Little Cherine Book 10 - BPost045

in #sfandf-fiction4 years ago (edited)

“How many days do you need? Three? Five? I’ll take a walk in the streets on my own in exactly one week. Kill me, I’ll have the last laugh - and you need not worry about Robert, he will not make you suffer, so I’ll come after you myself. You killed an innocent baby you bastard.” I walked away without a backward glance.

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“Jesu! You’ve got more courage than I have!”

“From what she’s told us I’d say she is her mothers’ daughter.” I took Jakob’s hand and kissed it.

“I’m not brave Edti, I’m banking on a sure thing. He knows that. All of you are the brave ones.”

“You’re not taking that walk.”

“I have to, it is my only chance. If I don’t, he’ll think I was bluffing and am afraid, so he will kill me. I don’t know whether it is to my advantage or not, but I gained the impression that he is not very intelligent, I think he’ll have his doubts about how well he knows me and he’ll temporise.”

I took a long walk at the appointed day and time and as I’d guessed, he did not attack me. The more time he gives me to lay out markers the less confident he’ll be, I think I’ll be seeing him again when he decides his only choice is to bargain with me.

As privately as I try to live, I’ve come back into the spotlight. The suffragette movement have adopted me as their symbol, claiming I am an example to all women. To think that a wife of Robert should be such a symbol! I wonder how poor Arthur will feel if he has to write that into his story.

Seventeen years. Living in the public eye means that Edti is now being invited to supper or to parties where we would not have been welcomed as servants not that long ago. From hints, I have the impression things are not going that well between him and Sandi - which explains the wedding postponement. I’ve also noticed he is drinking more and comes to work late sometimes. I’ve been waiting for his changed status to affect him. I hope his innate common sense wins and he returns a bit weathered but wiser. I arranged to meet Sandi alone and after listening to her woes I explained what I thought is happening.

“You must be patient my love, this is heady stuff being suddenly accepted by those he’s looked up to. Wiser men and women than him have succumbed. Give him time to find his balance. You know that he loves you and that should help carry you through this difficult time.”

“You really think he’ll want me after being flirted by those women? I’m not sophisticated and glamorous like them.”

“Nor are you shallow like them. I can feel his love for you, so do not doubt it for a second.”

She was twisting her slender fingers as she fervently answered, “I hope you are right.” So do I.

Lately I’ve been wondering about realities. Are there realities that branched off from this one where I’ve been killed? Arthur said we belong to the prime reality, is it true of me also? If so, then there should be no alternate realities where I died. I hope so.

Four years since we lost our little Samantha. I’ve decided it is time I tackle Edti. He’s had more than eight months to enjoy making a fool of himself and I must stop him before it becomes a way of life for him. I’ve tried the sort of things a wife does, like ‘Won’t you stay with me tonight, I’m feeling a bit lonely’ and so on. It does not work. I called a Board of Directors meeting.

“This meeting is going to be very short. I’m pleased to announce that we are growing as planned and we can look forward to new investments in the near future.” The tension on most faces disappeared and they sat back slightly, relaxing, and some of them even looking a trifle smug. “However, some of you are doing more for the company than others. It stops today. I’m giving those of you I’m unhappy with thirty days to pull up your socks or else you’ll be fired. Good day gentlemen.”

“Miss Jonston, er Teller, your ultimatum is not fair to all of us. You should name those you are talking about.”

“Perhaps, but then I’ve never claimed to be fair.” I stood up, “This meeting is over.”

Jakob came with me and sat with me in my office. “They were right Jina.”

I grinned. “Will it get me results? Will they all wonder and give us better results?” He chuckled, nodding. “Next meeting we can reward those who’ve been pulling their weight. Jakob, I’m worried about Edti and this meeting was only the first step in forcing him to reconsider his lifestyle. It is not fair to Sandi to allow him to continue the way he is and if we don’t act now it will be too late within a few months. I’ve allowed him the pleasures of being a playboy so that he’s experienced that kind of life, but he better knuckle down to being the Edti I love or else he’s out. When it is reported he has been fired, we’ll soon see how true his new friends are to him.”

