Little Cherine Book 10 - BPost063

in #sfandf-fiction4 years ago (edited)

As you probably all know by now, I made certain assumptions about Robert Teller. I presumed he has an instinct that guides him so that the Cherinians, which I hope will someday be all humans, take the correct path and become true humans, filled with empathy and love for all. At times that I could not see a threat, he did and was proven right. Somehow he always knows what to do so that the best path is chosen for the future.

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There was silence and then a young man was picked out. He looked flustered and when he spoke a number of people groaned at him to sit down. “I’ve watched every telling I could, live or recorded. I’ve been to Freddie and talked with one of the Teller family. I’m hoping to go someday on a trip with them. To tell you the truth, I am obsessed with them. You see, I am trying to become a writer of fiction. I have thought about all I learnt and nothing makes sense. If we were created by you for your story, then I’d say that your story, for readers in your reality, is unreal and boring. How can you create a hero who is invincible and expect him to remain an interesting character? Readers need to identify with the struggles and dreams of the main character. They need to worry and fear when he is attacked, to rejoice when he succeeds.”


What an amazing display of his power over us. He spoke simply, pointed out a few home truths and, probably, because he assumed, they listened to him and pictured what he spoke of. They saw the truth, but it did not assuage the need and longing to keep their loved ones safe nor did it affect those who wish for a World out of selfish reasons only, to prolong their existence without much thought of others. Of course they are the least likely to succeed since love is needed for the forming of a World.

At least they are now willing to listen to Robbie and he has spoken every day, doing his best to help them see that if they truly love, they must allow their loved ones the freedom to move on to the greatness that is our potential. He has told them they will meet their loved ones again and that has calmed many fears. We have not understood which compromises Arthur was suggesting we offer them, but perhaps it is all a matter of dialogue and personal temperament.

Cassie’s wish, made in jest, could not be satisfied, for as soon as it stopped moving, Robbie quickly locked the image within stasis and it was placed within the main lobby of the Cherinian Embassy. Thousands come each day to stare at him as he waits with a hint of a smile, one second passing inside the stasis for every fifteen years outside.


A message was passed on to me from the embassy. David did try to call me, but without us suspecting, all calls to any of our numbers were vetted and if not from those close to us, they were not put through. I called him again, he told me where he would be in an hour and I jumped there. As soon as I saw him I touched his hand and jumped to a beach no one knows we go to. “I’m sorry, it was rude, but I did not want to explain while we were being spied on.”

“You are apologising for something I’ve hardly dared dream of? Where are we?”

“In Africa. Would you like some coconut milk?” I brought two, cut the top off and gave it to him. He’d tasted it before in Hawaii so he drank it with a soft complaint about it not having any alcohol.

“What did you think of Arthur’s speech?”

“Very amateurish, almost childishly so - and because of that, paradoxically, very successful. Many people feared him because of his power over us, but now they are talking about him as if he is a slightly addled but gentle soul. What came through mostly was that he cares about all of us. How do the other species see him?”

I laughed. “Because of my constant fights with him, they’ve lost most of their awe of him and feel sorry for him.”

“Where did you find the courage to fight with him?”

I grinned. “It is easy to fight with those you love.”

“I did call you back Samantha, but I could not get through. I would not have been able to host you on a show as things were then, if that is why you called me.”

I explained about the vetting of our calls. “Meaning that you can now?”

“What would you have to say?”

“I was not asking David. If I do decide to go public, I think I should choose a different host. The world is starting to identify you as being on our side and that will make you less effective when we have a real emergency.”

He stared into my eyes. “Is this a brush off? Tell me straight Samantha.”

“No, this is an apology. We were discussing you and it was decided you should be linked as a Cherinian if you are willing. For selfish reasons I refused on your behalf. We’ll see to it that you remain healthy and a Sparkler will watch over you so that we can be called to you in an emergency. Did I presume?”

I was pleased to see him consider my question instead of rushing to reassure me. “I can see why. I’ll leave it in your hands. For the record, when it is time, I will humbly agree.” I stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. He may be one of those ugly men who come across as incredibly charming, but he really is as nice inside him as he appears to be on television. We spent an hour walking on the beach chatting.

