Little Cherine Book 10 - BPost027

“What date for the wedding?”

“March the twenty sixth.” The same date they first got married.

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We arrived at our home in Athens to the sight of workers inside and the army outside. Robbie looked at the destroyed furniture and gave Dommi a smile. “New furniture for our bride?”

We asked the workers to stand on the lawn while we prepared them something to eat and drink. When they entered the house again they stared with wonder. We had repaired within half an hour what would have taken them days.

“Will you lose wages?”

“We work for the municipality.”

“Our thanks for all you did. Do you know what happened here?”

“There was a riot. They stole or smashed many things, but if you let the mayor know what is gone they will replace everything.”

“Nothing of any consequence was lost.”

“Your paintings Robert.”

He smiled at Haven. “They were created to give pleasure, I hope those who have them enjoy them.” If this were a story, I am certain the author would have us fill with love at Robbie's gentle answer and sweet smile - but the truth is, we were irritated. We treasure his paintings, they are a part of our lives and we want them back.

Two leaders refused our wedding invitation, but when it became known that everyone else had accepted, they built up their courage and sent a second message accepting. Robbie went to the North Pole to take a look and found scientists from a number of nations plus some Anadir there. They were conducting various experiments to determine whether the platform had affected the area in any way. He was told they had not found anything for him to worry about.

As Empathia had guessed, the worker who installed the canister and nozzle was found. He still had his orders in writing, but they could not be traced to anyone. It explained why no one sensed him, he was just doing his job without fear or guilt. Robbie decided that if he were to return in time to see who was behind the scheme, he’d do so after the wedding and honeymoon. We knew he did intend doing so, for he is still bitter and hurting that he could hurt all of us. Sometimes reason and truth are not enough to rid us of guilt.

I’ve been wondering what I would be like if I was administered an overdose of the same drug. Robbie showed no interest in money or power, would it be the same with me? Would my contempt and dislike of mankind be lesser because I do not start from the other extreme as Robbie does? I like to think of myself as more practical and down to earth than he is. Whatever, if I did it, I’m certain I would be a surprise to myself.

It was getting pretty close to Christmas and we were out visiting quite often. One evening most of us were gone so Robbie invited those of us who’d stayed home for supper at a posh Italian restaurant. The evening was pleasant, the restaurant was crowded with people in good spirits and we felt very relaxed after two bottles of wine and a tummy heavy from overeating. While Robbie was teasing Shiyra and Agapi I sat back, happy with my world. Because of the general mood, the tiny niggling feelings of guilt being emoted caught my attention. Although all restaurants add a tip for service to the bill, many patrons still give an extra tip. The waitrons are supposed to hand them in to be shared by everyone, including the kitchen staff. The girl, a university student working to supplement the cash her parents could afford to give her, pocketed her tip.

I chuckled as I thought about the many ways some of the most honest people will bend the rules by justifying what they do. A pen taken from the office, documents photocopied at the expense of the company. Dishonesty when dealing with banks, insurance companies and the taxman. I know this subject is passé, but as my mind veered off, my eyes enjoying the sight of a smile on Robbie’s face, it suddenly hit me.


“Take her home, I’ll settle the bill and be with you in minutes.”

I shook my head, not wanting to spoil their evening, but they would not listen and touched me as they jumped. I suspect that I was calling for Michael without realising it for he and Ahnì arrived just as dad did.

“What now?” I smiled, despite my tears and fears.

“Wait a moment, I’m making that horrible coffee flavoured condensed milk she loves.” Haven called out from the kitchen. Somehow I pulled myself together. I took the mug and held it in both hands as I thought how I should explain my realisation. I sent to Robbie, *Merry Christmas dad, this is my gift to you - I hope.*

“We are all cowards, even the bravest of us.” Haven frowned. “That includes me, though I admit I’m not particularly brave at the best of times. We looked at the future, I remember doing that from before I was born, because you thought of it all the time dad. We looked and because we feared our dream would be destroyed or veer from the pure path you wished for, we shot past the main truth and only saw the worst scenarios we could imagine.