“A bit drastic, but I admit something has to be done. How can you fire him, isn’t he equal shareholder with you?”


“He signed away his rights when I gave him the shares, I have his Power of Attorney and Proxy and as a matter of fact, even his shares are in a Trust and I control the Trust.”

“I underestimated you.”

I laughed. “Don’t worry, I did not reserve the same rights with you, I trust you as I would were you my father.” I pulled a face. “I better get it over with and call him in.”

Edti sat down with a smile and leaning back placed his one leg over the other carefully so as not to crease his trousers. “I hear you terrorised the Board today.”

“Why weren’t you there?”

“I forgot and came in a bit late today.”

“As you did yesterday and as you do most days of the week.”

He sat up with a frown. “Am I answerable to you?”

“As a brother and as an employee of the company. Why do you look surprised? Did you think a Managing Director is not an employee?”

“But I’m also a partner with equal rights to you!”

“Not quite.”

“That’s not correct. I have the same number of shares you do.”

“Fine. I’ll announce that I no longer wish to be a shareholder and am selling my shares so as to branch out on my own because my partners are not pulling their weight. I’ll lose a lot of money, but it will be worth it - for that is the truth, you are not pulling your weight.”

We had our first ever full blown argument, with him shouting at me. I ended it off by saying, “It’s your choice Edti, either you come to your senses and drop your new friends and become once again the Edti Sandi and I love, or go your way and I either sell my shares or fire you as Managing Director. Check the addendums in the Company Articles and Shareholders Agreement if you think I don’t have the power to do so. If you don’t mind, I have a lot of work to do.” I ignored him and started looking through my papers. After a minute he walked out, slamming the door behind him.

That night he did not return and arrived at our offices the next morning three hours late. He was shocked to find that I had employed a security guard and he was not permitted to enter. Thoroughly humiliated he walked off to his club. That night he was waiting for me at home.

“You will wait until I’ve changed, had a drink and relaxed. Then we will talk and you will speak to me in a civilised manner without shouting.” I made him wait for an hour and then we talked late into the night. He conceded some points I made and argued many others, but I was firm and refused to give in. We did not part for our respective beds on the friendliest of terms, but he was at work on time the next day. He made some bad decisions and had the staff on edge all day because of his bad temper.

Mums and da each came to me privately to try and soften my stance, but before they left had accepted I was doing the right thing. Minti came to me and started off by almost shouting at me. I asked her whether she loves our brother or whether she prefers to have peace and quiet and allow him to destroy himself. I spelt out the alternatives and she gave in, though she was frightened. I told her that I am acting as Robert would have and that I trust him, somehow he never fails at achieving what he wants. That left her even more worried.

Sandi called and I went to see her. She was in tears and told me that Edti had broken off their engagement. There was not much I could say or do and asked her to be patient, but also warned her that he might not return to her. I do not think she is that fond of me anymore. It is amazing how quickly she’s forgotten that she asked me to interfere and now she sees me as some kind of dictatorial monster that only cares about the business.


Edti went to speak to Jakob privately, hoping the old man would influence me. This is more or less what was passed on to me. He is an adult and I am treating him like a child. That I am being unfair to him. That he refuses to work with me under these conditions. That he will choose his friends and I have no right to interfere. Jakob listened to him patiently and tried to calm him down, but told him that I am acting in his interests and doing all I’m doing because I love him. He left Jakob even unhappier than he’d been, convinced I’ve subverted our friend and turned him against him.

“After supper get a book to read.” He knew that it meant I wanted my healer to check him.

“I’m not in the mood for it.”

“You haven’t sat for me for over six months. Do you really want to grow old or sick, just because you are angry with me?”

“Nothing will happen to me if you don’t touch me for another six months - and it will take at least that long before I want you to.”