“I’ve used up an hour out of your drinking time. Do you want to return or would you like to visit someplace new to you?”

“I already am somewhere new. What did you have in mind?”

“Supper at our house in Athens. Robert has cooked.” He gave me a look and I laughed. “Don’t worry, you won’t suffer, he’s our best cook. Don’t forget that Maria at the taverna is really him. I’ll make certain you have a bottle of vintage wine from the Chara Estate.”

* * * * *


A serial killer is loose and for the first time we’ve been asked to help. His victims are all well off males. Not of the extremely wealthy who have guards, just the ordinary man who has a nice business, a nice house and car. He abducts them and pours molten gold down their throat. The media have dubbed him the 24 Karat Killer, but nobody is amused. Everyone can empathise with the victims and imagine how acute their suffering was. After his third victim we were asked to help catch him. The last two victims, the Sparklers had identified their souls and Robbie stole some of their cells from the mortuary and recreated bodies for them. None of them could provide any useful information about the killer and were strangely reluctant to discuss the little they knew. Once back on Earth, they and their families disappeared.

Sparklers came to Earth by the hundreds of millions and every single person in the United States was watched. Violent crime went down to zero as every mugger, thief and so on was caught in the act by Cherinians who responded to the call from the Sparklers who were witnesses. Despite our precautions, the fourth victim was found lying on the ground beside his car. No Sparkler had been watching the victim! A distant witness assured us the man had been alive the one moment and dead the next. The victim, reincarnated, told a different story. He’d been driving home in the early evening when he saw his teenage son walking alongside the road. He stopped to take him home and angrily remonstrated with him for being out at night without permission. His son answered him cheekily so he got out of his car and then everything went hazy as he lost consciousness.

Robbie muttered in frustration, “The murderer has to be a Talent. I’ve asked Dimi and he has not heard anything about new talents appearing within the last few weeks. How do we go about catching him if even the Sparklers are affected?”

I did not see it that simply. “We already know a few things. We are presuming the new talent is a male. As a matter of fact, we are presuming he is a new talent. This talent does not have just one power. It is able to overcome the central nervous system or perhaps the brain itself. It can do something similar to the Sparklers. It also has the ability to transmute base metals into gold or else it has converted a food machine for doing so. I should point out that even our scientists have not succeeded in doing so, so I think it is unlikely, it is far more likely it is another power.”

Solace asked me, “What proof have you that he does not buy the gold - or mine it?”

“None. Rich men do not usually go around hating rich men - usually it is the poor who feel that way. Another assumption, if you like.”

Robbie shook his head. “A multi-talented Talent! We’ve never had one before, not even when linking Normals as Cherinians. If more than one talent appears, they tend to appear separated in time and according to need.”

I nodded. “Perhaps we should consider that another clue? I’d prefer not to treat it as fact, just as a possibility.”

“There is another possibility.” Angel’s face was white. “It could be from a reality of magic.”

“Why would he come here to kill, why not those he has a gripe with in his own reality?”

“Maybe he is not strong enough to fight another mage?”

She had a point so I said, “Add that as a list to the possibilities. Perikli, anything else?”

“The police have been acting on the belief that the killer is insane and enjoys the excruciating pain he inflicts on his victims. If those who’ve been victims are to be believed, they felt no pain, they were unconscious. That indicates we are not dealing with a sadist.”

The next victim was a Cherinian! The Normals stopped being angry with us, but we were worried. The victim was furious, but immediately responded to Robbie’s request for a meeting in Freddie. None of us had met him before and he introduced himself as Brian Switlow from Athens, USA. That sent a shiver through me, it could not be coincidence.

“Will you share Brian?”


“There is nothing to share Robert, but you are welcome to enter my memories and re-live the attack - if that is what it was. As far as I know, all that happened is that I lost consciousness. After you brought me back I went to the mortuary and saw my body. That made it real for me, till then I’d felt someone was playing a trick on me.”

