Little Cherine Book 11 - BPost065

I don’t like many of your stories, I think you use them to convince your reader that you do not only write sweet and tender stories. Is that what your story is? lol - thanks.

Previous: Book 11 - Post 064




Not out of concern, more because we were looking for something to pass the time, we had another family meeting in our Athens home to try and discover why Jesus brought Isaac to us. We listed everything he has participated in, but still it did not make sense. One sentence in the diary struck Cherine as important, but it did not help us. It had to do with the time we entered her world to free her and we encircled the fort/castle and a guard turned away just as we appeared.

Having gone though the diary to accumulate such snippets, something else came to me as I was falling asleep. I dismissed the thought and fell asleep. This morning I recalled my thought and teased at it. I began to wonder.

I waited until Robbie was enjoying his coffee and cigarette. “Dad, do you remember talking about a science fiction story where the aliens were breeding people to increase their good luck?”

“Not expressed very elegantly, but I know of what you are speaking. Why?”

“Could it be that certain people do have more good luck as a gift?”

“It would explain why certain people seem to lead charmed lives.”

“What of people whose presence brings good luck to others, but not to themselves?”

He smiled, “That would be bad luck for such a person.”

“I think I know one such person.” I gave him a moment to guess and he did not disappoint me.

“Isaac!” He came to his feet. “Damn it Samantha, it was so obvious!”


I made myself look crestfallen. “It was?” Since they could all feel me it only made everyone laugh. I got a lot of hugs and glowed from the way they felt.

Angelica crowed, “Just wait until we tell Jesus that Sam cracked his mystery without using any spells.” That woke up the imps and soon it felt as if all my loves were imps as they tried to outdo each other.

That night Isaac was a very confused man. We held a party in his honour and all of us treated him as if he were our best friend. We could not tell him why, as we first have to ask Jesus. Since we kept the reason within our family, there were hundreds of people of all species playing along but furiously trying to work out what our reasons were. Not the ‘funnest’ party as parties go, but it sure was as far as enjoying the confusion.

It is estimated that over three hundred thousand people took the hobby workshop courses and many of them are now hobbyists. It has not been the kind of success we were hoping for, but we are opening more workshops and adding more hobbies. We’ve also added free art lessons, poetry and writers groups. Robbie suggested we teach computer graphics, cartoons, 3D graphics with and without motion and others are making suggestions (one of them was a history study group who concentrate on the history of the Cherinians). Nobody is suggesting philosophy yet, but we think that as the number of people who live past seventy five grow, there will be interest in such a subject. With the healing it is expected the average longevity could be around one hundred and thirty.

An interesting suggestion from a small group in Finland had us making excited plans until we recalled the future war. They asked that we build an interplanetary natural museum with ecologies from as many planets as possible. Our worry is that if a bomb damages it the exposure of our planet to alien ecologies could damage our own beyond our ability to heal it. There is less interest for what Robbie decided to do, but it is projected as being a huge success. ADFI is building a multi-species art gallery and all the species have begun to hand over various art forms for inclusion. The galleries will be categorised according to species and not according to period. Where necessary, signs and grouping of the art will make clear the evolution of art on their worlds. There will also be written material (it will be printed when the person interested in a book gives language of preference. Although it is done by local computer, the books are beautiful and bound properly). Robbie has influenced the officers of ADFI so that everything produced is created to last for a long time and we are moving away from the disposable marketing strategies of the past. When we buy a refrigerator for instance, we know it will last forty to fifty years.

As part of the change in the way of life and the need for Cherinians to feel they are contributing to our society, they are transporting people to their holiday destinations, in small numbers to the moon park and once the art gallery is open they will take them there. ADFI does subsidise the cost of e-cars for those helping the Normals. Hold it, I want to throw an idea at Hettie.

As I was writing the above I was thinking of explaining to you that the e-cars are often more popular with the Normals than the instantaneous teleportation option. They enjoy the trip which is at high speed, but low enough for them to see the countryside they are passing over. My idea was, why not create something like the luxury cruise liner ships, a floating palace which is the destination in itself, with hotels, shops, amusement arcades, theatres and so on.