“A lot could go wrong. You could be developing cancer cells, for instance. Turn me away Edti and I’ll stop forever.” I took his hand. “We are allowed to fight and be angry with each other, but the day you forget we are brother and sister and have to face the world as one, we part forever. The reason we are so close is because we have utter faith and trust in each other, even when we are angry with each other. Change the basis of our love and it can never return. Would you really leave me on my own?”

“You are a bitch!” I nodded and waited. “Fine, I’ll get a book.”

The next morning he arrived in a better mood and I was pleased to hear that he started mending a few of the fences he’d knocked down over the previous weeks. He’s always been popular with everyone and people in the office started smiling again and working as they used to. I left the office and collected some information from a local travel agent.

“Edti, we’ve been working for too many years without taking a holiday. How would you like to go with me to Monte Carlo for three weeks?”

“That’s in France?”

“Actually it is a principality with its own royalty. Sort of autonomous. Summer is starting soon and it will be nice to get some sun. If you want, we can make it a family holiday and take mums, da and Minti with. Just us, like in the old days on the farm.”

We drove down in two cars. Since I speak French with a Parisian accent we were treated nicely and were guided to visit beautiful chalets, especially in the South where they have vineyards. The hotel Grand Monaco had our rooms booked for us as arranged and I rushed to buy a swimming suit to lie on the beach. I sort of felt ridiculous in the swimming suit and tried to remember how many years it would take for the bikini to become popular.

“How many languages do you speak?” I’d just answered the waiter in Italian.

“Ten. English - sort of, French, Italian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese, both Cantonese and Mandarin, Arabic and Swahili.” They wanted to know why I’d qualified my English, so I gave them an example of how we speak. It had them in stitches and for days they kept on asking me how I’d say this or that.

Minti was certainly not shy of looking back at any young men that she liked, so it was no surprise when she started talking with one of them, went on walks and then escorted him to the casino. Soon she was bringing him to sit with us and he was polite, suave as the French are, but he struggled with his English. Even his broken English was charming, yet mums and da were not too happy seeing their daughter having an affair with him. I found a moment alone and pointed out to them that there is no danger of him becoming a permanent fixture, but that his presence and admiration is good medicine for Minti after the bad experiences of Seb.


Edti thought it was hilarious when an Italian hit on me. The reason Edti kept on cracking up to the point of rudeness was because he is perhaps one of the ugliest men I’ve ever seen. At least he had the courage to try and as I pointed out to Edti, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Actually, I did like him and if this had been a world of Cherinians, he would have been linked. I told him that I was very much in love, he exclaimed, ‘ah, amore, such a beautiful feeling’ and toned down his flirting so that we became friends. He was amused when I played on the word and told my family that all Italian men are amorists.

I noticed that a few of Edti’s high class ‘friends’ were present but, apart from acknowledging them politely, he did not spend any time with them. Hoping that I was not rushing things I made him explore the beach with me and sat on a rock once we were out of sight.

“Do you miss Sandi?”

“It’s none of your business Jina.”

“But if you marry her then she is my business?”

His tone was slightly bitter, “If I do, I better be careful or else it will turn out that you have a Power of Attorney and the right to act as my proxy.”

“Good lord! How could I act as your proxy?” I giggled. “Do you mean in bed?” He found it funny and laughed. “Actually, when we return, why don’t you check the papers again? I’ve destroyed the Power of Attorney and the shares are yours to vote as you wish. I foresaw a problem Edti because I’ve seen it happen to others, but I have no wish to control you.”

“Thank you.”

“So, do you miss Sandi big brother?”

“A little. It’s too late, I’ll have to forget her.”

