for Apps and Improve Your ASO
    • What is SEO for Mobile Apps
    • Why Is Doing Mobile App SEO Important
    • How to Make a Good Mobile App SEO Strategy
      • Create a Website
      • Do Some Keyword Research
      • Optimize the App Name and Metadata
      • Write Blog Content
      • Implementing App Indexing
      • Make Some Link Building
    • What is ASO (App Store Optimization)
    • Different Ways to Improve Your ASO Strategy
      • App Title, Sub-Title, and Description
      • App Preview
      • App Icon
      • Ratings and Reviews
      • Hiring a Professional SEO Agency
    • Key Takeaways

What is SEO for Mobile Apps

What is SEO for Mobile Apps

SEO optimizes your Apple App Store or Google Play Store mobile apps to rank higher in search engine results. It is achieved by knowing how and what people are searching for.

Just like it happens when you try to optimize the content on your website, improving metadata and headings, you can adjust your mobile app's content to ensure it is spotted and indexed by search engines.

Why Is Doing Mobile App SEO Important

It has become more important since Google increased its focus in favor of mobile-friendly sites several years ago. Google also recommends mobile apps related to what people are searching for right from the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

Finding your mobile app in mobile search results is very relevant to acquiring new users and retargeting existing ones. It could happen that users are looking for something that you are offering in your apps.

Doing SEO for mobile apps, you can make them land on your site by clicking on the search result.

How to Make a Good Mobile App SEO Strategy

Doing SEO for mobile apps will build awareness, encourage more app downloads, and increase conversions. There are many strategies that you can focus on.

Create a Website

It seems kind of obvious. Yet, not all mobile apps take advantage of a desktop or mobile website, missing out on a great opportunity.

Many users get familiar with apps through Google search, making it crucial to offer them an option to explore your website. Some users would want to learn more about a certain app from its website, despite already knowing bits from social media campaigns and ads.

Treat your website as a salesperson and your business card in one. Thus, not having those will result in letting potential customers go.

Do Some Keyword Research

Do Some Keyword Research

Keywords are one of the most important things in SEO, and having the right ones will ensure your success.

The right keywords will help you gain visibility on the SERP, increasing the traffic to your website, which will lead to increased traffic to your app. You should check which keywords bring your app the most traffic and conversions. You can also find which interesting keywords aren't on your dedicated page.

You can aim for generic keywords that you would like to get more traffic from, and it lets you optimize an existing page of yours. Or simply create a new page or blog covering this specific topic. For example, if your business offers certain services, but the page for your new product isn't ranking, you can check if your page is optimized for the best possible keywords.

Optimize the App Name and Metadata

SEO app marketing doesn't only begin with including the main keywords you want to rank for. You should also optimize your app title, name, description, and URL.

Ensure that the metadata from your website and your app "speak the language" and share the same strategy. You should be consistent with the tone and overall approach.

Write Blog Content

With SEO being part of the writing process, you can increase your website's traffic and authority over time.

It is not unusual to see sites full of blog pages that don't get much traffic. Google prioritizes high-quality content for the SERP. If your articles are short, don't add significant value to the users, don't answer specific questions, or simply aren't interesting enough, website traffic won't increase.

By doing some research, you can optimize your pages using specific relevant keywords and include the most important terms before writing any article.

Implementing App Indexing

Implementing App Indexing

App Indexing will enable you to figure out Google search results and other relevant web results. It allows Google to crawl and index the app just like it would be another web page.

By implementing app indexing, you will reach a wide target market searching for the same type of services or products that your app offers. If any of those users don't have that particular app installed, they will see an install button, encouraging users to take action and try out the app.

The main advantage that app indexing provides is users can discover your app while looking for informative content. It allows it to reach audiences outside the app store, generating more traffic and increasing the number of app downloads.

To get the app indexed by Google, you have to use the same URL in your app that you use on your website and verify you own both. Then, Google Search can crawl the links on your website and display them on search results.

Make Some Link Building

Another SEO strategy that will help you get more visibility and increase your app or website ranking over time is link building.