Why don’t I tell you what I saw tonight, maybe you won’t need me to explain.” I told them about the waitress. They stared at me. “She justified it because she thought of the tip as being earned by her, not everyone else. Whether she was right or wrong, she was justifying what she did. By the way, I agree with her.”

“Are you saying that it is the little things like that, that will destroy Cherinianism?”

“No, I’m saying that your protector instincts foresaw a problem and your human nature exaggerated it. You saw a tide exists in human affairs and you turned it into a tsunami. Think about it dad, let us say that all Normals became Cherinians. Would the Campbell’s and other megalomaniacs dare to try to take over the world? Even if some try, would it be easy? Could they fight an entire world of Cherinians? So what if someone appears with new gifts? Samuel has the worst one of all, who could fight him (?), yet, that simple young man from a farm never thought of using his powers to become world tyrant. Maybe someone else will, but we’ll set them right.

What happened on the world where Cherine linked them all was not normal. They had not lived for years with Cherinians, they had not learnt what we represent, the glorious ways we and they could grow. They heard about a mutant with terrible powers and as they floundered in their fears she linked them. It’s a wonder any of them remained sane.

The real threats are not the big problems, but human nature, the small ways we are selfish, the little ways we fool ourselves into accepting we are not harming anyone by a lie or theft, it is. Those we must not allow to flow out of control, just as Normals have learnt not to. Maybe they are the real threat, but they might also be that which saves Cherinianism, making it possible for us to hold to our dreams.

Do you know what is so funny that it made me cry? The best of us, including Cherine, we are just like everyone else and we’ve had those moments we have not been entirely honest with ourselves or those we love. Cherinianism will survive it, if we are aware and try to become the best we can be. I think many will.” I started laughing and crying again as I was overcome by guilt. This time Robbie did not ask ‘what now’ and waited. “The prophesy, it only happened because we feared the worst. If we’d seen the truth from before it would not have existed. We would not have needed it.”

Robbie pulled me into his arms. “Oh god Sam, you can’t blame yourself for that!”

I lay in his arms as they discussed my ideas. Michael caught my eye and grinned. “So, what of my Ipohin?”


“You carry on. We’ll be the bad good guys and they’ll have to be the good bad guys - or the other way around, I’m not sure.”

“You mean we allow small indiscretions and Cherinians don’t?”

“No, we both do, but Cherinians only make allowances for the really small ones.”

He took hold of my hands. “I’m still trying to see it as you do. If you are right mother, you’ve freed me from a terrible burden.” Ahnì flushed with joy and leaning over kissed me. It felt to me as if their souls were singing.

All our family had shared, some had immediately jumped back and others stayed where they were, immersed in sharing. Now the rest of them came home and they were followed by all our friends. Robbie is wrong, we will have to build a palace sized lounge to fit so many friends.

Michael and us had many talks and Robbie pointed out to him that he must set limits on what is allowed for the Ipohin so that we can continue to exist as a civilised species. It sounds to me as if everyone is accepting my theories and working on them to create guidelines for both the Ipohin and the Cherinians. I’m now getting cold feet - what if I’m wrong? I will have made us vulnerable in ways we were not before.

The Normals actually liked my theories and we sensed they think of us as being more human now! I was asked what I call my theory and I flippantly replied, ‘The Dr Stuart Theory’. I felt sorry for the guy afterwards when he became the butt of many jokes. I bet it will make him all the more fanatical.

We have another three months to wait for the wedding, but none of us are willing to travel anywhere. We want to be certain it happens without a hitch this time and we’ve asked for volunteers from among the Cherinians only. They understand our nervousness and without anyone asking they’ve all offered to keep themselves open more than usual so that we can sense they really are Cherinians. We find it embarrassing that although so many sent a wedding gift last time, we are being flooded all over again. Robbie moans that he’ll have to split himself into a thousand for answering everyone. He is determined to answer as many as he can, especially the children.