“Would you be angry with me if I interfered again?” He just stared at me. “A little bird told me you should go check on the occupant of room number 116 at the Mediterranean Hotel.” He first cursed me, gave me a sweaty hug and ran off. I really should teach him how to act more dignified - how would his high class friends react to his running all the way to reclaim his love? Definitely not cool of him :)

We had another engagement party at the hotel and then at the casino and Sandi was glowing, her happiness turning her into a beauty. I looked at all the people foolishly throwing away their money and wished I could buy a share in the casino. Minti tried to get me to join them (mums and da) in a flutter at the roulette wheel but I refused. When she insisted I pulled her to a black jack table and handed over some cash. Within an hour I’d made ten thousand pounds. I separated my original stake and asked for it to be cashed in for me. When they brought my cash I handed the rest over to the manager, explaining that I have perfect recall so I had not won fairly. He responded by inviting us to a splendid supper the next night. I should not need to point out that everyone thought I was balmy for handing back my winnings.

Eighteen years. I asked, “Are you interested in making more money or are you happy with what we have?”

With a smile Edti asked, “You have another idea?”

“If we can convince the government to give us a licence. I want us to get the agency from Philips and Grundig for their television sets and open our own television station. We’ll also have to fund some talented people to open film making studios so that we don’t have to import from America all our material. We’ll make a killing from the advertising.”

Our application was not approved so we took them to court. We lost the case and appealed. The appeal will only be heard in three months so we’ll have to wait. At least we secured the agency for Grundig and are the appointed sole importers. We ordered one million pounds worth, advertised like crazy and it convinced the shops to stock them.


Nineteen years. One of the most important days of my life since arriving in this reality. My Edti got married. They are keeping it a secret, but Sandi is already expecting. I’ve bought them a lovely house next to Green Park and deposited money with furnishers and shops like Harrods for them to buy whatever they like for their home. I arranged for them to go to Paris for their honeymoon since Sandi can speak a little bit of French. As for me, I had too much bubbly and danced till very late. Afterwards it felt strange going to sleep in an empty house.

It has been an unsettling summer for everyone. It was much hotter than usual and tempers were a little bit frayed. I saw Jakob staring off into space and he was emoting gloomy feelings. I hugged him around the neck and sat by him. “What’s wrong?”

“What is this all for? I have nobody to leave my wealth to.” I sat opposite him and seeing my serious look he tried to cheer himself. “Ach, I’m just being an old man, it is our duty to moan every now and then, don’t listen to me.”

“I never listen just to the words my friend, I listen to your heart. You are placing a dreadful burden on me for I now am forced to speak. You know that I intend publishing my diary. I will also look for other ways to leave messages for Robert. When he brings me back, I will also ask that he brings you with - even if you have died decades before I do. Now this is the part I did not wish to tell you, for nothing is certain. Jakob, when he brings you back to life, he will bring back your son also. This is my promise, if Robert finds me, you will have a full life to live with your son. You’ll see him marry and have children and they will play on your knees and grow up to fill your heart with all the love that was stolen from you. Do not think of your son as dead, even at this very second, Robert is holding his soul as they wait for the right time to return.”

His eyes lit up. “This can be so? Yes, you are too good to lie about it. Do you not have to ask Robert for him to decide?”

“He would anyway, but Robert has never refused anyone.”

“He asks nothing in return?”

“Of course he does! He asks that if he brought meaning and joy into your life, you repay him by doing the same for others.”

“You are certain he will find you?”

“Well, if he doesn’t, then Arthur will take over and lead him to us. Our author is too softhearted to allow any of his children to die.” I smiled at him. “He considers all our family his children, even Robert.”

“Why does he have to wait for you to die?”

“Let’s say he reads my diary, in there will be the date and place of my death. If he returns earlier, he will force time to split this reality so that in the one he gets me and in the other he does not until I die and the diary is published as it was. Robert has a fear of splitting realities, for then, one of us is lost to him.”

“I do not understand, but if you say it is so, then it is so.”

