A mystery, musical coin... My secret sender strikes again!


Its been a while since mynlast mystery coin arrived!! Ive even tried to go back through my blogs to find the last mystery coin i wrote about..... Its that far back, I cant even find it.


As always, the coins arrived, sent to my home address but with some sort of variation on my name. Today I am known as NATHEW THAMAS instead of Mathew Thomas... Its very odd, and often very amusing.


There are a few people on this platform that know my home address, and im still on the fence to believe it might benone of youn

Reasons why it might be one of you crazy lot:

  • You know I have a love of coins
  • I wrote a week ago about the release of the 2022, UK, annual set and that contained a "Vera Lynn" commemorative coin
  • Its something i have a feeling a few of you might do for shits-and-giggles!!
  • The #silvergoldstackers community is incredibly generous.

Reasons why it might not be:

  • Unless you knew it was my birthday(2 days ago), why send the coin now..... was it a birthday present?
  • The package contained a £100 coin voucher. This is a lot even for the SSG crew to send


Im sure one day, ill get to the bottom of this mystery coin drop one day. To be honest, the value of these coins os negligible, but i really do appreciate the thought and that £100 voucher will be spent with great thanks.


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Be sure to let us know when you find out!

Could it be a sneaky gift from your wife?

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