Engineers worked out the frames and then the number of Cherinians required to keep the energy fields in existence and floating. The first experiments show that a floating palace the size of six city blocks and multilevel (up to fifteen levels) would require about three hundred Cherinians. Multiply that by four shifts and still the project remains economically viable.

My loves saw that the idea came to me from writing in this diary and another eight of them decided to keep a diary. There will be a twist to their diaries. They’ll not be writing the diaries only for themselves. Each of them will choose someone, probably alternates, for writing the diary for them to also share our lives and thoughts. Cherinians jumping across realities can carry tiny data cells for delivering the updates so it means they won’t have the instant feedback I have, but they’re not doing it for that, they want to use the writing for tapping into their subconscious, as happens with me.

I have been minimising my writing and we are now preparing for a party for Meli and Rania to celebrate their birthdays. The date is the twenty second of February PC48. Melina is forty six years old and Rania is twenty five (official earth years).

We are returning to Kiris as we are now ready from our side to start the tours, but we first need to see what problems he has and solve them. Campbell is coming with and he has sent containers of goods to Freddie for Kiris. I’m going prepared this time. I did an exchange with Angelica, taking over some duties of hers and she designed some clothes on my behalf for Niriki. We’re guessing how much she will have grown so she may have to grow into them. Of course Alki, Elias, Nicko, Allan and Eddie are coming with as they are also interested parties. We all pleaded with the kids of Alki and Marian and they are also coming with this time. We’ve promised to take them camping in the mountains.

Robbie was in the mood to tease Eleni and Jess (the Allan part goes without saying). “The three of you have shown great restraint, don’t you want any daughters for Allan?”

Eleni grinned. “We found a solution that makes sense to all three of us. We could not decide when we should have a child so we agreed we’ll have our first one whenever you have your next one.”

Robbie pulled a face and frowned, leaning over as if confiding to them. “You should have told us years ago! We’ve had another three, but we decided to be discrete so as to remain a good example and they are masquerading permanently as children of other species.”

Not even in his wildest imagination did Robbie expect to be believed, but he found what he said funny so we waited for him to stop chortling. Jess almost looked fierce as she said to him, “This time we keep our child in our family.”

Just in case, Robyn asked, “It will be a girl?” Both girls confirmed it, but Allan kept quiet, lightly blushing.

Campbell gave a big grin. “With so many Cherinian families mostly having daughters, I might as well wait. One day I’ll have the choice of the most wonderful women to marry.”

We giggled and Robbie laughed out loud. “Arthur, if that is what you are hoping I think you’re going to end up very disappointed. Haven’t you noticed that most of those daughters don’t want to be over twelve years old? Now, if you’d said, ‘the most glorious little girls’, I’d have agreed with you.”

I don’t know who imagined the scenario first, but we felt both Robbie and Allan become aroused at the idea of a planet full of dainty little girls wanting to make love. Dommi, Eleni and Jess scowled, the rest of us found it funny.

Freddie and we have found that if we jump from one reality to another and arrive within hours, with time and the date usually being different in the same time zone, we suffer as inter-continental jet flight travellers used to in the olden days. We need some time to adjust and where better than to do so in Freddie? Freddie planned to arrive at the world of Kiris within three days, but that night Robbie asked him to slow down and arrive in ten days time. We wondered, but Robbie had a ‘privacy’ feel to him so we did not ask.


All this because I wanted you to see where Robbie built us the plantation house! He altered the contours in front of the house so that a tiny lake could form. Because of the landscaping he did, the land is sort of bare, but we are all using our healers to make the trees and brush grow quickly. I’m glad we don’t have mosquitoes and other stinging insects, we’ll be able to enjoy sitting on the verandah. Robbie wants to bring some colourful birds for the forest, perhaps some small monkeys also!

