Just another White Bird with Big Wings...

in #silvergoldstackerslast month (edited)

Great Eagle....jpg
I was buying plenty of Silver Rounds when they were Brand New...

Wasn't this the song that killed the Aliens in a Movie called Mars Attacks...???

The last time I looked, Silver and Gold were up, up, up...

It looks like Silver shot right on past the 31 Fiat Dollar Mark today...

Most people don't realize that Silver will eventually get to $180 per ounce in "Sound Money"...

"Sound Money" times 100 equals Today's Fiat Dollars...

The last time I looked, Gold went past the 2,400 Fiat Dollar Mark...

Who besides me knows the Melt Value of Gold will go to $90 per ounce in "Sound Money" and remain Stable...

l don't want to spoil your excitement, but we haven't seen anything to brag about yet...

Actually we have, but I'm not going to tell you what it is, unless you ask...

At least I know where it's going, since I'm the one who did the Fine Tuning...

Keep in mind that "Money" is a "Tool" to "Measure" somethings "Value"...

Because of what (I think) I know, I've been getting my Gasoline for Free, for at least 2 years now...

In a way, I'm being Paid to Pump the Free Gasoline into my Car...

It helps being able to see what's heading our way...

If nothing else comes from the Orange Stuff in the Heavy Brown Rock, at least I got a lot of nice pictures I can use...

I find Value is so many things...lol...
Let me know if I sparked an interest in anything simple to answer...


I'm really sure that's the song then killed the aliens 😂 wow already the silver is very shiny but to add that beautiful bird just makes everything look super glorious

The Silver Content will be very valuable, no the other side of the U.S. Monetary Correction... I doubt that I'll ever sell it, but the day will come when someone will be willing to pay plenty for it... I keep them in the Plastic Capsules to keep them shinny and new...

I'm sure someone is definitely going to give you a fortune for that 🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩🤩💯💯👌👌👌

Pretty, pretty!!!

I like the red reflection in the Silver Round... I'm still wondering where it came from...

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You have created a Precious Gem!

I think it's gold, you should clear up your doubts, I'm already very curious hahahaha