Robbie sat up with Candy in his arms. “I’ve seen the when and where in detail. I’m going back in time to see firsthand the sequence of events Brian missed out on.”

I suggested, “Don’t be close to him. Watch from a distance.” He nodded his agreement.

Robbie took Haven, Jade, Rosie and Empathia with him. He placed Haven very close to Brian and the other three and Robbie spread out at staggered distances. Brian was sitting in his garden. As he ended a call he put the phone down and leant back in his seat. Suddenly he sat up, looked around and then they saw from his eyes that he was tracking someone walking towards him. None of them saw anyone. Brian spoke, was obviously answered for he half raised himself in anger when it seems he was pushed back into his seat and he lost consciousness. Haven blanked out and by the time she came to Brian was dead. His mouth was not opened, although the lips did sag in partial separation, yet gold lined the inside of his burnt mouth, throat and gullet.

The four of them had watched for any strangers within a radius of three hundred metres, but they did not see anyone acting strangely, just the usual activities of neighbours. They returned even more puzzled than they’d left.

Vincent brought Christós to us and he returned in time with Robbie to a previous murder. When they returned he confirmed he had not felt the presence of magic being used. Typically, Robbie decided not to keep any secrets and told the world what he had done to catch the murderer and his lack of success. In a sober mood we watched the world spout theory after theory, in the hope that someone would come up with a useful idea. One theory was put forward, rejected at first and then it started to gather supporters. The author of the idea suggested that since magic had not been used and we cannot catch the murderer despite our formidable gifts and the victims all disappear, the murderer can only be one person: Arthur. He postulated the murders are not real, that Arthur only temporarily created his victims. He suggested Arthur is doing this as a prank.

The accusation was so ludicrous that it did not even anger me. It was with surprise that I then saw support for the idea grow by leaps and bounds. Perikli explained how the police think. Their duty is to find the perpetrator of a crime. Once they have evidence enabling them to single out a particular criminal, theoretically they should use all their expertise to prove or disprove the guilt of that person. As I indicated, that is in theory only, it no longer works that way. What they do now is create profiles and based on the profile that suits a particular crime they search their database for those known to fit that profile. Some investigations narrow their suspect list to one person. From there onwards they do everything they can to prove that person is the guilty party. If that person is not guilty of that particular crime, it is often up to that person to prove their innocence. So much for the assumption that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. It is not as rare as the public thinks, that evidence is twisted to suit their determination that the arrested party is guilty. On the one hand it can be appreciated that the men and women who risk their lives to protect the public find it very frustrating having the courts throw out the case because some technicality was not properly observed, so, rarely, they’ll add to the body of evidence, even manufacture evidence. However, it does mean that no longer can anyone expect as their right to be judged by a properly constituted judge or by a jury. It is now incumbent upon the party who was arrested, because his or her profile matched the crime, to prove they are innocent. On the above basis, Arthur is guilty unless proven otherwise. Thanks to what I learnt, last night I was upset and thinking morbid thoughts. Robbie came out to the garden and stood by me until he sensed I was ready to speak. I did not expect him to take a hard line so I listened with dismay as he spoke.

“Why are you upset Sam? None of them know Arthur as well as you do and yet, look at how many times you’ve been suspicious of him and blamed him for things he was innocent of. Anyway, the only way to handle this is by finding the real culprit.”

“Culprit! He’s a sadistic murderer - not a culprit.”


“He’s playing a game with us love. His method of killing, by pouring molten gold into them, that cannot be the actions of someone motivated by revenge. Everybody he’s killed we’ve brought back. He ensured that none of them felt any pain, not even the fear of dying. They all have new bodies that will last at least twenty years longer than their old bodies would have - if they still exist, since they all seem to disappear. We are his target, not the victims as everyone thinks. That is why I told everyone all we’ve done and highlighted our failures. I’d rather have him underestimating us.” He cupped my chin and smiled. “Anybody who forgets we have a Samantha on our side is badly underestimating us.”

“He won’t forget me, I’m going to challenge him.”

He silently fought his instincts until he could speak calmly. “To what?”

