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in #shortstory6 years ago

I want you to stop being a dancer.

The sentence was always on Angel's head. Choosing a difficult choice between surviving or abandoning the thing he really likes, Angel does not know what to do. She knew what Kane felt about all the things that had happened that Kane had seen so far. No sister will be silent to find out that her sister is treated like that.


Angel sees Kane standing on the balcony of her room, staring at herself who goes to school with Kane. His sad eyebrows made Angel feel guilty. Kane defended him until his brother got punishment.

"She'll be fine," Kane said, calming Angel's heart. They both go hand in hand toward school. "Last night I overheard your conversation ..." Kane said softly.

"I do not know what to do..."

"Everyone knows that Kane loves you so much, so do I. That's all because my siblings really love the world of entertainment, and that's the true identity of the older brother, it's just a mask. "Kane looked at Angel carefully, a nerd glassed girl, all this was just the pretense of her brother.

"I'm confused, Kane ..."

"Think cold head Do not choose something that will make you sorry, I will always support whatever sister choose." Kane paused for a moment. "We can talk about it later. Talk slowly with Kane about the choice your sister made. Kane loves her sister, she'll understand. "Kane put his arm around Angel's shoulder, and wiped it gently. "Come on, it's just a matter of course. Brother can solve it easily! "Exclaimed excitedly.

Angel joined in a smile. "Thank you, Kane, you're like a wise old man."

"Hey, you should not talk like that." And this is Kane. Returning to a disrespectful accent after a few seconds ago acting like a good sister.

Angel chuckled. "My wise sister," she said, pinching both of Kane's cheeks.


Throughout the lesson, Angel has no enthusiasm. Roy had teased Angel, but not responded at all. During recess, the girl just lies on her desk like a lifeless person. Roy does the same thing, looking at Angel with a puzzled look. Maybe, it's about what happened to Kane.

Roy's hand extended to Angel. Tap on Angel's desk, but Angel ignores it. "Are you okay?" Roy asked.

Angel opened her eyes, staring at Roy with a gloomy face.

"You've been moody ever since," Roy said. Angel remained silent unopened. "Is this about your sister?"

Angel wants to tell her, he wants to share his problems with Roy, but he can not. With himself as Angel, he was unable to run towards the man and reveal all the troubles that were disturbing his mind.

"You can tell me ..."

Impossible, Inner Angel in the heart. If Angel tells it, right then Roy will immediately hate him. And he does not want it to happen.

"Nothing ..." Angel replied in a low voice.

"Are you sure?" Roy asked sure. Angel answered it with a slow nod. The girl's head turned in the other direction, sleeping on her back. Although, the girl says nothing, but she knows, Angel has a problem that disturbs her mind.


After school, Angel goes by taxi. Get off at one of the fancy boutiques. He went inside, an employee greeted him as he entered the boutique. The employee looked surprised when a student came to an expensive boutique.

Angel looked at the boutiques. Considering what clothes he would buy. He was interested in a dark blue-skinned dress with a wide collar. Angel took the shirt and gave it to the clerk who had been following her. "I take this," said Angel.

The clerk then picked it up, then took it to the counter. Angel followed the clerk from the back as the clerk checked the price and told Angel what the girl should pay for.


"Pay for this." Angel gave her credit card to the employee. The clerk swiped the credit card onto a machine. Then, shortly, the clerk put the suit that Angel bought to a plastic bag and gave it to Angel along with his credit card.

"It's your grocery. Thank you for visiting our boutique, "said the employee friendly.

Angel got out of the boutiques, went to find the rudimentary public toilet from where he was. Luckily there was no one. He went into one of the booths and changed his clothes with the clothes he had just bought. He put his school uniform into his bag and dumped the plastic bag in the bin.

Out of the bathroom booth, Angel pulls out a container containing brown contact lenses and puts it on. While removing her hair tie, she straightened her curly hair with her hand. Now, he has become Angel Leone.

Sighing, Angel came out of the toilets, strolling along the side of the highway through shops neatly trading what they were selling.


Angel walked across the street to a nearby park. Walking over the flat rocks arranged neatly among the grass and the deliberately cared flowers, Leanne passed a fountain with a statue of a goddess of love and ended up on one of the long benches with a vine as a shade.

