MGTOW doesn't equal feminist.

in #social6 years ago

Some people try to say MGTOW is like feminists. That MGTOW are also a bunch of women haters like feminists hate men. However there a big difference between MGTOW and feminist.

  1. Without male supporters femmist can't do anything. Most law enforcers are men. They are the muscle behind all this mouth. Without enough non law enforcement men going a lot with feminist they can do nothing. If 10% of men refused to follow any law that harmed as men there is little the police could do.
  2. Mgtow doesn't want any government laws to help them be successful. Men just need government to be neutral if that's even possible.
  3. Mgtow is about freedom to live as one pleases minus the directly harming others. No special treatment. Feminists want rights but no responsibility.
  4. Enough men need to walk away for it to be over.IMG_0496.PNG