When Kalliopi leaves for work, she sometimes lets Sheena bring Roberto to us for the day and sometimes they come to us after work. Because of him, Sheena has really learnt how to give love without asking for anything in return. She has become aware of how a smile he gives her is not just something she earns, but is bestowed upon her by him. She downloaded all the articles she could find on how to bring up babies and even joined a chat for mothers of babies. It took a while to convince Kalliopi to also join. She made her watch as she chatted and as Kalliopi read how other mothers solved problems and she learnt how many potential problems she could face, she started making comments that Sheena typed in. As the other women answered her or praised her for her ideas, she became an addict.


Kalliopi also became accustomed to jumping. It started on a miserable day, wind and sleet had emptied the streets and Kalliopi just couldn’t seem to make her apartment warm enough to satisfy her that little Roberto would not get sick. Sheena suggested they go to the beach. She jumped them to South America. It was early morning there and already hot. Kalliopi was afraid to let Roberto play in the sun, but Sheena promised her he would not get sunburnt because her healer was looking after him. It was funny and we teased her, for she and Kalliopi returned with sunburns.

We have a lot of people we love in various realities. Roberts’ favourite is still little Claire. As soon as she senses or sees him she (sometimes) reverts to a five year old and he plays with her until she is tired (or senses he is) and she then sits on his lap. Every time she calls him daddy his heart melts and the little vixen knows it.

Sorry Sheena love, could not find a decent picture of you. Did you get fed up of waiting for me to paste a picture of hers in here? It is terrible (we can hardly bear to look at it without laughing at how Sheena cringes) but I’ll leave it as proof of what bad taste you have.

I’ve been spending some of my time studying how Normals educate themselves on matters of morals and ethics. I was dismayed to discover that they only depend on their churches (which few attend on a regular basis) and on their media. Their favourite way is including some lesson in their stories for children and yet, nothing is taught in their schools as a subject while the cruelties and hates of history are crammed into the minds of the children as being glorious. I started jumping to alternate realities (Vincent and Robbie must be fed up of escorting me) to see whether they have different systems. It was disheartening learning that none of them consider the subjects important enough to teach at school. When I asked, I was told most authorities consider it one of the duties of the parents. Seeing the percentage of unfaithful spouses, the heavy drinking and other vices adults subscribe to, I’m surprised that myth is still alive.

Over the Christmas and New Year holiday season, Hettie and Eddie moved to one of their beach homes (more like a mini palace) and spent their days swimming, playing with their kids (grown up now but assuming their childish years some of the time for the sake of their parents) and lying in the sun. They also go out dancing and have a good time. Since the world knows them as middle aged adults they spent their time there with Hettie as an eighteen year old and Eddie at about twenty three.

When they returned, they came to visit us with the kids. We noticed the kids were a bit withdrawn, but Hettie and Eddie did not let anything slip so out of politeness we ignored the unease of their children. Hettie had a glass of milk while Eddie joined Robbie for a cup of cappuccino.

“Robert, would you feel Hettie is not serving your interests if she remains this age?”

“Not serving my interests! That sounds horrible! If you mean Cherinian interests, I’d say her present appearance would be the best advertisement for Cherinianism, ever.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. As for me, while at work I’ll assume the age they all know me at.”

“What’s going on?”

They dropped their blocks and we were bowled over by their fierce exultation. “We are going to have our first baby!”

We went crazy, just like normal little girls, and they glowed as they felt our joy. It explained how their kids felt. Dommi sat by them once we’d calmed down a bit. “You must all be frightened.”

“Of course not! We’re very happy.”

“Yes, you are happy, but you are also frightened. Do you really think they will love any of you less than they do because of the baby?”


“It will be their real child.”

Hettie burst into tears and the two of them hugged and kissed their kids as they reassured them of their love.

As soon as they left we turned to Robbie. “What now? We have to tell them.”

“No, this is one secret we keep forever. I had not realised it was to happen so soon, I better deal with the future immediately.”