Within two days the sloping land before the house that ended by the lake was a brilliant green. Robbie took off his shirt and toiled most of the day until the grass was a beautifully manicured lawn. The next morning he placed tents to either side and the robots from the taverna were brought to prepare for a party. Robbie wiped his face with his shirt and told us to follow him. As the hill sloped to the right of the house we passed through a wedge of trees and saw the most beautiful arrangement of streams, ponds and little waterfalls. I knelt to feel the grass and sensed it was real and from our planet, but that something had been done to alter it. I asked my healer and it confirmed Robbie’s healer changed it so that the grass grows blue with speckles of white. My first worry was whether others would see it as giving them licence to alter our natural world and then I giggled; Terran Normals have been doing that from before my birth. I looked up the slope and gasped. Overlooking this tiny corner of Eden was a small and simple cottage in the countryside-style of the DD planet.

“She has enough of palaces and luxury, when Lusalith needs somewhere to relax, this will be her corner.”

“Her haven, her Meli’s world.” Rania murmured and we all grinned at Haven.

We had to take turns as the cottage was too small for more than four of us to enter and yet not one of us shared and we waited until we could enter. I grinned at the sight of a small fireplace, the timber ready for a match. It never gets cold enough for a fire in Freddie and Lusalith is not likely to want a fire that would dry the air. Then I remembered the fireplace in the cottage of the first Lusalith and I wondered.


The party was a great success, but we could not sleep in our new home that night as the party continued until morning. We’re going to sleep there tonight.

Freddie always times our arrival at Kabeti so that we arrive after working hours. The local Cherinians were quick to sense us and arrive, but Kiris, his family and friends were not among them. Cherine and Robbie went as souls and returned with big smiles.

“He was hoping to have launched his first ship before we arrive. He’s driving his men crazy and hoping we won’t jump to his planet before he does. Shall we pay him a visit?” He actually got hit by a few pillows.

Kiris must have realised that delaying his arrival in Freddie any further could be construed as an insult, so he entreated his men to continue in his absence and gathering his family and friends they jumped to us. I was ready for Niriki and she ran to me - without her book this time.

Campbell told Kiris, “I believe it is a year since we left. From our side we are ready and we already have tours booked for the first full year. All that you asked for is in containers and waiting to be taken to your warehouses. Just so that you have an idea of what to expect. You told us that the first ship can carry one hundred and sixty four passengers. After our expenses on our side your nett income is the equivalent of three thousand Euros per ticket. That makes it E492,000 per group. If your expenses are as you told us, that leaves you E180,000 per month profit. I’m not certain what that comes to in Tsarls.” (Arthur, please remember the difference in values between your reality and ours.)

“Roughly, it is close to one million Tsarls,” Cherine answered. “Once we have five ships that should give you a profit of five million per month Kiris.”

“The expenses will be less then Cherine, we should make about six million per month.”

“Estimate at least another five hundred thousand Tsarls per group from sales of souvenirs, side trips and other extras you’ll be asked for. A number of those passengers who have booked are asking whether it is possible for them to rent a house or stay in a hotel for a month. They would need staff as they do not know how to cook your foods, wash their laundry and so on. Some want to ride into the countryside with a guide. If you can provide those facilities, I’d estimate your profits at around two million per month just from the extras.” Campbell grinned. “When they were told that the group on this side also own casinos, a number of them asked whether the ticket includes temporary membership to the casinos. I took the liberty of issuing them membership for a fee of thirty Euros per day and warned them that no Talent may be used to influence the games. They understand that your staff are Cherinians, but some are bound to try anyway until it becomes known they cannot succeed.” He leant forward. “Apart from a cut for our side, I think you should also give us a third of the exchange fees.”


“They’ll have to exchange their Terran currency for Tsarls. I will prepare a suggested rate of exchange for the major currencies and what the fees should be.”

Allan just had to ask, “Kiris, some will expect to find females for sex. Will you provide them and what will your fees be?”

He blushed (the folds of his throat swelled and changed colour). “That is not a business I wish to be involved with.”

Campbell nodded. “That is wise. Kiris, locals will become aware of the potential and provide the service. Keep a strict control, but do not stop them. I expect that when the passengers are changed to Kabetu they will also be sterilised and there is no danger of diseases or pregnancies. Robert, my staff who are mostly Talents from my group, advise me that a few of those who purchased tickets are coming here in the hope of buying children for sex. I trust you will monitor the situation?” Robbie nodded without answering verbally.

