I made a sheikah slate!





It took about a month to figure out how to make this thing. First off the different places that i thought would have the materials did have them i just didn't find them until i found substitute materials... Later on i found the materials that i was looking for just in different spots. Any-who~ finally get the materials that i need to make this thing; i mostly put it together then i asked @inertia to help with the wiring. He helped me out with soldering and figuring out how the polarity is important 😖. I didn't know before hand to keep the wires long so that caused slight issues but we got through that. With the wiring done i got to work on assembling the sheikah slate with hot glue and weewd filler. After sanding and painting it i glued on the golden details, did some paint touch-ups, and sprayed the sealer coat on it was finished!!!1!!

Thankyew to: @inertia for helping me with this Halloween prop!

This is where i found the video to make this: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F289567451029143982%2F&psig=AOvVaw12Z8iZNajMmAntGZbISDU7&ust=1603594175147000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqGAoTCPCJnPybzOwCFQAAAAAdAAAAABCrAQ


I think the replacement wires are going to be more durable in the long run, so that's cool. Nice job on the finishing details!!

Thankyew for the help!🐱