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RE: How to Improve Your Sleep With Morning Sunlight

in #sleep7 years ago

Thank you!! Sunlight is so important for sleep and health. Most people think I'm crazy when I talk about AM sun :P
Thanks for the welcome, I'm still trying to figure out how this all works. Any tips for a newbie? I run a popular blog and love the idea behind steemit. Is it ok replicating my content on here and on my blog, or should I stick to new content only on here?


Hi. I am 3 weeks new on steemit. I have used some articles from my other wordpress websites. I receiced replies that similar content was found on another website. But i explained it was my own website. Now I change some wording to my original content.
One thing i noticed is that it is better to start off with shorter posts, if you break it up more, you'll have more chances of votes, since your following is still only a few-don't waste the best at first.
I could be wrong, but that's how I see it from here.