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RE: CRISPR: The Gene Editing Method That Will Change Our Lives Forever!

I understand the trepidation about altering the genomes of babies in order to have them exhibit certain features, and the concern that only the super rich will be able to afford it is certainly a valid concern - given the framework of authority and power that exists. If we can also make strides in decentralizing society at pace with CRIPSR technology, we may see a future where it is not prohibitively expensive. Hell, some crazy billionaire might purchase the tools to provide these treatments and offer them for unbelievably reduced cost to masses of people just because. Billionaires are crazy like that.


you're right, that's possible too!
I'm excited where this technology will take us in the future, and which opportunities it will create for humanity!

There are many technologies that could improve life for the masses, however many things are not necessarily being used to make our lives better, but to give the uber-rich more control over us. Often it is a two edged sword. I believe are many technologies that have been classified in order for them to pull out when the elites need them and not before. So I don't expect this to be used any differently even though it is unclassified. Who knows, perhaps some possible implementations are classified.

That's why I prefaced my speculation with the understanding that it would benefit all of us at a rate inversely proportional to the size and scope of government. The less government there is to control it, the more widespread and adopted it will be.