“To kill me.”

He wilted, unable to fight himself. “I love this body Sam, without any gold in it.”

“So do I, I’m not letting him have it. I wonder how many doppelgangers I could create and control at the same time?”

He instantly brightened, able to use his brain again. He chuckled. “You’ve thought up something new, he obviously knows our existing tricks, so it just might work.” He pulled me to him. “What are you planning?” I giggled at his obvious manipulating.

Later, at the taverna I asked for Samuel to join us. He listened to my plan and his eyes were cold as he thought it through for himself. “I don’t like it.”

“You won’t kill him Samuel.”

He remained cold and angry and he stared at Robbie with steely eyes as he spoke, as if daring him to get angry with him. “After so many years with you I’ve come to feel and think of all of you as my family. Now you want me to use my powers to hurt you. I know it will be just a doppelganger, but the explosion will hurt you. As far as my eyes are concerned I will see myself killing a Samantha. I don’t know that I can do it. Could you Robert?”

I risked angering him even further by laughing. “I’ve done it to Cherine - to a number of Cherines. I did it because I love them and you will do it because you love us.”

He ignored me, his eyes still locked with those of Robbie. Robbie looked away first, his shoulders slumping. “I don’t know that I could do it, but I do know one thing. When Samantha sets her mind on doing something the only one who is able to stop her is Cherine.”

“All I need do is refuse.”

I could have cried when Robbie asked, “Will you?” for I knew he would do so and it was too late for me to twist him around.


I came to my feet and I could feel how fierce my face looked. “Then I’ll make my sacrifice for nothing.” I turned to the Akiards, “Will you help me?”


I ignored Robbie. “Can you ask your entity to help? As my doppelgangers are killed I want your higher self to either follow the enemy or block it from leaving.”

As one they came to their feet. “We will do so.”

“You shouldn’t have refused her, it was…”


“Gilli! He was not wrong to refuse, it was wrong of me to ask him. He has a terrible power and it pleases me that he is so reluctant to use it. I prefer the solution the Akiards offer me.” I looked at Samuel and tried to gentle my voice. “You would not have hurt me much, nor would you have killed him, since he will not be present. The explosion would have shaken up his soul and that might have betrayed him to us, for I think that much of his power must be present for him to be so effective.”

I issued my challenge after I’d trained at using a number of doppelgangers at the same time. The most I could handle was seven and even then they were a bit jerky in their movements. I doubted there would be time for that to be noticed. I challenged him to fill my throat with gold at a specific time and date on Mytikas, the highest peak of Mt Olympus. The government promptly vacated the few tourists close by and even the villages at the base of the mountain. Jeeringly I promised not to hide behind Robbie or any other powerful Cherinians, mocking his ability to harm me. Earnestly I explained to the reporters that the murderer is a coward and will not put in an appearance. I did not admit to them that I was also being a coward and would not be there in person.

Freddie extended a shaft almost to the exosphere and zoomed in on the mountain top. I sent my prime doppelganger and kept the rest close by. The prime doppelganger walked around, sat on a rock and looked as bored as I could make it look, the rest spread out. The Akiards had left their bodies and with their World entity as part of them and their unified souls they waited, spread out above my doppelgangers.

At the appointed time, a young shepherd climbed the last metre and stood within view of my doppelgangers. Since we had not sensed him climbing the mountain I knew it was the enemy. He ignored the other doppelgangers and giving a slight bow he held out an ingot of gold.

“Since you were desperate for some gold, I have brought it for you.” He frowned. “Samantha Teller, you will not find me by bringing me to you or to your images. If you want me, you’ll have to find me.” He bowed and disappeared, the ingot left behind on a rock.

My trump card, the Akiards, had been wasted. They had not been able to sense him. The media had placed a number of miniature cameras and the meeting was broadcast and those who were so disposed, laughed at me. I shrugged and jumped to my waterfall. I closed my eyes, relaxed myself until the tiniest muscle in my body was loose. I created an empty bottle of Chara wine, placed a moonflower in it, or belle de nuit as it is also known, and focussed on its simple but elegant beauty. When the time was right I allowed thoughts to rise from the depths as I tried to avoid guiding them, just keeping myself open to whatever came to me.