“I have an idea.” Haven said. “Let them try and I’ll be the child. As soon as they try anything I’ll turn into a monster and tear them badly with claws and teeth.”

“You could do that?” Campbell asked, shocked that a Cherinian had made such an offer.


Robbie chuckled. “Haven could and would. I’m sorry my love, but we’ll have to find a different answer. Kiris, child sex, is it illegal?”

“No.” Kiris was obviously upset by the idea. “Should Rakil ask the Council to make a law?”

“I don’t think so, not now. We’ll have to think of what laws should be passed, but I don’t want the same laws as on Earth being adopted. Perhaps a good first step should be a law against any adult harming a child.”

“There is such a law for everyone Robert, you want such a law especially for children?”

“No. Drawing attention to child sex will only make more adults curious, Kiris.”

Jade said, “Child sex is very rare, I don’t think it is a good idea to make laws.” She gave Kiris a grin. “If there had been such a law you would be in prison.”

“It is not the same,” Cherine said, “Kiris was also a child.”

Niriki sat on my lap listening, but it did not seem that she understood what was being discussed. I wished Lusalith were here, I think she would have found her fascinating. I decided the conversation was either not suitable or boring for her so I took her for a walk.

We sat on a small hill watching male Elipians exercise by ‘fighting’ each other, their females and children barely bothering to watch them. Niriki caught me by surprise.

“Kiris could have sex with me, I’m not too small?”

She was about one and a half of their years younger than Nericha had been for her first time, but she was also smaller. As much as I hated the idea I did not have the right to lie. I tried to sense her as I asked questions.

“Do you want him to?”

“The females always talk about sex when no males are with, so I think it must be nice.”

“When you do have sex, do you want it to be Kiris?”

She nodded, suddenly shy. I could feel her, she loves Kiris, but there are no sexual undertones to her love for him yet. I worried that it may be my own reluctance to have her awakened to sex this young that was influencing me. It is not just that she is young, she lost a number of years due to her illness and is far less mature than she should be at her age, both mentally and physically. I sent a query to Dommi and she shared from me. *Not yet Samantha. Try to delay it by a year at least.*

Everyone was leaving so I decided to leave it for the next day. As soon as they left, Dommi put her arm around my shoulder and drew me off for a walk by the beach.

“Sam, you did not look deep enough. Niriki loves Kiris but it is you that she wants.”

“As Tsina? Sorry, that was a stupid question. Are you certain, I only felt her love for Kiris.”

“She is growing up in a Cherinian home love, she has learnt that her thoughts can be felt. Feel her more carefully tomorrow.”


Thank goodness his imaginings did not come true, but they did make me decide to meet Niriki as Samantha. As they arrived she looked around for Tsina and then looked up at Kiris, slightly confused, as she does not clearly recall how I look.

He led her to me. “This is Tsina, the way she really looks.”

Shyly she came to me. “Do you still like me when you are like this?”

“Any way I am Niriki, anyway.” She actually came to me for a hug. Touched, I picked her up and squeezed her to me. “Don’t you think I’m ugly?”

“Nericha said we are ugly to all of you, but you love us.”

“She’s wrong, none of you are ugly, just different.” Seriously she nodded in agreement.

A couple of hours later she timidly asked, “Can you be Tsina sometimes?”

I took her off my lap and set her on her feet facing away from me. By the time she managed to turn I was already Tsina. She gave a glad cry and hugged me, her tiny face transformed by her joy. I had to laugh for the little imp has wormed her way deep into my heart.

I asked Sol for Solomon and a couple of minutes later he arrived. “Solomon, could the Sparklers take the two of us to your World?”

As soon as we arrived I changed her to a Terran girl. She froze with shock - and then my family and many others arrived, laughing at the look on my face.

“We guessed and had to see.” Gina said.

Kiris, Nericha, Averis and Rakil formed a circle around her. Nericha asked her, “How does it feel Niriki? Do you feel like a monster?”