For the last year I have been keeping an eye on new companies listing here and in the other three stock exchanges we cover in our newspaper. As names appear that I recognise from my world as multinational giants, I invest in them. Not all of them grow very fast, but those with new technologies seem to be growing faster than the others. Those that I judge will grow faster later, I sell for a small profit and replace them, but I keep an eye on them and try to judge when it is likely they will expand at a faster rate. We’ve had an increase in stock values of about eighteen percent this year and I expect to do much better in the future. Since interest rates are between three to four percent, our capital gains should be considered phenomenal. It is strange how some inventions appear in this reality before they should (like television) while others delay in appearing.


Because we are regular investors, our broker is starting to advise of the availability of stocks at pre-listing prices so our gains should increase drastically. Though we are short of cash, I’ve decided it is time we move into international shipping. It will need careful study of the movements of cargoes and markets of this reality, but I think I’ll be able to make some sound decisions thanks to all Dommi and Elia have taught us about shipping. I’ve been to see our shipping sales and purchase brokers and advised them of my interest and asked them to send on to us any vessels available with employment for three years. Time charters are not that large a part of the business yet, so I don’t get many offers.

“Jakob, I’ve had an idea that is going to appeal to you, but it is a bit of an adventure and we will be fought tooth and nail by a giant in the industry. I know where there are diamond deposits. Both pipes and alluvial deposits - diamonds that were moved by glaciers or rivers and placed in beds of gravel.”

“I know nothing about diamonds. What are pipes?”

“Extinct volcanoes.”

“Really? I’d thought they only exist in rivers. These are in South Africa?”

“I know of some very good undiscovered deposits there, but De Beers almost have a monopoly. There are easy to mine deposits in other African countries. Since they are still colonies, we might manage to secure permits. I’m not interested in diamonds that are far below the surface, only those that a few earth moving machines can uncover.”

“Who would run our mine Jina? It would be very tempting for them to steal our diamonds.”

“There would be a number of controls in place. Unfortunately you are right, there are no professionals we can send and those who are somewhat adventurous tend to also be unscrupulous. We’ll shelve the idea for now.” I knew it would nag at him like a mental broken tooth and waited for him to work out the solutions. A few days later he came to ask me a question.

“What kind of investment would be required?”

“For a small operation? About one hundred thousand. If we want to be big enough to fight the monopolies and establish our own international marketing arm, maybe three million for starters. That would be the safest. At that level we would have a production of at least fifteen thousand carats per month.”

He swayed. “Per month!”

“We’d have to open offices in New York, Hong Kong, Europe, probably in Amsterdam and London of course. With diamonds we could also mine and supply rubies and emeralds.”

“Enough! You are driving me crazy!”

“Once Israel comes back into existence, we could create our own diamond cutting facilities since many of the best cutters in Rotterdam are Jews. Jakob, in our reality there was a second world war and the Allies gave part of Palestine to the Jews. I do not see any signs of a second world war happening here, at least not close to our time frame, so Israel might not happen.” He forgot all about the diamonds and was just like an excited child as he asked me questions about Israel. I promised to take him there someday. When he heard that I had visited Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the river Jordan and the Dead Sea, he lightly touched me as if I were someone holy. I told him stories about the solution the first settlers there used, creating kibbutz’s and he nodded as if it made sense to him. I knew he’d be throwing that idea at his friends, but trusted him not to involve me. To be careful, I suggested that if he wanted, he could claim he had dreamt of all I’d told him. He shook his head.

“No, I must not awaken dreams where there is no possibility of them coming true. My friends are already wondering about you and your knowledge of our language and customs and they might connect my dream to you.”

I giggled. “I wonder what they would say if you told them I’ve met Abraham, Moses and Jesu - even Mohamed.” For weeks he came to visit to hear stories about them. God knows what his dreams were like. I was surprised when he told me that Mohamed sounded like a good and wise man (the one we’ve met is). I’d thought his religious fanaticism would blind him to those qualities. The better I come to know my old friend the more I love him.


A son has been born to Edti and Sandi. I went to visit and love holding him, but this time I’m staying away and have forbidden them from visiting with him. It tears my heart in two (or is it ‘my hearts in four’?) but I dare not risk it.