I asked for Samuel to join us at the taverna. As he arrived I went to meet him and as I put my arms up he leant forward and I kissed his cheek. “I owe you an apology. He did arrive in his body, even though it was camouflaged.” I gave him a bright smile. “Not that you would have killed him.”

“How do you know?”

“He was wearing a stasis shield.” In an effort to be entirely honest I amended my statement. “Either it was a stasis shield or else he made it look like one.”

He crouched before me with his hands on my shoulders. “May I hug you?” I stepped to him and put my arms around his neck. He crushed me to him. He did not hold me for long, but I felt his love and it was a good love. I took his hand in mine and led him to a space with two empty chairs for us to sit.

“It was not a total waste, we’ve learnt a little more about him. Everybody, Robert, the girls, Freddie, Vincent, the Unation ship with their advanced technology, Christós and Angelica with magic and the Akiards all tried to sense him arrive and leave. Not one of them succeeded. He did not attack me and issued his own challenge in return. The challenge would not make sense if it is impossible to find him.” I hesitated. “It could be that he is just making fun of me, but I do not think so. I’ve come to certain conclusions that have little to do with facts but are mostly logical to me, but also due to what I felt through my doppelganger. I…”


Robbie was furious. “You extended yourself into it! We did not agree to your taking the risk. You lied to us Samantha.”

“I never lie Robert - except sometimes to those I love and my friends.” There was silence for a moment and then Cherine screamed with laughter. She loved the way I’d turned what Robbie had told her long ago into the opposite of what he’d said. Robbie stayed angry, so as soon as everyone calmed down I spoke to him. “Dad, how could he have hurt me? Both my soul and body were here in Freddie. We’ve sent doppelgangers to be shot, stabbed or hurt without worrying about the pain.”

“That is not the point. We are dealing with an unknown Talent. All he has done could have been for the purpose of destroying you. If he had attacked he could have shattered your mind.”

I glanced at the Akiards who were listening. “Would one of you like to explain?”

“Father, her senses were routed through our merged soul. If she had been attacked we would have absorbed the attack or pain.”

“What if he had grabbed at her and taken that part of her with him. Samantha, you cannot have it both ways. You wanted Samuel to use his power so as to hurt him. He could have had his own plan that would damage you.”

“I am certain he will not - even when I confront him in person.”

“You are that certain you will find him?” Laura asked me.

“Not yet. All I’ve succeeded in doing is excluding certain possibilities. He does not come from a reality with magic. He does not come from our Earth - at least, not of this time. He is either a new species we have not previously met or else, he comes from our future.” I gave one of my widest ever grins. “Perhaps he is a future son of Cassie and he’s inherited her sense of…humour.” Cassie gave me a tick, but her heart was not in it; she was filled with too much excitement at the idea of having her own child. Robbie softened, ignored me and concentrated on Cassie, filling her with his love and a promise that the day will come.

Alki asked, “What do we do now? How does he expect you to find him?”

“Not by him hiding. I’m hoping that now he has our attention, he will not need to kill again. He issued me with a challenge, so he cannot expect me to find him if he disappears. Let’s make a list of the clues we have and see if he gives us any more clues when he appears again.”

We checked the numbers on the ingot and a very disturbed official from Switzerland informed us this bar of gold should have been in storage under their airport. Robbie wanted to return it, but I asked whether we can pay for it as I need to check it for further clues. Robbie gave me a funny look but agreed to pay. I suggested they check for other missing bars as I suspect those used for killing came from the same place. The poor man rushed to phone his bank and left looking quite distraught. I might only be guessing (as I seem to do half my life) but I would say it had just occurred to him for the first time ever that any Cherinian, Ipohin and so on can steal the bullion they are storing. The disappearance of that much gold would not only bankrupt them, but probably their country also. I’ll venture a further guess that in some instances it is not that much fun for the Normals having us around.

Robbie asked, “What clues Sam?”

