
Yeah Bullbroski, not too bad tho. Im complaining a bit sometimes, but its been good to me. I like to help people understand their sleep, or what my perspective is on it scientifically. The grind wears us down tho.

Have a good day, see ya soon. Id go sit on a reindeer skin, do a dip in some icy water, idk lol. If i was chillin in your hood. I was watching some chick named cecelia on youtube that does videos about a place called svalbard, small icy island or something like that. Looks beautiful, but cold of course.

Hahah my girlfriend is named cecilia so for a second there I thought you mentioned her, hahah!

Ye, it is nice and cold there. A buddy of mine just bought a flat there. When you come to Norway, we can travel on an adventure up to Svalbard😎🎸🎸🎸