Have Fun and Earn Your $$ through Share2Steem

in #share2steem6 years ago



Saturday is truly a fun day! Offroad, outing, and any other kind of outdoor activities are so challenging and exciting!

Did you know that beside sharing your fun pictures to instagram, you also have the opportunity to earn steem cryptocurrency through your steemit page by crossposting them using #share2steem?

Yup! You just need to connect your steemit account by visiting share2steem.io, follow the instruction to make it connected and tadaaa! You can share your awesome pics to instagram as well as to your steemit page at once!

Didn’t have steemit account yet? Easy! Visit share2steem.io and create your fast free steemit account there by following its instruction! Yes, that simple and easy!

So, are you ready @amiraz79 @sansadhia @deemiiaa ? [Bahasa Indonesia]

Beraktivitas outdoor seperti offroad, atau pun kegiatan lainnya di hari Sabtu tentulah sangat menyenangkan!

Membagikan foto-fotonya di Instagram pastilah bikin bahagia tersendiri dan bikin bangga kan?

Etapi, taukah kamu jika kita juga berkesempatan untuk hasilkan steem kripto jika foto-foto itu juga kita krosposting di halaman steemit kita? Tahukah kamu bahwa kita bisa posting sekaligus di kedua akun sosial media (instagram dan steemit) tanpanharus kerja dua kali?

Yup, bener banget! Cukup dengan menghubungkan akun instagram dan steemit kita via share2steem.io, maka pekerjaan berbagi postingan akan menjadi sangat mudah!

Penasaran? Coba deh kunjungi share2steem.io, ikuti petunjuknya dan tadaaa! Akun instagram kamu akan terkoneksi dengan steemitmu dan mulailah berbagi postingan sekali klik!

Belum punya akun steemit? Gampang, kunjungi share2steem.io dan bikin deh akun Steemit kamu secara gratis dan cepat di sana. Mudah dan simple kok!

So? Sudah siap beraksi! Yuuuk!

#outdoor #indonesia #outing #offroad

Posted from Instagram via Share2Steem

Want to delegate ?

Delegators get up to 25% APR !

50 SP100 SP200 SP500 SP1000 SP2000 SP5000 SP

Want to delegate more (or less) ? Just copy and paste the link below, taking care to change the amout of SP you want to delegate at the end of the URL :

If you have any questions, suggestions, or simply want to encourage us, feel free to come to Discord !

Let's go !


THis is really a great idea. This new thinking skill is makes easy to earn steem. That is really fun.

I need to eventully check out share2steem. There is so much happening in Steemit. Thanks for this post!

If you offer free Steem accounts maybe you should advertise it more. There is no other service like that, I mean fast free account creation.

Posted using Partiko Android

salut pourquoi mon score d'influence n'augmente pas alors que je tweet pas mal de sujet sur steemit? merci de votre réponse

Hi share2steem !

After approximatively 48 hours, your post has 24.929 of pending rewards.
To compensate the fact that @share2steem is taking a fee on your posts, please allow us to upvote you via @tipu.

Our fee : 2.493
Value of votes you got from S2S trails : 1.780
Value to compensate : 0.356 (this amount has been lowered by 50% as you're not in any S2S Curation Trail)
Join both Curation Trails on the website (in Settings) to be compensated 100% on your future posts.

!tipuvote 0.356

For the latest news about the Share2Steem application, visit our @share2steem profile.

See you soon on https://share2steem.io

This message is generated automatically.

I already provided a twitter account with S2S but it is not working. What's the problem?
My referral link: https://share2steem.io/?ref=successbd

@share2steem @zakia