
"If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink."

Toplol XD

It’s funny because it’s true!


Me too! What’s your favourite brand?

Today I nominate @adigitalife
...and write a few words about it

Damn it! I know crap all about beer. I just drink them. But, as one famous bro philosopher used to say, "Challenge accepted!"

Bro philosophers, can’t argue with them. Just enjoy the drinking :)

Really love a Hefeweizen once in awhile, aside from the classic clove and banana flavors, i like the bubblegum and/or honey flavors that come in some. Get any of that in this one. Either way, I have not heard of many breweries out of Wales, If I am ever around there at least I know one!