“If he’d poured it down my throat, would you have returned the gold?”

He blew up, angry with me, “I don’t believe this! You kept it for yourself!”

“Me? I would do such a thing? How could you say that dad?”

“I’m sorry…will you at least explain?”


“I think it should go on our mantelpiece with our other souvenirs. That way, whenever I’m a pain in the ass, you can look at it and console yourselves that you nearly got lucky and got rid of me.”

“If that was meant as a joke, it was in bad taste.” Not only Robbie was angry, so were all my loves.

Sweet Gina, my baby, she tried to find an excuse. “Were you hoping to find fingerprints? He wasn’t wearing gloves.”

“No love, he was wearing gloves - his stasis shield.” Still, it was worth checking as we don’t know whether the shield takes the form it covers closely enough to show some of the whorls. As I’d expected, nothing showed, only mine and those of the handlers.

I took some time off from our problems to visit the camp. Katrina and Nitsa were both staying at the camp and I watched them with the children. I could feel how much good it had done both of them and for the first time, for a long time I suspect, they felt proud of themselves. What irked me was that under it all, Nitsa still felt bitter. Holding a child in her arms neither deepened nor rid her of her bitterness, not even temporarily. I ended up sleeping in a tent for two nights and enjoyed sleeping among the pine trees with the sounds and scents of the sea.

The Ipohin have chosen the 15th of September as their anniversary date. They invited all our family - not as flattering as it sounds, for they also invited Campbell. Robbie insists we all go shopping and buy the most fashionable dresses and we choose what jewellery each of us will wear on the night. That means we are going as adults.

We celebrated Noelle’s birthday. She is officially thirty two years old now. Because we stay as children and because we are far older in actual years lived, some people expect our official birthdays and ages not to mean anything to us. They are wrong.

When we dress up for going out, the house is full of laughter, excitement and even a few scenes of irritation. We help each other with our hair and makeup. Since Robbie loves long hair, our hair reaches to our bums and it can be a real bother keeping it nice and neat. When we dress up, we mostly choose to wind it up and that is why we all need help. Another pet peeve - few of us have mastered the art of putting on a bra if it has clips at the back, since we hardly ever need to use one. Sometimes years can pass without me having breasts, so a bra feels uncomfortable when I need one for an evening. I especially don’t like putting it on back to front and then twisting it around. I’m not used to having breasts and I dislike the feeling of mangling them. I don’t even like the ones that have the clip in front, between the breasts…you’d think they would have improved the design of bras by now, but there have not been any radical changes over the last twenty years.

When we are all dressing up for an evening out, Robbie takes his clothes to a guest bedroom, showers and dresses there. That is the reason he is always ready long before we are. Unfortunately he then tends to take walks and when he returns we have to brush his suit or polish his shoes again. When he does it in Athens, I wonder whether the officers keeping an eye on us, think he is walking on his own so as to get away from us for a while . I bet Cherine would tell us that even then Robbie manages to do something good for Cherinianism, as he is helping them learn to exercise their sense of empathy. I think I must design a shield to protect me from pillows while I’m writing.

We arrived at exactly the time Michael specified on his invitation (we found out it was calculated to be about ten minutes after the last officials arrived). He took Cherine’s hand under his arm, with Ahní on his other arm and circulated, proudly wanting everyone to see how beautiful his mother is as an adult. A few minutes later Michael and his top Ipohin and the council members went to the podium and Michael gave a short speech. He ended off by grinning as he said, ‘if you were hoping for a longer speech I’ll have to call my father to talk to you’. He had his laughs, with a few hamming it up by pleading for him not to. The others who spoke spent more time dwelling on the history of the Ipohin and their glorious future. Only one of them took care to reaffirm their devotion to helping all of life. I thought it was stupid of them, but then I realised Michael had deliberately allowed them to make the speeches they’d made, not pressing them nor reminding them they are supposed to sound like God’s answer to the prayers of the Normals. His followers will soon wise up and become more sophisticated politicians.

Next [Book 10] - Post 064

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

  • posted: 21st May, 2020

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