Once upon a Snookvale. P.13.

in #snook4 years ago


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Jamie. "The page with the key. hmm" Jamie fanned the pages of the book and stopped at a picture of the key. "All the pages are blank except for this one."

Mr Actoo. "Take the key from the book."

Jamie. "I can't, it's just a picture."

Mr Actoo. "Pass the book to Snook. Only the fairy of the meadow can take the key from the book."

Jamie passed the book to Snook and Snook took a six inch key from the two inch book. "Okay, so where's the keyhole?" Snook asked.

Mr Actoo. "The fireplace, the heart of the house." Everyone looked to the fireplace wondering where the keyhole was. "Along the right side of the fireplace you will see a space in the brickwork between the bricks about half way down."

Snook found the gap in the brick work. Placed the key in and began to turn it. Nothing happened at first, then there was a cluck a click a rattle and another clunk click. No door opened or appeared. "Now what?" Snook said looking at Mr Actoo.

Mr Actoo. "Now we wait a moment."

No sooner had Mr Actoo said moment when the room began to turn.

Jack. "Is my head spinning or is the room turning."

Jamie. "I think it's the room Jack."

The room turned and were the bookcase once stood was a stairway down.

Mr Actoo. "Bring a candle. There's no light down here."

Snook got some candles from the kitchen. One for each of them and a couple to spare. Mr Actoo led the way down a spiral stairwell made of brick. Jamie carried Chichi and they all descended into the underground library.


Snook. "Wow! this place is big."

Jack. "Bigger than the upstairs."

Jamie. "So, bit in the dark here, but what are we looking for down here?"

Mr Actoo. "Meadow records is what I am after. There is a document there that states the meadow is the property of Aine and cannot be owned by any other for all of time."

Jack. "You tell me where it is and I will go get it."

Mr Actoo. "Ah, well I am not exactly sure where it is. We have never needed this document until now that is."

Jack noticed a door over to the left. Above the door it said Fairy Scribes. "Maybe we can ask the fairy in there?"

Mr Actoo. "Oh there's no one in there Jack. That's the scribe room. Every fairy has their story wrote in there." "Every time a fairy is born, a new book is made and a new pen to write the story."

Snook. "Can we look?"

Mr Actoo. "You can look, but you shouldn't read anything being wrote. That could be disastrous if you read your own story. That happened once. Tinkerbell, mischievous fairy if ever there was one. Good intentions, but always up to something."

"No one knows how she found the library or knew how to get in. She for in though and she began reading her story. A full book was wrote about Tinkerbell reading her story and all it said over and over was Tinkerbell Stared as the pen scribe her story to paper."

Snook. "Tinkerbell? You know Tinkerbell?"

Mr Actoo. "That I do. Tinkerbell was fairy of this very same meadow. It must have been oh what over five hundred years ago. There is more wrote about Tinkerbell than any other dozen fairy's put together. Twenty seven books in all and still writing another."

Snook slowly opened the door to the fairy scribe room. Rows and rows of quill's dipped themselves in ink and wrote on paper. "There must be hundreds of them."

Mr Actoo. "Thousands."

Jamie. "Well would'ye look at that. Dancing quills."


Jack. "Never thought about it before. So many fairy's. But if all these books are each a fairy, Except Tinkerbell of course, there's a lot of fairy's people never hear about." "Hey Snook, maybe one day there will be more books about you than Tinkerbell."

Snook. "Doubt that Jack. Tinkerbell is a legend, even in the fairy lands."

Mr Actoo. "Not all the books are of fairy's. Some are of magic and spells potions and alchemy, but those are kept under lock and key. Need permissions from up high to look at those."

Snook. "So where should we start looking?"

Mr Actoo. "Under D for documents. Or maybe L for land. Or maybe S for scroll. It might be M for meadow."

Snook. "So it basically could be anywhere."

Mr Actoo. "Oh no, It's definitely somewhere."

Jack. "Found D, I'll have a look through these. Anything specific I should watch for?"

Mr Actoo. "You will know when you find it. Just remember to put things back in the same place. We don't want to mess up the filing system."

Jamie began looking through L Snook through S and Mr Actoo through M. They decided each looking through a different section might be quicker than searching just randomly. If it was not found in those sections they would each take another letter.

After about two hours of looking through books scrolls and pieces of paper. Jamie asked. "Sure it's here."

Mr Actoo. "Oh it's definitely in here somewhere. Fairy Aine said it will be found in the meadow library."

Another hour passed by and still the document had not been found.

Jack. "My eyes could use a break."

Jamie. "Mine too and I could use a coffee if that's okay with you Snook."

Snook. "I'll go up and put the water on and put some snacks out. We could all use a break I think."

Returning to the kitchen. Jack suggested "Maybe watch out for Ropey too. He would be due about now."

Mr Actoo. "I don't think we will need to worry about visitors today."

Chichi. "Wuf Wuuf"

Jamie. "Isn't he suppose to come today for his eviction? Maybe I should go back down and keep looking just in case."

Snook suggested having the coffee outside, as they had been working by candlelight and the fresh air would do them good. Everyone agreed, a bit of sunlight would be better. Jack and Jamie each brought two chairs, Snook brought the coffee and cookies on on a tray, Mr Actoo and Chichi followed along.

As they sat down to coffee a rumble of voices echoed in from the road adjacent to the meadow.

Jack. "That'll be Ropey and his crew I bet."

Jack and Jamie both got up to take a look.

Jamie. "You should see this. This is crazy."

Jack. "Where did all these come from?"

Mr Actoo stayed in the chair with his bowl of coffee. Snook got up to have a look at what had Jack and Jamie's attention.

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Thank You my friend for this story that makes me smile and read as fast as I can each time.


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