Dommi sternly sent to me that I should have warned Niriki what I wanted to do and asked for her permission. They’d already spoilt it for me by coming, so I just sullenly stared back at her before turning with a smile to Niriki.

“See? Now I look like Niriki and Niriki looks like Samantha? Does it feel strange?” She nodded. “But you can feel that you are not a monster, just different? You can still love me as you are now?” She nodded again. “Good, that means you know that however I look, I love you.”


I knelt before her and took her hands in mine. “Niriki, did you know that as Samantha I am a little girl - just like you?” Her eyes widened. She’d obviously heard that it was so, but had ignored what she’d heard. Now she had to believe it. I could not help explaining, even if it worked against me. “When I first met you I was a male Kabetu and loved you as a male. When I am Samantha I am a little bit confused about how I love you, but I do love you.”

Nericha touched her. “Samantha is saying that as Samantha she loves you as a mother and as a Kabetu male, as a father.” I could have pummelled her with a pillow - especially when I felt the explosion of love and joy in Niriki.

Robbie spoke to the others, “Come we better leave them alone.” They all left with him.

It would have been so easy to do what seemed to be expected of me (by everyone plus Arthur) but I do love my little Niriki, so it means I must and can only do what is ultimately to her benefit only. The idea of making love to Niriki is not as outré as it may sound it should be, for I have spent enough time in a Kabetu male body to feel like a male when I am Tsina and I have made love to all my wives with them anywhere from a baby to adults so that is not what bothers me. Only what I imagine her life will be like if I do, stops me. We only visit once every year or two and in the future it might be less often. Binding her to me is not the fair answer. How was I to do it without hurting her?

To buy myself some time I explained that in the Sparkler World she can fly if she wants to and taking her hand helped her for the first few metres. Once she gained the self-confidence needed she swooped and circled me with the sound of her laughter trailing her. In a way it was counter productive as every such magical memory only binds her to me with more love.

We sat on the grass and nibbled at the picnic Solomon created for us, Niriki pulling faces as she tried various of our foods. The sweets and chocolates she enjoyed and I wondered whether there is some way a chocolate tasting product could be made out of Kabeti produce, or, if not, a way found for our chocolate to be made compatible to their digestive system.

“Niriki, can you be a big girl and try to understand what I have to tell you? Some of what I’ll say you may not like, but if you listen with your love for me and try to understand, you’ll know that the most important of all is true - that I do love you. Niriki, you are a Kabetu and I am a Terran from another world. I have my family and my male and you also have a family and someday you will find the right male for you. I cannot live on your world all the time, however much I love you, and you cannot stay as you are now and stay with me on my world all the time. We have to find a way to allow us to be apart without the times we are not together spoiling our love for each other.

Every time we come here, my love for you makes me tremble inside with happiness and every time I leave I am sad because I know you are growing up and I fear you may stop loving me. I bet you feel the same way when I leave?” She barely nodded and I felt her misery as she understood what I was telling her.

“As Nericha said, I feel like your mother and your father and in many ways I am.” Her little heart lightened, but she still feared. “To me you will always be that little girl I found and I will always love you, but you must accept that I cannot be here all the time.” It was not working, I could feel her.

“I want to ask Kiris and Nericha to allow you to be my Kabetu daughter and I will be your Terran mother or father, whichever you prefer but, it will only be as a sort of second mother or father. You can be their daughter as I think they want you to be, but you and I will also be family. When I can I will visit you and when you are a little bit older I might even be able to take you with us on our trips now and then. Niriki, I do not want you to grow up as a Terran, you are a Cherinian Kabetu and your world needs you. Do you know what I really want for you? I want you to be the Samantha of your world. Just like I have devoted my life to my dreams, I want you to devote your life to seeing that all your people become good Cherinians.” I talked for a while, but I know that she will only hear me if she replays my words when she is alone and tries to understand. I hope she does. We returned to Freddie.

“Nericha, Niriki and I have talked and I think you should share from her mind once she is alone with you. In the meantime, I want to ask whether she can stay with us in Freddie until we leave. I would like to do this every time we visit you.” They agreed.