What should I do? Inner Angel in the heart. He did not know who to tell this to. Friend's? Her parents? Or ... Who?
What is clear, at this time Angel does not know what to do. She loves Kane, but she also loves her work as a dancer. She did not want to make Kane feel worried and make her brother continue to get into trouble for defending her. But, on the other hand, he can not abandon what he loves very much.

If Angel had someone he could invite to share his grief and happiness. If only, there was one person who cared about what he was feeling. There is ... One person who cares about her. Roy? Yes, he cares about her, but does not care about Angel. A dancer named Angel that Roy does not even like.

Angel returned home when it was late. Walking past a small bridge, he stood on the edge of the bridge while staring at the moon reflected in the water.
Beautiful ... Inner Angel. His lips formed a small smile over the sadness he was feeling.


"Suicide is not allowed here."


Angel turned sideways and saw the figure of Roy standing not far from him. Roy walked over to him with his usual mocking expression.

Ignoring the whereabouts of Roy, Angel would rather look at the reflection of the moon on the water than have to listen to Roy's taunting again. She felt him standing beside her, watching her.

"Looks like you're sad," Guess Roy.

"Go. I just can not hear every word of your tune. "

"Why do we always meet in times when you're helpless? Do you intend to try to get my attention? "

Roy's words successfully made Angel turn toward him. "I told you" His mouth was clenched, his body stunned when suddenly Roy pushed him against the bridge. Roy's hands held his arm firmly.

Roy's face was so close to Angel's face, staring at him with his sharp eyes. Slowly, Roy brought his face closer. Eliminate the distance between them until Roy is able to feel Angel's warm breath. The body's smell was so soft and soothing.

Angel closed his eyes when Roy kissed her suddenly. The softness of Roy's lips joined with his lips. Press it carefully as if it is a very fragile thing. He felt Roy's hand move to the curve of his neck. Press it there to hold Angel's head motion. Without feeling, his hand was squeezing Roy's shirt.

Roy let go of his kiss, his breath panting as well as Angel. Her face flushed red. Down to hide his embarrassed face from Roy. Angel could feel his chin touching his head.

"Have you felt better?" Roy whispered. He forced Angel to look at her. "I can kiss you again and again if you put up a helpless face like that."

Whether it's a threat or warning to Angel. But, his heart became warm after hearing the words spoken Roy. Angel bit his lower lip, both hands squeezing the tip of Roy's shirt.

"What did you just do to me,"

"Encourage you ... You're getting sucker with your impotent face."

Angel hugged Roy. Immerse his face on his chest. His hands hugged tightly around his back. Letting Roy see the sadness he was feeling, he could feel his warm hand hug back. Without restraint again, Angel cries in his arms.

"So you were told to stop being a dancer?" Roy looked at Angel standing beside him hugging his own body. After the girl was content to cry in her arms, Angel finally wanted to tell him the problem he was facing.
Angel nodded. "Being a dancer is my pleasure. I've always loved the model world. And I can not possibly leave her. But, on the other hand I really love the man ... "He said hoarsely. "I can not see him in trouble every time I try to protect me.

Roy had no intention of asking who Angel meant by the phrase 'that person'. "If being a dancer is your hobby, keep it all. Tell the person you care about that you really love the world of dancers. Whoever loves you, they will understand what you love. They'll be happy if you're happy. And if they see you in this sad state, they will feel sad when they see it. "

"Is he really going to understand it?"

Roy nodded. "I know what that person did for your good. Because he does not want to see you hurt and try to protect you from anything that can hurt you. But you can say it if you can survive and deal with it all. It would be much easier if he was by your side, supporting you, and also protecting you in every way. Including giving you the spirit. "

A warm feeling crawled through Angel's heart. The wise Roy he'd seen the first time. The man looked so mature with every sentence that came out of his lips.


Angel smiled, relieved that Roy had a caring side to her. At least, he would not think that Roy really did not like him. "Thank you, Roy. I feel a little better, "he said with a sincere smile.

Roy's hand reached out, ruffled Angel's hair. "Be excited!" She exclaimed, smiling thinly. "By the way, your hair reminds me of someone I know," he said.

Angel seemed to be hit by something sharp. She touched the end of her wavy hair. "Yes, I tried a new hairstyle," he replied nervously.

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