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RE: ShadowBot: The secret of my Steemit Success

in #shadowbot6 years ago

If you haven't registered on then you need to do it right away.

Shadow Bot aims to help people get money and the ability to get exposure on Steemit.

It takes your upvotes and gives it to someone who deserves it. And when you post, it takes upvotes of other users and gives it to you.

But wait, don't mistake it for some upvote exchange bot. It is not. It only gives the vote to the people who deserve it. It has many ways to know who deserves your upvote.

Shadowbot has has a semi-automatic process where the developers check your account and determine based upon a rank called ShadowRank.

The better the rank the more you earn.

This is just a small intro to ShadowBot. If you need a detailed response then do tell.