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RE: Master of none

in #skills3 years ago

I also want to do EVERYTHING! One thing that helps me is to understand that getting really good at any one thing makes me better at everything. Like, going DEEP on a single topic makes it easier when I set off on a new path later on. Sometimes when younger I was moving from one thing to the next too quickly, at least as an adult I know to push a little further past my limits. I want to learn, to reach something new, before I switch to a different endeavor.


Thank you for your comment @quixoticflux! Oh that's for sure, for example, sculpting helps me a lot with drawing. When something does not work on 2d piece I look at it and think like - how would I go about this if I were to make it of clay. But that is also the same about non art related things, you are absolutely right. I think as we are younger we have not developed the patience to push past the uncomfortable parts of learning a new skill which makes us drop it way too soon.

Cheers to going deep and doing everything!