Twenty years. They sound such an impossible number of years for me to have survived without my family, but then I think of how long I still have before me and I quail at the thought.

Edti marched into my office this morning with a determined look to him. He placed a small box on my desk so I opened it to find a miniature pistol. I closed the box and pushed it back towards him. “Robert says that if you possess a weapon, you’ll end up using it and regretting it. No thank you Edti.”

“I don’t care what this Robert of yours says! We refuse to lose you because of his high and mighty ethics. If all you’ve told me is true, he has powers far more lethal, so of course he can take the high road. You do not have to use it to kill anyone, at worst a thigh wound would incapacitate them.”

“Not the one who is the real danger. This would not even hurt him. Edti, whatever you say, I refuse to bend my own rules, I’m sorry and I know you mean well. How’s my baby nephew?”

“Keep the pistol to defend him then. At least you will be able to spend more time with him. Jina, I don’t want him growing up without your love.”

“He has that already, but I understand what you are saying. I don’t see any solution that is acceptable to me.”

“You’re a stubborn goat!” He took to calling me that for a while when I told him that Robbie says he wants us all to be goats, so his insult actually warmed my heart, reminding me of days gone by.

“Flattery will get you nowhere dear brother.”

The truth is, I was tempted. Not for me, but to save anyone who happens to be with me when I’m attacked. If we can only get the diamond business going, then it would make my name known all over the world and my enemy would have no reason for further attacks. As for the money it would make, just imagine how many children I could help.

We were offered a three thousand ton ship, general cargo, with employment for two years and one other of eight thousand with eighteen months employment. At the rates offered, the small one would take five years to pay off and the big one seven years. The charterers are a Dutch company so Jakob had some contacts approach the Amro Bank as they would know the charterers. They approved a sixty percent financing. The Willam shipping company had enough liquidity to place ten percent of the price so they became a quarter owners of the ship with our shipping company owning seventy five percent.

There is always some bright spark, a young reporter hoping for a scoop, so I’ve been pestered for interviews throughout the years. The more I refuse, the more determined they are. A young woman who had worked for Minti for a while and then moved on, sent me an envelope. I read the pages she’d enclosed and laughed. She’d written an imaginary interview with me and appended her comments that it is to give me an impression of how sensitively she would handle a real interview with me.

I sent her a note:

‘Dear Maud,

If you are willing to agree to my interviewing you, I might agree on the condition that you give me prior access to what you wish to print and final say on what you publish. I will not delete any personal opinions, even should they be unfavourable to me, if I consider them honest, as long as you make it clear to the readers that it is only your personal opinion. No hearsay or use of rumours is permitted.’

Maud turned up on time, dressed conservatively but tastefully. Minti had given me a few hints about her and I felt relaxed. I poured tea, offered her biscuits and smiled. “You are attractive, do you have a boyfriend?”


“On and off. As you probably know, it is difficult to find a man comfortable with a career woman who has a mind of her own.”

I give a mental grin at her trying to trap me. “I know no such thing Maud. I love one man who shall remain unnamed. He is a bit of a chauvinist, but there are certain aspects of male chauvinism I do not object to - especially those that make me feel like an attractive and loved woman. I have no wish to emulate men, as long as I’m allowed to think for myself, I love being a woman.”

“He does not mind that within ten years you have created an empire and are one of the hundred wealthiest persons in London?”

“Why should he? First of all I think you have an exaggerated idea of how wealthy I am and second of all, he has enough money to satisfy him, so why should he resent my having what I need? Most of what I have, in my eyes, belongs to my family and the share I intend keeping to please myself I intend using to help children. As you see, I do not live at the best address and my home is a modest two bedroom, if I wanted to live in a mansion I do not doubt I would, but I am comfortable where I am. As a woman yourself, would you prefer to live uncomfortably in an elegant mansion or somewhere you feel comfortable?”

“I would not object to living in a mansion.”