It involves getting high-quality links from other sites to yours through infographics, guest blogging, directories, and other SEO-friendly activities. Basically, letting others link your website to their articles and blogs.

What is ASO (App Store Optimization)

What is ASO (App Store Optimization)

Now, let's dive into the other half of app SEO optimization: ASO.

App Store Optimization, also known by the acronym ASO, is an iterative process that boosts the visibility ranking of your app in mobile app stores. It is about increasing your app's ranking in relevant search rankings.

The most crucial difference between ASO and SEO is that ASO mainly happens in mobile app stores (like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store), while SEO is more focused on web searches and the ranking on the SERP.

Different Ways to Improve Your ASO Strategy

We already discussed how you could optimize your SEO strategy and improve SEO for apps. Let's check how you can do the same with your ASO strategy.

App Title, Sub-Title, and Description

App Title

We talked about how you should conduct keyword research to optimize your SEO and optimize your app title, name, and URL using relevant keywords. This goes the same for ASO as well.

You should choose an app title that includes your main keywords. It has to be short and descriptive. The title is an important factor that will take part in how your app will rank.

Another area to pay attention to is your app description. The app description helps the audience decide whether to install and use your app. It grants in-depth information about how the app caters to their needs or provides the solution they are looking for.

A good app description will convince your users and increase app downloads. Moreover, optimizing it to include the right keywords will allow the app to rank even higher on the app store.

app Sub-Title

Lastly, we have the sub-title. It gives you 30 more characters to explain what your app does further. You can focus on adding more primary keywords that couldn't fit the main title.

App Preview

App Preview

Most of the apps include descriptive images to show what the app does. And so you have to.

Including visual elements can give a glimpse of your app's interface. You do it by showing it via images or videos.

Create good-quality videos and images to foster curiosity among the audience and encourage them to try out the app. A good app preview will certainly help boost conversions.

App Icon

 App Icon

Another important part of improving your ASO is optimizing your app icon. They need a design that helps your app stand out from the rest and helps users to identify and connect with it.

The app icon should be relevant and related to your brand image and app. You should optimize it following the app store criteria. For example, both Apple App Store and Google Play Store have different standards when it comes to the colors, size, or shape of your app icon.

Pay attention to the criteria of the respective app store where you will launch your app. Otherwise, it could negatively affect your ranking.

Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and Reviews

Apps with high ratings will rank higher on app stores and search engines, leading to greater conversions. And bad ratings can sink your ranking and negatively impact the number of app downloads.

To summarize, ratings and reviews can determine the livelihood of your app. The crucial part is connecting with those happy users and encouraging them to review your app. Most use an app plugin to make it easier to leave a review.

Another good practice you should do is respond to negative reviews and do so promptly. It will show users you are listening to their feedback and you care to make improvements based on user experience.

Hiring a Professional SEO Agency


Taking care of everything all by yourself can be a daunting task. Therefore, consider hiring an SEO agency that will do everything for you. Usually, it’s quite an investment, but you’ll see the results of a properly implemented SEO strategy in about six months.

GamerSEO is an example of a professional SEO agency that will guarantee that the strategic plan will be effective and achieve all expectations. Letting professionals do the work for you is your best bet, and you shouldn’t hesitate if you have the funds to do so. Simply fill out the contact form, and they will contact you ASAP.

Key Takeaways

Optimizing your mobile app is vital to make your app more visible to our target audience. No matter how great your features or design are, your app will remain "invisible" to many potential customers without proper optimization.

These strategies will give you a proper head start to optimize your app for SEO and ASO successfully. But you should keep in mind that results can take some time and is a process that needs to be updated frequently. Especially if there are any changes in the search engines or app stores algorithms.

Also, you shouldn't only start with doing SEO and ASO. The success of a mobile app marketing strategy will depend on many factors, and it can't rely solely on optimizing it for SEO and ASO. The most popular apps have branding, and some even have communities around them, driving a steady flow of new users while maintaining the loyal ones who keep using the app.

You need a solid online presence through an authoritative and SEO-optimized website while incorporating other marketing strategies like social media campaigns and paid ads. Together will lead to higher keyword rankings, more traffic, better CTR, and more app downloads.