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RE: Shadow Photos Contest 52 Night Shadows

in #shadowphoto5 years ago

I love the blue edit! Who would ever believe I am hundreds of miles further nort than you are. We got a little bit of snow this afternoon, enough to make the roads slippery enough that my granddaughter had her first fender bender image

Looking out my front door right now.


I got enough to make my place look clean. The piles of trash outside are totally in disguise.


Yeah, and you can still see the cracks in my sidewalk! I heard that there were a lot of stranded motorists down around St. Louis.

I am sure a few found a ditch or two. We stay in. Sad to think the snow will melt soon and my yard will look uncared for again. The spring will come and I may just clean it up or not time will tell.

Haha! Maybe picking things up for photos would give you the motivation you are looking for. Although I actually do not know how you do what you do. I can't imagine finding extra time to do yard work.