Seven Day Black And White Challenge - Day One

Here’s my first entry for the seven day black and white challenge. I was nominated by @sharoonyasir


(End of entry)

Just for fun Dog-oh got into the action. Does this count as two images? Does Dog-oh count as a person? (Not technically an explanation, just questions, lol)


I nominate @artedellavita to participate in the challenge. Many of her photos are very nice and I think they would look good in black and white.

Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.
Present one image every day for seven days.
No people.
No explanation.
Nominate someone every day, but anyone can join the fun.
Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.

Thanks for reading! Pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S7


think about day one..
it's just amazing....
look like outstanding photography....

cool explanation.
hope we will get another something...thank you@lightsplasher

Keep it up
@Followed and upvoted

Thank you! It is fun to share photos.

Lovely and dog in the photo makes it lovelier and it is just one image :P

Nice pictures, what is a grapefruit yes

Thanks! Actually it is blackberries, cereal and cacao nibs.

Ha! You stumped me. I kind of knew the berries, but I guess I had it in my mind that it was going to be a nature shot from in the clue why...well stumping the Old Guy aint too hard but its worth a 100% upvote :)

I like doing these type of posts. I did like 3 or 4 in a series and was having fun with it. Kind of got sidetracked by doing holiday stuff but want to get back to it. Well done and Dog-oh is very patiently waiting his turn!

Thanks! Yes, Dog-oh has already been fed but always wants a piece of the action. He would probably like to eat my breakfast if I let him. I guess it does look a bit like a nature shot in black and white. It is kind of fun to try out this type of photography, I haven't done too much with it as yet.

it is just amazing................////////

you are really agreatman.your thinking is very high.your photography concept is wounderfull.i appriciet of you.

Wow, thanks! I hope I can live up to your compliment, lol.

I didn't have a chance of getting that one! But, it was pretty cool!

Thanks! Interesting, I can see what it is right away but I took the picture.

Hahaha! I might have gotten the raspberries, but, those flakes sure faked me out.

your all photography concept is amazing, i like all black and white photos, nice work

nice photography

Wow amazing photography @lightsplasher

Dog and food photo

Last one pic was the best one..

awesome post...i liked...

Genuinely very nice...

beauty full photography

I like it...all post dear @lightsplasher
I love your photography dear