“No,” we all demanded, “after the wedding and honeymoon and we all go with.”

Someone should do a study of how experience affects us. Instead of it being applied logically, we develop dreads and superstitions, passing them on to future generations as being part of our folklore.

Through all these years, at every birthday or wedding anniversary, we have racked our brains and suffered because of our need to make it extra special. If we take into consideration that for the largest parts of our lives we do not celebrate at all, years going by in Freddie where there is no dating system, just days counted for the sake of knowing how many years have passed, it is not surprising we need to make those occasions when we are on Earth very special. Add to that the fact that we maintain childish ages and even Robbie stays at a fairly young and immature age, and it is understandable that our enthusiasms take us in search of extremes.

Too much pain has been suffered in the last few years, too many of us have feared that we’ve lost a loved one for us to be completely childlike, despite our body ages. Birthdays came and went, including the biggie, Robbie’s, without us making a big fuss of them. We bought our presents, designed our cards, went out to dance or had a party with our closest friends and did our best to fill the heart of the loved one we were celebrating, with love. What we all did was dream of making the wedding a very special day for our two loves. It occupied a lot of our time, we’d have ‘private’ meetings in bedrooms or at coffee shops, but we all seemed to have dried up, unable to come up with an idea that excited us.

Another thing that has changed is the diary. Because Robbie left it for me to write and I do not enjoy writing about our sex, I’ve gradually stopped writing about it. We did not mind when Robbie wrote about that side of our lives, even if we know a dirty old man is getting the scenes in his mind and masturbating to them - well, we presume he does. Because Robbie wrote of our bodies in a sort of cute way, talking about parts of our anatomy as being little flowers, because he struggled to express his adoration of our childish beauty, there was nothing ugly about putting those precious moments in the diary where others may read of them. Unfortunately Arthur has become too real for us and Robbie is now too inhibited to write of our sexual loving. He’s always been schizoid about any other man seeing our bodies or sharing our sexual moments, so seeing Arthur appear for us in the ‘flesh’ so to speak, has turned him from some vague ‘author’ to a real person and, worst of all, a man. I don’t want this part of our writings to disappear entirely, so, when it is really special, I’ll try to write of it - maybe in the way Robbie did?

Robbie has a dislike of anyone messing around with his mind. To allow a machine to do so, however advanced the technology, scares the hell out of him. The Unation doctors told him they have done as much as they can for him without using their computer AI. To continue he must submit to it. We insisted on visiting Adam in case he can help.

“I’m sorry, I can help with the mind and soul, but for damage to your body that your healer can’t correct, there is nothing I can do.”

We sat on the turquoise beach feeling glum and a little bit afraid. A pod of dolphins approached the beach and one of them almost beached herself. “Our mama is born?”

Adam replied, “In a few days.” That perked us up a little and we asked where and who her parents are.


“There is no point in you going. She has asked to be born as a Normal baby. Only once she is three years old is Solomon to tell you where to find her. Sparklers watch her in case you are needed, so don’t worry.”

“Has she agreed to being linked?”


Roula asked, “Is she going to be black again?”

Adam pulled a face. “I never thought to ask!”

Dommi said, “Roberto, it is time, have the hearing so that we don’t have that hanging over us.” He nodded. While they chatted I thought about the case. I asked for Claudia and Empathia to join me in ‘private’. They agreed with me.

“Dommi, dad, I do not think you should agree to go to court - or the council, whichever it is.”

He grinned. “You prefer having a criminal husband?”

I and the other two grinned back at him until he was ready to grab me for tickling. “We have to do it for the future and all Cherinians.”

“How will my remaining, legally at least, a criminal, help?”

“It won’t. Dad, have the council been made aware of the facts of the case?”


“Then why haven’t they met to cancel their previous decision? Isn’t Solomon being affected by the fact that so many of them have examples of how courts work for the Normals and think that is how it should work for them? The accused has to appear and present the new evidence so that he is exonerated. It should not work that way for us. They know the truth, so they must take the initiative and reverse their decision without you having to request it.”

