
Holy feathers in a pillow fight!!! My jaw hit the floor! Seriously, this is so cool! When I listened to @nathankaye I knew there was some serious talent in this challenge!!! definitely a winning song!
Still amazed at Nathan's musical skills, I scrolled down and saw my name. For reals mouth open... did not expect that at all! So grateful!
and @allbums !!! Congrats!! So glad you entered buddy!
Seriously though, as I scrolled down this post my jaw just remained open. So many amazing songs and talented musicians and producers!! really, I'm Wayne and Garth right now "I'm not worthy!" haha
Thank you guys for an awesome contest and such great reviews of all the songs! Such a rad community!!

Mate! Loved your work!
Thanks for giving me such a prop up in your comment. Considering that there's only 0.1 difference between our points proves that your talent stands extremely strongly in it's own right.
Looking forward to hearing more from you!

Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

You definitely deserved more than a .1 difference for performing yours live in one take! Mad skills man!!

Ayyyyyy love your positivity and your comment o myyyyy.

So happy that you joined this round and helped get @allbums to join as well. Excited to hear more from you both :)

And appreciate the community so much. So much incredible talent in the community it's so inspirational.

You're very welcome; much love and respect.

I'm really thinking that we are bringing some good luck to each other mate. 2 challenges and we are sharing cool spots in each one let's combine our forces and power up for the coming challenges? Maybe we do a collab on upcoming weeks ? Gonna be epic! :) Thank you for convincing me though I wouldn't join if it weren't you. :)

I'm all in!!! Would love that!

Wohoo! Congrats to all winners! This feel's quite different for me, first I've talked with @junkfeathers convinced me to participate and then I've written a review about @nathankaye and all the interactions I've made this week awarded by the judge its a quite cool surprise for me :) Thank you @smacommunity and all three judges @chiefmappster @beatseb and @derekmiller :) Looking forward to the next challenge! :)

Congratulations bro!
We're both in the top 3 here on the SML Challenge!
How crazy cool is this!!!??
I really loved your tune!
By the way, was it actually banjo or cümbüs?
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

Its beautifully cool :) feeling regenerated! It's banjo, cümbüş's voice is deep and thicker than banjo and its hard to play in scruggs style for me on it since it has two strings on each note :)

Ayyyy gotta love the Universe :)))

Appreciate you being apart of the community and challenges. You're very welcome; looking forward to hearing your musical creations.


I’m so freakin’ grateful that light is shining outta my butt!!

This was such a wonderful surprise and it came at just the right time because I was having a hard day trying to resolve some intense conflicts that has been happening between loved ones.
Nothing like having one of mm songs acknowledged and given love in this way to pick me up!

Now, aside from this, it is a deep honour to be included in this esteemed list of distinguished musical talent.

@junkfeathers did a smashing job and @allbums inspired us by showing us how he funded the recording their Turkish tune from busking! Way cool!

@chiefmappster is always sharing such big-hearted vibes whilst teaming up with @beatseb & @derekmiller to raise the awareness of music talent on the Steemit platform!

To all the other awesome entrants, I take my hat off to you. You are all so supportive of each other and of my work also whilst producing great music for our ears. I'm deeply honoured and humbled.

Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

Ayyyyyyyy gotta love how the Universe works. Sending you positive vibes; you help so many with your music its incredible. So happy to be able to listen to your tunes.

Love how supportive and interactive the community is as well. Team work makes the dream work and we all are helping each other achieve our dreams.

Thank you for the acknowledgment and appreciate the love and your kind words for the community.

Much love and respect brotherman. What a pic by the way :)

Ain't that the truth, bruthaman!
Thanks for the positive vibes! Beaming them back 100 fold!
Bliss bless boom!

Congrats winners @nathankaye,@junkfeathers and @allbums and community favourite @d-vine! What a ride this round has been! Looking forward to the next round already!!!

Looking forward to the next round already!!!

Thanks so much mate!
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy

O heck yeahh much appreciation. I know you all have lne song laying around for the Popular Music theme.

Man, to get through two dozen entries then the task of trying to rank them! Huge effort on the part of the judges... Much appreciation to all the hard work you guys put in on this!

And to my cohorts, all of whom created some beautiful music from their hearts, it's a great experience to get to know all of you!

Of course, congratulations to the winners on the recognition they do deserve!

Rightttttttttt this one was an enjoyable effort o weeeee. Some time went into it o weee.

Appreciate the positivity and loved listening to your entry and reading your post.

... a labor of love ... but wait ... and crypto too!! Time well spent, that is! The best kind of labor of love -- that which is rewarded!

Congratulations @nathankaye,@junkfeathers and @allbums

and to other participants as well

Great work @smacommunity and @chiefmappster

Ayy appreciate you @fanen. Thanks for getting us dancing with your entry :)

Thanks for the love man

Congratulations again to the winners!! :)) - So many great entries...I really love this contest....makes me to listen to a lot of different music and to produce and learn to get better :) ..Cheers all!! - my wallet name is psionic9 @chiefmappster :))

Ay love hearing that. Makes me smile :)

Voiceshares sent your way o wee

I love this challenge my brother, i noticed you listed other challenges ... do you think you could help your dude out.
Check out this post my guy. One love and congrats to everyone!

Congrats to the winners and thanks for the mention! Looking forward to finding out the topic of the next round!

Much appreciation kind sir. Looking forward to your next creation.