“Fine, I’ll arrange that you do so for a month. I will do so on the condition that you write honestly about how it made you feel, especially once you are over your original excitement and awe.”

“I couldn’t…”

“I’m not bribing you, I am offering you an assignment. First you will publish this interview, announce what I have prepared for you and that you will write for all those who will never have an opportunity to live like a queen.”

“My editor will have to approve it. I have a question that everyone has been asking, is it allowed?”

“Let me tell you a story first.

In a village, in a different country, the journalist and priest belonged to opposing political parties. The journalist went to the priest and asked for an interview. He told him, ‘It is said among our people that you are gay and have sex with little boys. Is it true?’. ‘Of course not! What rubbish! I am a man of God’. ‘So you deny it?’. ‘Most categorically’.

The next day the headline on the newspaper read, ‘Priest denies he has sex with boys’. Of course the priest was destroyed and nobody believed him.

The power of the press can be used responsibly, but it can also be used to hurt and destroy people. What are your intentions? Just how ambitious are you?”

“I’m not that ambitious!”

“Then ask your question.”

“Are you the woman who healed seven children and one man after the mothers and wife wrote asking for help to your magazine?”

“It belongs to my sister, not me. Hmm, that would make me look good if I answered yes, wouldn’t it? I believe she was described as intimidating, a ‘presence’ and it has been hinted that she was an angel. Do I appear intimidating or look like an angel? I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

“Are you planning to branch out into new ventures?”

“I’m like an oak tree, I do not plan where to grow branches, if the time is right for a new product and my competitors have not grabbed it, I’m more than happy to oblige the market by branching out. You could say the market is equivalent to sunshine, our tree grows as the sun dictates. That is what makes business so exciting, nobody can foresee all the directions it may grow out in search of the sun.”


“Speaking of oak trees which brings to my mind acorns, do you plan on having any children to inherit your oak tree?”

“As I said, my family will own my share someday. I’ll disclose a titbit that any good reporter should have unearthed a long time ago. I was adopted by my family. That makes them very special to me, for they chose to love me, they weren’t just stuck with me as a child they happened to produce as a side effect of enjoying themselves. I owe them twice the love and loyalty any child owes its natural or biological parents. Please record what I said for everyone to know what a lucky person I was to be found and loved by such wonderful people. I have a term I like to use for such people, I call them Cherinians - people who give love, compassion and empathy without demanding anything in return.”

She smiled. “You are famous for coining words that become adopted by the general public and scientists. I find this one interesting. Cherinians. How did you think up the word?”

“Let’s just say I met a girl called Cherine who epitomises all that is good about being a human being. I’ll tell you what, I’d be real proud if you gave your article the header ‘Jina the Cherinian’.”

“I’ll suggest it. How do you find men react to finding a woman facing them in deals that had previously been exclusively the domain of men?”

I chuckled. “I’ll paraphrase someone. I’m a butterfly. They see beauty, sense a fragility and their instincts become my allies. By the time they start to take me seriously they’ve already agreed to terms no man could have won from them.”

“If I print that, won’t it give them warning?”

“Maud, I never wanted or asked for special consideration in business because of being a female, I am capable of dealing with them on equal terms. There are certain women who demand they be given equality while also demanding that men give them special consideration. In a way I agree with them, but I differ in what is important and do not resent men when their ‘consideration’ indicates that they find me attractive or that they think of me as being weaker physically. After all, why should I not show a man I think he is attractive? It does not mean I want to hop into bed with him, just that I appreciate his beauty, charm or qualities that make him special. For instance, I believe that a woman’s best friend is usually a man - and vice versa.”

She put down her pen. “May I state, privately, that I am amazed. I had expected to struggle to get you to speak, but you have been extremely open and candid with me. My editor is going to be very pleased with me.”

“I always reciprocate in kind my dear. You also came highly recommended by my sister. She said she was sorry to lose you, but understands you need a more varied experience to grow.” She blushed, pleased. “Any further difficult questions you wish to throw at me?”