“Hmm, it is just as well we had not decided so earlier, but I like the idea. Our council must not be hidebound by regulations and the legal trappings Terran courts are mired in. They must always take the initiative to serve true justice, not just the law. I suggest you confront them Sam.”

I gave a huge smile. “No, I have a better idea.”


“I’m going to sue them.”

“You can’t sue the council!”

“Of course I can. I’m going to accuse them of not serving Cherinian justice to the best of their abilities. It will be dramatic enough to stand as a very good rule of precedence. They must learn to be proactive in the search of justice, not just reactive.”

He wiped his green face. “I don’t know love, aren’t you seeing things in black and white only? How can any court find the time to do so? With populations in the trillions, they’ll be swamped as it is.”

I was surprised. “You weren’t thinking of them handling all Cherinians were you !? Of course there have to be more councils.” I thought about it. “You know what? Maybe I’ll have to engineer it so that they are found innocent and you guilty - guilty of not setting up another council whose responsibility it is to bring the matter to the court on behalf of anyone sentenced where new evidence suggests they are not guilty. Let me give you an example.


Say a person is found guilty and the punishment decided on is that their link and gifts are blocked and they are sent to a prison planet for five years. That person has no family or friends and is not here to stand up for his rights. New evidence shows he was set up and someone else is guilty, but we do not know who. In Terran courts the prisoner would be advised and his attorney would reopen the case. In our case, he cannot do so. There has to be an official friend who does so on his behalf.”

The next day he met with Periklis and Alki and he told them of what I plan.

“I feel it will not work out as she hopes, but I am convinced she must go ahead. We have to search for new ways of improving our applications of justice. Her idea might be naïve, but it will evolve until we have something workable.”

“Samantha is wrong Robert. If the prosecutor becomes aware of an injustice thanks to new evidence, he will go to court to ask for the previous case to be reconsidered.”

“I think I would rather depend on Samanthas’ legal friend.” Alki answered.

I held back a couple of days, but decided Robbie was right. Even if my view and solution of the problem is too simplistic, it will evolve - just as the council has evolved. I wrote out my charges and delivered them to Socrati.

Hettie was highly amused when she next came to visit and Eddie pulled me onto his lap to make certain I felt how much he loves me. (R: Since Sam asserts that Arthur is a dirty old man, I thought I should clarify that she did not mean to imply anything sexual between her and Eddie.) lol, Robbie saved me from Arthur and his puerile sense of humour!

“Samantha’s legal gambit has caused quite a stir! Attorneys, barristers, judges and even professors are making statements and arguing between themselves. If someone else had proposed what she did, they would have disdainfully ignored that person, but because we are likely to adopt her idea, they are being forced to treat it seriously. The public likes her idea and they cannot afford to have our legal system seen by their people as being better than theirs. I foresee changes in their legal systems - very much against the wishes of the majority of professionals. Can you imagine how much they will lose in fees?”

The media asked to be present during the hearing and we agreed. We explained that not under any circumstances are our council allowed to hold hearings in secret. That caused another upset.

The council decided that their first responsibility is to Robert and they presented the evidence (obviously the memories of Angelica could not be filmed by the cameras so they gave a verbal report of what the judges were ‘seeing’). The council declared Robbie innocent of all charges, deciding that a non-Cherinian was responsible. They took a short break and we went to a nearby ‘private’ coffee shop that has a smoking section. Sorry, I forgot to mention that the proceedings were being held in the offices of our Cherinian consulate in London. A few reporters found us and Allan quickly blocked them at the door. One of them told him he had an important question for me, so I went to them.

“Angelica made an accusation, claiming a Mr Campbell was responsible. Will your council bring him to trial and is he likely to appear? Would he recognise their authority?”