We stayed for nearly two months. During that time I told her about Efineh. I let her feel how much I love Efineh and how special she is to me and told her that is how she will be for me. I explained what Efineh is doing, how she is living her life for her world, so that they can all be the best Cherinians anywhere and asked her whether she can do the same for me. As I talked, I sent memories that I felt would help her understand how special she would be to me without her having to become a Terran and my full-time daughter. Slowly she understood and began to feel pride in the fact that I want her to be as Efineh. I’ve never before spent such a long time, while with my family, sleeping apart from them and missing out on their loving (which they were careful to block me from once they realised how difficult it made it for me to abstain when I felt them). They also inundated her with their love and by the time we left she was a very happy little girl - and very determined to prove to me that she is better than Efineh.

I mentioned my idea to the scientists and asked whether they can develop a chocolate for the Kabetu. It only took them days and then they needed weeks to refine the taste so that it appeals to most of the Kabetu. We presented the recipe to Kiris and suggested he brand the chocolates as ‘Niriki Confectionery’. Once he’d tasted his first chocolate he was so excited about it I think he would have dropped the tourism business until he had the chocolates selling everywhere, but with us here he could not. Still, to build the factories and create the cauldrons, nozzles and so on would take time so he left that side of the work to his senior staff who consulted with the scientists.

During these two months, the first ship became ready and Robbie created a big platform and Allan and Campbell returned to our reality to bring the first tourists, as a trial run, so that Kiris has the chance to smooth out any problems the real tourists might experience. We made them stay in Freddie for the first five days after changing them into Kabetu. Only once they felt comfortable did we send them to enjoy their free tour. Of course we just had to stay long enough to be certain it was a success and that they were having a good time. Robbie left the big platform with Allan and his loves and Vincent and Kirsten stayed with them.

Robbie made up his mind and told us, “I’m going to have to make platforms for all the Roberts and they’ll have to bring their tourists and take them home. As long as I or Vincent or Solomon can visit them often enough to keep the platforms energised I don’t see why I or any one person should have to run this service full time. Arthur, please arrange the tours according to reality so that each Robert only has to do this after all the other realities had their turn.”

Taking a wild chance (or maybe he saw a way he’d be scoring points politically if Robbie refused him and even more points if he agreed), Campbell said, “You are giving yourself a lot of work that you may not be able to handle if you have a crisis somewhere; you’ll have to carry the tourists from our reality and visit all the Roberts to energise their platforms. Is there any reason why you should not give me a platform for carrying our tourists? Surely I cannot use it to attack you - if that is what you fear?”

Whether it was the way he phrased his request or because of sensing our anxiety and wish to refuse, Robbie turned away to concentrate over the fields. A platform took shape. It was nothing fancy, just big enough to carry two or three people. He stretched out his hand to touch Campbell and jumped them into the platform.

“I’m handing over control to you for a test flight. Don’t try teleporting yet, we can do that once you’ve mastered flying and landing it.”

Sweat speckled his brow as he tried using his mental powers to move the platform until he turned to stare at Robbie, convinced he was preventing him from moving it. Robbie asked, “May I show you? Enter my mind.”

The platform wobbled and moved with fits and starts and then suddenly it sped across Freddie, far too fast for him to avoid smashing into the inner shield. We heard an excited laugh as Robbie grabbed control and swerved the platform so that it raced around the inner shield. He brought them to a standstill.

“Arthur, if we’d hit the shield at the speed you took us, we’d have been pulverised. I’ll jump us out into space where mistakes won’t kill us. What you did is as most Normals do when we take them to the void for the first time, they shout their thoughts at us. Whisper to the platform and have a very precise image of what you want it to do.” They jumped and we had to wait for hours.

When they returned, Arthur was drenched in perspiration, but his eyes gleamed with his exultation. “I have my own e-car and thought it would be the same! Is it because you projected it and it remains attached to your will that it seems to fight my will?”

Next [Book 11] - Post 066

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love - and should some of it be true for our reality, I hope you will love our Cherine.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

  • posted: 19th Jly, 2020

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