“I had one, something I heard privately and my newspaper are not aware of. You’ve already given me so much I did not want to push my luck.”

“If I don’t want to answer I promise I’ll let you know.”

“I sort of canvassed the area, asking questions about you. They told me something that worried me. I believe you have been attacked a number of times, not only that time your house was bombed and your niece killed.” She noticed I’d paled. “I’m sorry, forget I asked. Miss Jonston, some other less principled journalist will learn the truth and they’ll use it without asking you.”

I squirmed as I considered her remark. She was right, but I was afraid of opening that can of worms to public scrutiny. The press would dig and dig and I would not be able to stop them. I sighed, I’d have to use the truth to blind them.

“I have an enemy, but I do not know who he is. He’s orchestrated all the attacks against me. I can only tell you what I suspect, but it may place me in further danger if I give too many details. My natural parents do not live here, in this country. I believe that man is from where they are. I do not know how it came about that I found myself in England, but I suspect he found me an easier target than my original family and has concentrated on me. I do not wish to give any further details as it would endanger them.”


“If I can, I’ll leave my question and your answer out of my article.”

“No, you may write them. As you said, it would be worse if someone else first writes about it. I trust you to be careful and sensitive.”

She tried to find something to break us out of the gloomy thoughts we both found ourselves thinking. “I think I have a better heading, ‘Jina the Cherinian Butterfly’.”

I smiled, “As long as you include the word Cherinian.”

I give that girl top marks, “Off the record, the word is a code for something?”

I stared into her eyes. “My real parents do not know where I live and under what name. If they come across your article and see that word they’ll know it is me. Are you upset that I am also using you?”

“No, if I’d known I would have been glad to be of help. I hope they see it.”

I thought to myself, no wonder so many men fall for her despite her being such a feminist, she’s got integrity. I’d like a friend like her.

I approved her article without any serious changes (even though she embarrassed me a few times by speaking of my personality as being straight, open and honest) and it was published, but she does try too hard to sound professional. I was amused that she’d included my note agreeing to the interview. Despite herself and the editing of her Editor, she still came across as liking me. It made me feel good. I put out the word that I was looking to hire a mansion for a month.

Jakob of course teased me, “I see you ensnared the poor girl with your charm.”

“If I had any charm you would have been married to me years ago.” He flushed with pleasure and as a gentleman he protested.

“Perhaps I can help you. Many of the so-called upper class owe money to friends of mine that they cannot pay back. We’ll find one with a magnificent mansion and convince them to rent it to you. I suggest you add as a sweetener a holiday abroad for the family while your guest is staying there.”

“Done, you’ve got a deal.”

I negotiated with the newspaper and Minti’s magazine was allowed to print the same article but with added comments that would be of interest to women only. They agreed because the magazine only hits the stands a few days after their article. Minti loved it and moved an article to the next issue so as to make space for it.

Twenty one years. I’m starting to wonder why I have not been attacked for so long. I’m only thirty years old in body age and still have another one hundred years to go. If he managed to kill me he could wipe out all traces of my existence, so why is he being so cautious?

I was thinking of my loves when I suddenly sat up excited. I’d thought of Wendy when my idea hit me. What if I bought the right to produce a copy of a song no longer selling, but that is interesting and does not exist in our reality? I don’t know all the songs of our world, but if it is different enough, I should be able to tell if it fits in with our songs. I’ll promote some new singer and lay within the recording a message that is almost subliminal. Since she will be able to hear it squawking at her she will slow it down out of curiosity and strengthen it so that she clearly hears what is said. I’ll make it up to the singer by funding another record.

I spent days going through catalogues of song titles and nearly screamed when I found a song titled, ‘Some girls never grow up’. I asked for a copy of it and listened to it. It was a sort of silly song and sickly sweet with sentimental drivel for lyrics, but I chose it. I knew that if Wendy finds it she will want it for Robert.

Next [Book 10] - Post 046

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
* posted: 11th May, 2020

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