“Our rules do not allow us to try non-Cherinians - or are you implying Cherinians are responsible for all Talents? There is anecdotal proof that mutations have occurred throughout history and the appearance of Cherinians seems to have enabled more minds to open to gifts normal to all humans, but that does not make them Cherinians. I do not think we have the right to impose our own systems and beliefs on everyone.”

“Ipohin are also excluded?”

“Yes. I expect they will form their own council.”

“But surely Cherinians are responsible for the Ipohin? They would not have existed if you had not first linked them as Cherinians?”


“You are German? If you moved to Singapore and changed your nationality, surely you would no longer be subject to German laws? If Germany goes to war, could they still draft you? The Ipohin are a people who have declared themselves no longer Cherinians, so we have no jurisdiction over them.” I grinned. “Since the United Nations has not signed any treaties with them, as they have with us, does that suggest they do not have sovereign rights and are subject to your laws?”

Allan, who was standing next to me, chuckled. “You are opening a new can of worms.”

“Not really, I’m certain Michael will take care of it.”

An aggressive woman reporter spoke. “Thanks to the Cherinians, there are a number of people with powers our authorities cannot control, whether they have their powers thanks to being linked or not. Since only you are in a position to restrain them, are you not ethically bound to do so?”

“Ethically? I don’t know. Maybe. I do know we consider ourselves protectors of all Normals so we will interfere if they cause any harm. That applies to all species, not only Terrans. I would say that for us it is a sacred and ethical duty. On the other hand, let me pose an imaginary scenario. Our world went through a cold war, basically two super powers, the USA and the Soviet Union dominating. In some other realities it was taken to an extreme. Let us imagine that a VIP Russians citizen flagrantly breaks the law in some smaller country and they are afraid the soviets will retaliate if they arrest him. Is the USA ethically bound to interfere and arrest that soviet citizen? I’ve given you an answer that is positive and I’ve asked a question that could be construed as being negative. Unfortunately, that is real life, there are no simple answers.”

“Why don’t you let Samantha return to her coffee before it is completely cold. I’m certain she’ll be happy to answer any further questions you have if a press conference is arranged after the legal proceedings are over.” Allan put my hand under his arm and escorted me back to my table.

Cassie said to Jade, as I took my seat, “We have a Cherinian can opener now.”

Since we do not use defence attorneys and prosecutors, I was asked to stand up and read out my charge.

“I accuse myself of taking matters to an extreme in my written accusation. I feel that my accusation was valid, but not the charge. My only excuse was that I wanted to create a precedent so that no judges or council members in the future have any excuse for not taking action when they perceive an injustice has been allowed to remain unchallenged. I would like to widen the scope of my accusation. I do not consider the role of ‘friend of the accused’ should only belong to a panel of volunteers. I support the creation of such a panel, but I also demand of myself and all Cherinians that we take action on behalf of those wrongly accused and sentenced. We’ve said we do not want a large body of laws, that we want each of us to set our own rules according to our good conscious as Cherinians. Part of that demands that each of us also stand against any injustice. It is a collective and individual responsibility. Please ensure that any such action taken by anybody does not bear any monetary charges nor require the services of professionals. Please strike my written charge from your records or note them as having been withdrawn.”


Of course they didn’t, so that it and my verbal charge (or repudiation of the charge) remain on record. They decided that Robbie should form such a panel and all Cherinians, where there is cause, be allowed to present to that panel any evidence they have of an injustice. That would prevent the council being swamped by complaints while helping the new panel by making them aware of possible miscarriages of justice. If they decide the new evidence does not stand, they may refuse to bring it to the attention of the court - without their decision prejudicing the right of individuals from presenting their petition directly.

I’ll have to wait and see how it will work in the real world.

The day after St Valentines day, a Cherinian discovered the identity and whereabouts of the ‘screamer’. A posse of Cherinians formed, they surrounded and captured the woman and brought her to our reality. We went to Freddie to deal with her. Her powers had been blocked, but she was not cowed. She maintained a sullen silence, refusing to answer any questions. Robbie sighed.

