Gold Prospecting Video!

Hi Friends,

I have a special treat for you today - I made my first gold prospecting video!

I took a day off work last Friday and went up to the mountains in search of the shiny stuff. Gold prices have been rising lately and are up near $1,900 per ounce today - not a bad time to roll up the sleeves and go get some.

The video is about 10 mins long and is designed to give you a flavor of what the experience is like, so I hope you enjoy it!

I am still working on my video making skills, so it took me way too long to edit and get it posted, but I got it done. One of my 2020 goals was to make a YouTube video that got 1,000 views... we shall see if this gets me there.

Finally, a special shoutout to @derekrichardson for teaching me how to get the gold at a meetup of the @thesocalhive community last year.

Thanks for coming by and let me know if you watched the video.

Take care,


Awesome video!! You must've got up there early to get a parking spot in the main lot, cause I know it's been busy up there. Looked like it was a great day to be out. And you got some color!! Heck ya. I really wish I could start planning meetups again... hopefully soon!

Hehe, yeah, got there at 6 am and the lot was already pretty full, especially for a week day! Look forward to more meetups and we need to prospect again soon!

What about giving threespeak a try? Who knows, you might even get a few upvotes for your troubles. :)

But can you post your youtube videos that you already posted on there?

Great question. I am not completely sure how it all works. But I do know they upvote a lot of the users that use the threespeak platform so might be worth your while to look into it, as well as @brian.rrr if he is going to keep making awesome videos going forward.

This is a cool video, I like how you show the different steps and ways of prospecting.

Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for coming by!

How many views are you at now brian !BEER

Only 24 so far... guess that is what happens when you don’t have any followers! 😃

Well it's something

What an incredible treat!!! And Oh my, what a thrill to find gold! Thanks for bringing us along in your gold prospecting, @brian.rrr. There is a reason why I love the iconic design of 1925 California Commemomrtive Half dollar!
Have a great weekend ahead, and take care 🥰🌺🤙

😃 glad you enjoyed and thanks for the tip!

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