“What am I supposed to do with you? I cannot let you leave with your gift intact as you have shown you do not have a conscience and lack any ability to empathise with your victims. Apart from myself, have you used your power on anyone else?”

“I do not recognise your right to question me.”

Robbies’ face turned cold and reaching out he had her screaming as she writhed on the ground. “I have the one authority you recognise. The power to do as I will. You will answer that single question whether you like it or not. I will not allow anyone to suffer because of you. Have you used your power against anyone else?”


“You will provide me with full details. Name, time and place.” She did so.

Robbie looked around at everyone watching. “I’ll find and help the victims. I will block off her gift, but what should her punishment be?”

“Make her suffer as her victims did.”

“Come to me love.” He put his arm around her as he asked the rest of us, his eyes on the Akiards. “Does that sound fair to all of you?” We all nodded in agreement. We are still angry at the suffering she caused our Robbie. The Akiards also agreed.

“Consider this my children: Why is it that the warrior who shows no mercy often is the one to beg for it, while the valiant warrior who shows mercy never asks for it?” The Akiards looked down, ashamed of themselves.

Maria spoke for all of us. “We are not warriors Robert. What of us? Do you expect us to forgive her the pain she caused you and us?”

“I did not ask that anyone forgives. I asked what her punishment should be.”

Cherine giggled. “I know what he wants her punishment to be. He wants me to open her to empathy.”

“That is a good punishment, will you do it?”


She stared at him, no longer giggling and her eyes dark. She nodded. “That could become the most unbearable punishment of all. I cannot force her to open to me Robert.”

“Oh, when the time comes I think she’ll be happy to cooperate.” He set Haven on her feet and standing before the woman reached out his hand to help her to her feet. Avoiding contact with him she stood up.

“Avril, contrary to what you have heard, we are not looking to punish you. The years have taught us something about talents. They rarely develop spontaneously. Something happened to you that forced you to create it as a form of self defence. Share those memories with me so that I can help you.”


“That is your right. You will allow me entry to your mind so that I permanently block your power. Thereafter you will stay in Freddie until either you or I decide what is to be done.”

She did try to fight him, but her power is now blocked. We provided her with a home of her own and explained how she can feed herself, get clothes she needs and so on. After that we left her alone.

Michael took the hint. The Ipohin held a secret conference and it was agreed they would approach the UN to negotiate the possibility of them being accepted under the same conditions we are.

“There are a number of complications, but I’m confident we can come to some compromises.”

“Not unless you make changes.” Empathia told him.

“Which ones specifically?”

“How can they give you political status similar to the Cherinians while you keep your Federation? We refused any land, while you own a considerable chunk of Earth.”

“And how would my tricky mother solve that one? We can’t very well tell those who joined us that we’ve changed our minds.” He laughed. “That was not one of my better ideas, you wouldn’t believe how quickly they are draining us. My fellow Ipohin are always complaining.”

“You cannot withdraw Michael! We’ve been quietly conducting a survey and you have achieved great changes. Another twenty to thirty years and they will be able to survive on their own. If you stop now you’ll destroy them.”

“Could you provide me with whatever research you’ve done? I’d like to study it.”

“Certainly. I hope your knowledge of the Anadir language is better than mine.”

Diana spoke up. “Why don’t you study history to find a solution?”

Michael asked, “History?”

“Check what the British did when they had the same problem you have.”

“Ah! A Commonwealth! Not a bad idea Diana.” She flushed at the praise in Robbie’s voice.

“May I make a suggestion Michael? Appoint, pro tem, Hettie for negotiating on your behalf. She’ll also suggest what changes you need to make and probably give you some workable solutions.”

“How would that work, she represents the Cherinians. Anyway, we don’t have new technology to create a financial power base like you have.”

“The days for needing that are gone. They are conscious of the need to come to some agreement with you so they’ll negotiate. I bet they’ll sleep a lot easier once you sign.”

Next [Book 10] - Post 028

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

  • posted: 23rd April, 2020

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